In college I got invited to hang with my Korean neighbors downstairs who were making brownies. One guy is stirring the butter, another is breaking up the weed to add to it. As this is going on, they’re packing bowls to pass around, everyone is getting stupid high, just me and like 8 Korean dudes.
Brownies go in the oven, bowls keep getting packed and passed around. Finally the brownies come out, and everybody there has an acute case of the munchies, so we are all like desperately reaching our hands into the warm brownies, stuffing our faces with them until we devour the whole pan. 40 minutes to an hour later everyone is laying on the floor, groaning, giggling, just a room full of deleted dudes. I don’t remember much else but that was an important lesson, don’t get high while making brownies without any other food around, cuz when you hit those brownies they’re gonna hit back 6 months ago
One of my best friends was also a neighbor of mine. I was on my porch smoking a morning cig and he yells over to me, “Hey, you want some hot chocolate?” I’m not the kind of person to turn down hot chocolate, so I say, “Sure.” He brings it over, and we both drink out hot coco and smoke cigs while the sun rises over Tampa Bay. This is some real bro shit, and one of my fondest memories. However, it took a turn when I noticed the flavor of the hot chocolate. It was earthy. I really liked it, though, it was such a unique flavor, and I thought that it may have been some high quality chocolate or something, so I asked him. He said, “No, it’s POT chocolate.”
Now, I smoked some weed back in high school. You know, that brown basement weed that had been harvested from the roaches of that one friend’s parent’s ashtray. That weed. This wasn’t that weed. This was high quality. This was potent. Still, I thought to myself, “I used to smoke weed all the time, this can’t be that bad.” I was wrong. That shit wiped me out. I was too stoned to move. I was fully ready to die in that chair. I watched the sun rise and set like the OG Time Machine film.
I hold no ill will towards my friend for the mix up. He legitimately thought I understood what he asked, and I know he would never do anything like that on purpose, but damn, that shit was wild. 6 months ago
Inb4 neighbor yelled “hot choco” after all and gaslit you into thinking he said pot 5 months ago
“like the OG Time Machine film” 😂 fkn been there man