For the record I support multi gender spaces but I am apparently in the minority of people who thinks bears are scary
Who specifically said “men are more dangerous than bears” and in what context was that said?
Submitted 10 months ago by to [deleted]
For the record I support multi gender spaces but I am apparently in the minority of people who thinks bears are scary
Who specifically said “men are more dangerous than bears” and in what context was that said?
There was one twitter post on Lemmy’s front page yesterday and that’s big enough of a sample size for me.
A very hyperbolic feminist journalist and, look, I get that most men are unaware of how anxious we can inadvertently make women feel but hyperbole doesn’t help foster a productive conversation.
Here’s one thread on it:
Did you read the article? It doesn’t seem hyperbolic. Just an explanation with humor.
This should be a very easy question! I want to say the man, I really do, but I can’t shake the idea that I would be safer with the bear. I am not sure if it is men or bears that are being most maligned in all of this, but there is no denying that is this a very revealing question.
At my university there are multi gender washrooms all over campus. They have been modified so that there is a wall around the unirals to obstruct view but otherwise same
I’m not against this in the slightest but the same blue-haired people are all over social media right now claiming they would rather be in the woods with a random bear than a random man
If you ever want to type “blue-haired people” and aren’t literally talking about people with blue hair please take a moment and realize you’re probably better off not typing anything at all.
Funny, visiting someone else’s university is where I saw that. It was a highly regarded liberal arts college in New England. Still, I’d call that super rare.
The bear thing seems a bit exaggerated. Not sure what hair color has to do with this
Humans irregardless of gender are more dangerous than bears because humans can use weapons and are much more intelligent. They also kill without provocation or reason.
Humans have a higher danger ceiling - I agree. We’re capable of extreme violence that non-humans can never accomplish… but the vast majority of humans are socially adept and won’t instigate needless violence. I think your argument is the absolute worst defense of this article… would you rather be in a cramped coffee shop with twenty humans or twenty bears? If you’d genuinely prefer the bears I simply don’t comprehend your world view.
I bet the answers would be different if the question was ‘black man’ instead of ‘man’ haha
I’m struggling to find a non-racist meaning to this.
True, but that’s a completely different message than what OP shared.
Troll OP is trollish, news at eleven. Bye, Felicia!
I’ll still help you out if you cross me in the woods, I forgive you
A bear can kill you, but they can’t buy guns, so they probably can’t kill more than one or two of you at a time.
What about my right to arm bears???
The National Bear Association?
If we are considering death by bear or death by gun, I think most people would probably choose death by gun. Ever seen what a bear does?
Generally leave you alone if you leave them alone?
I don’t know of any gun stores in the woods
Are you actually mentally ill?
A lone human in an isolated situation where you don’t expect them and can’t seek help is scarier than a lone bear in a situation where you can reasonably expect them and hopefully prepared with that in mind.
There’s a reason pepper spray is stronger than bear spray.
Um bear spray is way stronger than pepper spray that’s why they make you sign a waver saying you won’t use it on people (in canada at least)
No, it isn’t. Pepper spray is illegal in Canada. That’s why they make you sign a waiver when you buy bear spray, to acknowledge that you won’t use it illegally on people.
to be fair. wild animals are not all that dangerous in the modern age.
But the question says ‘in the woods’ implying actual wilderness
There is an average of 3 deaths by bears accross North America per year, meanwhile 300 people are estimated to be murdered on federal wilds and national parks. 10 months ago
because they arent related.
ie, if men are so terrible why do we have them teach children? the entire premise is insipid... child-like in its ignorance. 10 months ago
Exactly. The man vs bear question is meant to spark gender warfare rather than actually speak common sense 10 months ago
Your use of the phrase “gender warfare” is also meant to spark gender warfare. That article was extremely hyperbolic, your response is also hyperbolic (though less so).
Also, it certainly wasn’t intended to spark gender warfare… it was just an extremely poor expression of, what I imagine, is genuine concern.