Canonically? Yes! A giant bat demon named Barbatos that creates twisted versions of Batman (including batman) to torture Bruce Q Wayne
All jokers fault probably
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
There’s also Dr. Gotham, who was a evil sorcerer buried under Gotham for centuries whos evil also apparently poisoned a fair bit of the area.
There’s also anywhere between 1 to 3 (Possibly more) Lazarus pits under Gotham, and arguably the chemicals from them have been leeching into the water supply. What do the Lazarus pit chemicals do? Make you resilient to damage and also crazy. What do a significant amount of Bat villains have in common? Injuries/mutations that would kill a normal person, and being off kilter.
Then we have the Asylum which is possibly haunted and has held a portal to Hell at least at one point.
Lots of stuff going on in Gotham. 7 months ago
I am here to doubt the validity of Dr. Gotham’s degree and licensure. 7 months ago
Your excellent summary has me imagining the day to day work of the staff at the Association for Gotham Tourism.
That’s gotta be weird. 7 months ago
Condiment King put all kinds of stuff in the water 7 months ago
The problem is wealth inequality which the Waynes directly contribute to. 7 months ago
Good old redditor take that never read a comic book 7 months ago
He’s the biggest charitable donator in Gotham right? Directly runs all kinds of homeless shelters and shit? 7 months ago
Good old redditor take that doesn't explain anything in a snide way. 7 months ago
This is explicitly how things are explained in Harley Quinn. The irony of it is that it’s Joker who points all this out. 7 months ago
Gotham’s so-called ‘villains’ are actually just projections of Bruce’s madness onto the city’s activists, anarchists, and freedom fighters. They spend their days trying to fix the severe systemic issues caused by the excessive wealth and myopia of the self-righteous Wayne family, who have gobbled up nearly every other sizeable company in the city while funneling resources into personal skyscrapers, excavation, and bat-themed military equipment.
The Rogue’s Gallery, meanwhile, goes to extreme lengths to redistribute wealth, disrupt Waynecorp galas, rescue and deprogram Robin and Batgirl, and keep Bruce busy with insane shenanigans so that he can’t focus more of his attention on grinding Gotham’s poor into the dirt. The costumes and gimmicks are just Bruce’s mind refusing to see the truth of his own villainy and distorting the world to compensate.
The only ones who on occasion get through to him are his ex-girlfriend, a former Arkham therapist who spent enough time with the Rogues not to buy Bruce’s propaganda, and a completely innocent local botanist that he’s developed a strange obsession with literally just because she grows plants and he’s not sure how that works (his own plants all die in the batcave due to lack of light). 7 months ago
I’d watch this movie. 7 months ago
If Warner Bros is looking for a consultant, writer, or hell, director… Reach out! xD 7 months ago
There was a story arc where Alfred tried to gaslight Bruce into believing this… To protect him from the fact that Luthor caused the apocalypse… 7 months ago
Twist ending: a guy wakes up in his bed and realises it was all just a dream and superheroes/villains don’t exist in the real world! 7 months ago
Probably a Lazarus Pit or two 7 months ago
70% of Batman’s rogue’s gallery have doctorates.
Yeah, there’s something in the water. 7 months ago
I bet it’s whatever chemical that’s in those vats at Ace Chemicals that the upstanding citizens of Gotham kept falling into and come out as clowns.
Like, why would any company make a chemical which the only purpose seems to be to get psychiatrists to beat people up with baseball bats on roller skates? 7 months ago
Whatever is in the water probably seeped out of some Wayne Enterprises industrial plant. Batman is the biggest menace to Gotham City; not any of the victims that become villains. 7 months ago
Clock King (at least BTAS clock king, the one in the picture) can’t control time. He just plans things very precisely and likes clocks. He’s actually pretty cool in the one episode he’s in. 7 months ago
That, and he has an absolutely giant monster clock. 7 months ago
I heard that mf has like, 30 gdamn clocks 7 months ago
He did have access to a device in his second appearance that allowed him to control the flow of time, so he had the ability albeit in an indirect fashion. 6 months ago
I came to add this. 7 months ago
This, I have only seen him in the show and yeah I don’t remember him controlling time 7 months ago
He also shows up in JLU for the task force x ep 6 months ago
Great show, and a great use of this character.