It’s like a regular cyberpunk dystopia, but lame.
Implying cyberpunk dystopias are cool lol. There’s a reason it’s called dystopia and no utopia.
Submitted 11 months ago by to
It’s like a regular cyberpunk dystopia, but lame.
Implying cyberpunk dystopias are cool lol. There’s a reason it’s called dystopia and no utopia.
I guess every generation gets to have a punchline vehicle.
Cybertruck is the new Pinto?
I think it parallels nicely with the DeLorean before Back to the Future made the DeLorean look cool.
The rust in that thumbnail is fake. Right? It can’t be that bad on the actual Tesla. Can it?
It has to be. The truck is made from stainless steel, which can develop small amounts of rust-like corrosion, but absolutely nothing of this fashion.
Stupid clickbait
It is
You can’t wash it in direct sunlight. Or rust.
Cyberpunk adding this to the game as pictured would be gold.
Even better:
What a friggin disaster. Nay - shame.
"Let me create a hunk of shit and they will still buy it.
-Elon probably
The Cyberrussz$sys.drv_not_found 11 months ago
The fact that it can’t even fit a bicycle in the back was an eye-opener.
I can fit 2 bicycles in the back of my 2001 Ford Focus (3 if I have an allen key on hand).
And they stay dry when it rains. 11 months ago
Yep, your average hatchback is infinitely more practical than this thing, but for whatever reason Tesla (and most other EV makers) decided not to make one. There’s basically just the electric Golf and the Hyundai ionic 5 as options if you want that. 11 months ago
they could have had the EV market by the balls but instead they made the simpsonmobile 2.0 11 months ago
While that seems constrictung ….
It seems like a common shortcoming to many trucks, not a shortcoming of cybertruck. 11 months ago
Jesus. If I can’t fit a couch in the bed of my truck, then it’s fucking useless. An SUV is better at this point. 11 months ago
Yup. Honda Element owner - I’ve hauled dirt bikes, desks, lumber and mulch. Fits into a compact space. Shitwagons like this are ridiculous.
I wonder when someone’s going to go Nader and sue these (cybertrucks but also the entire spectrum of jacked up never-been-in-dirt macho-mobiles) - unsafe at any speed, ridiculously wasteful in fuel efficiency etc. 11 months ago
an EV honda element would be great 11 months ago
But can you run over zombies after the zombie apocalypse? 11 months ago
no because all the blood will require you spend 8 hours rebooting it and waste hours washing it in the shade. 11 months ago
Not if you can’t find a gas generator.