- Comment on White House Faith Office 1 month ago:
I was wondering what happened to Rick…
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Waving at the audience with a very special Hitler wave…
- Comment on Should parents be allowed to euthanize their children if they have a diagnosis that just isn't worth dealing with? 2 months ago:
It’s OK to hold a grudge, but it feels much better to work through those feelings.
- Comment on My hearing is already fucked. Mwap 2 months ago:
Got any recommendations dark deep 90’s jungle…I’m always looking for that stuff
- Comment on If I strapped a weight to a tortoise, could I train it go relatively fast? 2 months ago:
Just a healthy diet of jerry and the boys will do…turtle will be trucking right along
- Comment on Racism nas gone too woke! 2 months ago:
Such intolerance of Neanderthals is truly concerning…
- Comment on Can't throw me off the scent 2 months ago:
That is a methpipe…a straight glass tube filled with steel wool would be a crack pipe… don’t want that awkward silence and judgement from addicts when you call it the wrong name!!!
- Comment on Time to make your decesion 2 months ago:
Shiloh won’t listen to you it clearly says Shiloh only listens to radiohead…
- Comment on I wanna ROCK 2 months ago:
There is a lot to it wavelength, size of reflecting object (if it’s smaller than the wavelength it can’t reflect anything back also applies to emitting photons), reflectance or the fraction of light reflected at the surface of the object (the energy it obsorbs vs energy it kicks back), phase shift, if the photon is traveling from one medium to another with a lower or higher refractive index (redirection of a wave as it passess from one medium to another) it will change the oscillations (kinda like a feedback loop, photons effect electrons in the medium and electrons effect photons right back) like looking at a pencil behind a glass of water distorts what you see. I probably missed some things but I gotta admit it always fascinates me to think about light and reflection.
- Comment on Do you want me to heat that up in the "Michael Wave"? 2 months ago:
Tried it with the dishes in my sink…they are still there am I doing it wrong?
- Comment on Yeah, am I right fellas 2 months ago:
I remember when I was first going through recovery, I went to a church that was recommended. The amount of teenage boys there for porn/sex addiction was crazy. Half of us were there for sticking needles in our arms. The other half liked to spank it, and as far as I’m concerned, perfectly, normal teenagers.
- Comment on My favorite 2 months ago:
That’s hilarious
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
I know when you can get petabytes, why stop at 100TB.
- Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 4 months ago:
I don’t think anyone is under the illusion that if/when violence breaks out, a few people will die.
- Comment on That’s wild. Which Wendy’s though? 4 months ago:
If they’re curious about 2 things at once, can we call it bi-curious?
- Comment on Mine was the fact that Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr were both born in 1929 😭 4 months ago:
Really that’s interesting
- Comment on Death Stranding gets surprise Xbox Series X release 4 months ago:
I don’t know I violently fell very often in that game…
- Comment on I thought it was an easy question ... 4 months ago:
And it begins…probably be 2 days until I get the song out of my head
- Comment on Nintendo Confirms Backwards Compatibility for Switch Successor! 4 months ago:
You and the 3 other wii u owners had a rough time… that generation and move to switch was super weird.
- Comment on Why is it difficult to get low-level remote jobs 4 months ago:
I’m a high skilled worker who is really good at slacking off with direct supervision…
- Comment on Bear 4 months ago:
We can only truly judge your work in 10-20,000 years.
- Comment on Nuclear Demonology 4 months ago:
Enrico motherfucking Fermi, motherfuckers.
- Comment on WILD 4 months ago:
Haken - sempiternal beings I had to look it up cause I was 100% with you on thinking TOOL.
- Comment on Not likely to be AI-generated or Deepfake 4 months ago:
I’ve seen the cave paintings deer and horses everywhere but when I look around nothing but rocks and trees.
- Comment on have you ever been given a warning or suspension for using profane language at work? 4 months ago:
You got the job, you piece of shit good for nothing…
- Comment on I can't figure out if this is a baby, or a cat 4 months ago:
Next you’ll tell me doesn’t have a car or license and lives with his mom…you deserve better!
- Comment on Emiy 4 months ago:
I appreciate you and the answer…it was driving me crazy
- Comment on Emiy 4 months ago:
What am I not putting together here?
- Comment on Can I not be an adorable junkie 5 months ago:
*** ***** * **** *** **, ****.
- Comment on I ain't going... 5 months ago:
There are baboons that are good with nail guns, 12 miles of underground tunnels, cameras with solar panales, raccoons trained to loosen lug nuts and cut brakelines, something about coyotes, pigeons with c4 strapped to them and our boy ain’t going back to jail.