Not sure which party, but I’ve been getting the same notice in the mail every ~3 days with this message and my voting record listed all the way back to 2016 for the past two weeks. Honestly not sure if it’s an attempt to intimidate me to vote a certain way because it sure is going beyond “people will know if you voted” to kind of insinuating they’ll know who I vote for. Fail point is I don’t know acronyms for political groups so I’m not sure which one they’re trying to get me to vote for lol
Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago
Both parties are running these style ads in my area.
This is BY FAR the creepiest iteration I’ve seen. 3 months ago 3 months ago
Both parties are running these style ads in my area.
please post examples of the dems doing this, I’d like to see what kind of rhetoric they’re deploying.
Have seen NOTHING like this from the left in my corner of the country. 3 months ago
I’ve mostly seen YouTube ads so not sure how to share those here. I happened to get another postcard today though, with the exact same wording is the one I linked to elsewhere in this thread:
If you look at it says:
Paid for by the Democratic National Committee (202) 863-8000
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s 3 months ago
I got two from a local Dem organization. I got them right after I voted and the rhetoric seems to be along the lines of “don’t forget to turn in your ballot!” Nothing specific on the first. The second one was more specific and showed a table of the last four elections and whether or not a vote was cast. I’ll try to remember to post a pic later. 3 months ago
I wonder if it’s proximity to a swing state… safely blue state here, I could vote red 20 times and it wouldn’t even register. still going to vote blue.
thank you for the links above! 3 months ago
I didn’t vote for my local da because she ran unopposed (and she excused a cop for wrongdoing when he shot a kid in the back) 3 months ago
Don’t wanna doxx myself because the mailers are all region specific, but I can assure you they are coming from dems too. I’m a dem voter and I got one and googled it. I even looked at the org that’s behind it and the CEO was chief of staff for a dem and the employees donated to left wing candidates and the org comes up as highly rated on charity navigator. I called them to say that this seems like a right wing scare tactic so I was surprised to see it used on a left of center orgs mailers. Obviously there is nothing the rep could do, but hopefully if enough people call in they will change this. I’m still concerned that this left wing org is somehow secretly right wing because the mailer rubbed me the wrong way so much. 3 months ago
I finally caught another of the YouTube ads and it was paid for by
The message, again, was very generic with friendly animation and cheery music. The message was the same. “Your vote is private; whether you vote is public” with the addition of “make a plan to vote”. 3 months ago
Need to see it to see the tone. Saying “your vote is secret” can be taken a good way. 3 months ago
This is the first clearly partisan one I’ve seen.
Mostly I’ve seen them as videos that plainly state. “Who you vote for is secret. Whether you vote is public record”. I did get one handwritten postcard saying the same.
I found them mostly “interesting” as a concept, but others have felt they’re threatening:
The first one I saw I looked up the “Paid for by…” entity and it was a Kamala PAC so I just kinda assumed they all were before seeing this. 3 months ago
People are crazy. Feeling threatened by telling someone “hey, you didn’t vote last time. Please make your voice heard by voting” is wearing your persecution complex on your sleeve.
Fragile fucks. 3 months ago
Its none of there business to tell someone to vote. I strongly think we need solid privacy protections for voters. Keeping it private and independent will help with our democracy in general.
It is a little over the top bringing its a threat but I see where they are coming from. I imagine any parent would be a little annoyed to have they child get stalked by a political party. 3 months ago
Yeah I don’t think that’s a threat. The Trump one was hinting at it (because plausible deniability is how they work). 3 months ago
The point is that both sides have lost there minds. Trying to pretend that the Democrats are somehow less worse is silly. Call them out for what it is. That’s the only way you will see change. 3 months ago
I can’t wait for when everyone’s data gets leaked. Both sides collect huge amounts of data and do highly targeted campaigns. 3 months ago
remember when the GOP trove got leaked in 2016? I downloaded that shit just to see what they had on me. They were wrong about a lot. 3 months ago
Yeah but (IME) the Democrat version is essentially: No one will know if you vote Kamala, even your likely abusive maga spouse.
The R version is apparently: Those of you who didn’t vote will be up against the wall if Kamala gets in because it will be your fault. Busybody neighbors are important to ensure Trump gets in again, we’re watching you. 3 months ago
I commented elsewhere in this thread, but I’m sad to report that the dem ones are not good either. They’re probably not as bad as the Trump ones, but the message is still gross and I received one from a dem org that had me looking up the owners and donors because it looked like a right wing scare tactic to me.
Just because information is public doesn’t mean using it is a good strategy. I think this was a bad choice for dems. 3 months ago
You’re getting very different sorts of Democrat mailers than I am then 3 months ago
That might be the case, but I edited my above comment with some links and will just add them here: Edit because apparently people don’t believe me. Googling “DNC mailers voter information” and I was able to pull up plenty of articles, though I do not have the letter I personally received. Please note that I know they are not from the DNC, I was just looking for generic words that google would associate with dems.…/why-you-keep-getting-thos……/maryland-ag-nonprofit-sending-……/voter-report-card-mailings-describe…
The second article (mentioning that they received a cease and desist for what the state deemed intimidation) says “The groups described themselves as nonpartisan, though their founder, Page Gardner, and CEO, Tom Lopach, are both former Democratic strategists.” 3 months ago
I’ve been seeing gross stuff all around about voting records. For context that matters, I live in NC. It’s fucking non-stop from all sides. I’m trying to find the ad I saw with a relative while over at his place that played on Tubi that he was watching. I just heard it in the background while I was cooking and was flabbergasted. This ad was very clearly anti-Trump but then commented on your vote is registered and can be seen (completely false) with a threatening overtone. It went by so fast, both of us asked wtf just came on and I assured him his vote is private but they can check “IF” you voted (he’s an independent and primed to believe the worse of all scenarios thanks to social media and news, but is mindful when he thinks for himself).
I doubt it was anything like the actual DNC making the ad, was more than likely a superpac. Trying to find an obscure ad that plays on streaming in a localized area isn’t as easy as it used to be. Doesn’t help that youtube and ddg just gives me a bunch of useless shit that aren’t even ads or commercials (who’da thunk it would be hard to SEARCH for a commercial to watch). Regardless, every single ad used in this context needs fined into oblivion and the people involved need jail time so others don’t continue it on for every election to come.
Also, the downvotes for you are undeserved. There’s some fucking sycophant political worshipers that either got shipped into here or have drank the kool-aid this election cycle. They literally cannot hear anything negative without becoming triggered. It’s really setting up the next administration to not have to do anything but wait another 3 years and proclaim democracy is in trouble again. 3 months ago
What did it actually say? 3 months ago
I edited my above comment with some links and will just add them here: Edit because apparently people don’t believe me. Googling “DNC mailers voter information” and I was able to pull up plenty of articles, though I do not have the letter I personally received. Please note that I know they are not from the DNC, I was just looking for generic words that google would associate with dems.…/why-you-keep-getting-thos……/maryland-ag-nonprofit-sending-……/voter-report-card-mailings-describe…
The second article (mentioning that they received a cease and desist for what the state deemed intimidation) says “The groups described themselves as nonpartisan, though their founder, Page Gardner, and CEO, Tom Lopach, are both former Democratic strategists.”
Since you seem to want specifics, there are pics in the articles, but “The mailers also contain a statement that the center “will be reviewing these records after the election to determine whether or not you joined your neighbors in voting.””