- Comment on ‘Adolescence’ Sets Netflix Record With 66.3 Million Views, Best Ever Two-Week Total for a Limited Series 3 days ago:
Totally agree. They made it sound like it was bringing an important topic into the national conversation and that’s the only reason I watched it. I’m very familiar with incel culture and I wanted to know how it dealt with those issues, and honestly, it didn’t. It was barely about the main character, much less a character study of a radicalized young boy. 2/4 episodes don’t even include him. I don’t know why people would watch it, honestly.
- Comment on Democratic Senators Team Up With MAGA To Hand Trump A Censorship Machine 6 days ago:
It’s somehow worse than the title suggests. People should read the article. I am getting sick of saying that, but each awful thing being done recently has so many implications that just can’t fit in a title.
- Comment on frenly warnin 1 week ago:
So you just responded for fun? You thought they were 100% accurate and you posted screenshots just to agree with them?
I did not assume everyone notices or remembers everything and even if I did how would that even relate to arrogance? I said it’s ok to be mistaken. You seem to be unable to process that. Really, good luck, because it seems like you’re going to continue to have a rough go of it.
- Comment on You're* 1 week ago:
Not that you asked for advice, but if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I’d try role playing a scenario before ever actually doing it. Like she pretends she doesn’t want to, even though she does, and she gets to experience you saying bossy/dismissive things while she’s actively consenting. Consensual non-consent is a real thing, but people on both ends need to have a pretty good grasp of the situation. Plenty of people realize they’re not actually into a kink they thought they had once it becomes even just pretend real. The role playing phase (or ramp up phase depending on the kink) is sometimes helpful to people new to kink. Although it’s not the same as engaging in the kink, I’d recommend it as a first step almost universally.
The fact she was anti safe word is obviously a red flag, and I wouldn’t do anything with someone uninterested in safe words.
- Comment on frenly warnin 1 week ago:
But that’s not what it looks like to you. It’s what you remembered it looking like. If it looked like that to you, you’d have a completely different experience of discord than anyone else. I didn’t downvote or anything, but you basically said “you’re wrong”, but they were correct.
Your comment could potentially have mislead others. People downvoted so it was less likely to be seen. When you noticed the downvotes, you acted like you were getting downvoted for admitting to an oversight. Even now you’re acting like you were just trying to “learn something” and pretending like you were never actually suggesting they were incorrect. It’s ok to just say you were mistaken. You weren’t downvoted for saying you were mistaken, you were downvoted for being wrong and potentially downvoted more for then complaining about downvotes.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Walt Disney was a capitalist charging admission to a controlled capitalist environment. This is public land that we all collectively own and should care for. Trash bins add to overhead and are bad for surrounding wildlife. We can all just do our part. We owe Disney nothing. We owe the land and our society everything. Big difference.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Dont know what you mean by performative capitalism, but carry in carry out is pretty standard fare environmentalism. Though these people are not carrying in, they are making the decision to buy onsite and should then accept carry out responsibilities.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Different experiences then, because most people I’ve spoken to about it there and back home have talked about how clean it was despite that and commended the society for being so responsible with their waste.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Lots of corner stores and vending machines in Japan that sell basically full meals and no trash can in sight.
I don’t think people realize that custodial staff are different than general park staff. If they have bins then they need to deal with that whole process and have at least one dedicated employee. I’d rather have to carry my trash and let the park use that money elsewhere.
For what it’s worth, I do agree it’s probably “gentrification” in the sense that the concept of carry in/carry out is more prevalent in middle class communities, mostly because they are more likely to engage in hobbies where or go to places where it’s a more prevalent part of the culture. I’m not sure non-middle class people have the same experiences/lifestyle that lead to thinking this makes sense to do.
- Comment on Facial Recognition Company Clearview Attempted to Buy Social Security Numbers and Mugshots for its Database 1 week ago:
How did ICI get this data? It says it has access to thousands of databases, but are those government databases? How do they have the legal authority to sell that data?
- Comment on Waking up an hour before you intend to 2 weeks ago:
Meant more Cunninghams law/XY problem than TCP, but thank you for the laugh.
- Comment on Waking up an hour before you intend to 2 weeks ago:
I don’t have an answer for you, but per internet protocol will still respond.
Have you tried on of the apps that wakes you up depending on where you are in your sleep cycle? It really has been a game changer.
Other than that, I just used snooze like the other comments mentioned, but if you know you’re gonna turn off the alarm instead of snoozing, I get wanting multiple alarms.
- Comment on Gadget Boom Fizzles Amid AI Hoopla: ‘It’s a Bloodbath Out There’ 2 weeks ago:
Yea, I agree 100%. My comment was definitely ambiguous, but I’m not expecting my old phone to get updated with AI tools (though it actually was), more just that I don’t want an AI specific gadget and I don’t think anyone but an enthusiast would. Definitely see these as the new VR, as you mentioned. It seems the article was lamenting product development as though it in itself is an end goal. UX and efficiency should be the end goal. Not just making things for the sake of saying you made something. I obviously support people expressing themselves and experimenting, but the framing in the article is so strange and reads like they’re lamenting the fact that capitalism has reached its latter stages more than anything else.
- Comment on Gadget Boom Fizzles Amid AI Hoopla: ‘It’s a Bloodbath Out There’ 2 weeks ago:
I’m not one to disagree with blaming capitalism lol. I was watching something recently about how millennials grew up with techno optimism, and I feel like we’re seeing the results of that. Millennials wanting tech to solve everything and grew up being into gadgets as a concept rather than a product, and the new generation so subsumed by tech that it really ceases to be tech. Like the way indoor plumbing or even electricity isn’t really seen as tech anymore, even though it really revolutionized our lifestyles. I think there’s some warranted backlash to tech (cottagecore/trad living) and the way it has atomized everyone, and I’m not sure people are as excited about it anymore. Price is definitely an issue, but I really think that tech is failing to fulfill us, and people are seeing that on some level (all this is also somewhat attributable to capitalism).
- Comment on why is EVERYTHINGGGGG behind a paywall? 2 weeks ago:
Would recommend Foxit over onlyoffice for pdfs since onlyoffice has Russian ties. If you wanna go full FOSS, you probably care about data sovereignty. Libreoffice is pretty good for other office application needs.
- Comment on Gadget Boom Fizzles Amid AI Hoopla: ‘It’s a Bloodbath Out There’ 2 weeks ago:
This article feels like peak consumerism. Lamenting the lack of a new thing, just for lack of it. AI is being integrated into already owned and available technology, and we have seen things like the AI pin, but people have just not had a need. Maybe this comment will age like milk, like people who said the internet was a fad, but people aren’t looking for more things, they’re looking for more functionality out of things they already have. That should be perceived as a positive.
- Comment on Christie's First-Ever AI Art Auction Earns $728,000, Plus Controversy 2 weeks ago:
Unfortunately, I can’t speak intelligently as to specifically what should be done with IP, but broad strokes I agree that output should be public domain and public facing models should be open. I do feel as though there should be a way to compensate people for inputs used for internal commercial purposes.
If there’s training needed for something and it has separate books/video, a company should not be able to throw that into an AI, and generate a new book/video for their internal use. Either they need to make that resource available publicly, or purchase a specific license for internal use of the original material for AI. I don’t know why I think that, mostly just vibes based because if they hired a person/company to do the same I’d be fine with it, so maybe I just have some cognitive dissonance going on, but it feels different. The way that there are commercial and personal licenses, I think having an AI license might make sense. But again, I’m way out of my depth and field of knowledge here, so I could be way off.
- Comment on Christie's First-Ever AI Art Auction Earns $728,000, Plus Controversy 2 weeks ago:
Correct, but they were stating that people should not support artists backing IP laws, and my lay understanding is that the only thing keeping it that way is IP laws. If we got rid of IP laws, I’m not sure individual artists would win. Large corporations would be able to produce at scale, and you’d get the same issue as with redbubble or whatever, but with legit companies instead of shady ones.
- Comment on Is someone falling for this crap? 2 weeks ago:
Can I ask why you bothered to check it out? Doesn’t that just encourage this behavior? If no one clicked the links people wouldn’t do this.
- Comment on Christie's First-Ever AI Art Auction Earns $728,000, Plus Controversy 2 weeks ago:
I’m not anti-ai art, but I think that if IP laws exists, artist should be able to use them. Either AI art is considered public domain, or it should be certified as having been trained only on public/properly compensated work. I do think current IP laws are so out of date they’re basically irrelevant, but artists should be able to enforce these archaic laws if they are subject to them.
Mind you, people will probably still pay 700k for the “original print” or whatever certified/signed by the person who generated it, but at least the work itself should be public.
- Comment on Influencers people are finding their way to the Fediverse 2 weeks ago:
I didn’t mention it in my original comment, but I did actually do a search, and the only thing I found was him talking about how bluesky is better because it doesn’t do suppression of external links. Bluesky itself does not load with my current settings so I can’t scroll through his posts, but his recent YouTube videos seem pretty normal/benign from just the titles. Seems weird to unnecessarily attack Hank Green, but I am gonna guess that’s what they’re doing because I cannot find example or article him being problematic.
- Comment on Influencers people are finding their way to the Fediverse 2 weeks ago:
I’m familiar with Hank Green, but I don’t actually follow him or have a bluesky account. Can you provide a link to an example or an explanation of what you mean?
- Comment on Voice actors speak out on AI in video games 3 weeks ago:
I think you just identified the actual problem, while shying away from identifying it as such. People shouldn’t take issue with ai, they should have issues with capitalism.
IMHO, the point of creative work can be debated, and you’re more than welcome to only be interested in non-ai work, but obviously that differs person to person. Some people might think that creative work is there to be enjoyed and if it brings joy then it’s valid. Plenty of people can enjoy AI work, even if you’re not one of them.
If what you’re fighting for is jobs for creatives, then I think it’s a bad argument. Nobody should be fighting for more things for capitalism to demand from anyone. Creatives should do their work separate and apart from the threat of capitalism, like everyone else. Anti-AI rhetoric serves to make people look like luddites while distracting from the actual problem - capitalism.
- Comment on Eerily realistic AI voice demo sparks amazement and discomfort online 3 weeks ago:
It feels reminiscent of the way narrators used to do books on tape. Modern ones are better imho, but all the pausing and intonation definitely seems “professional” more than conversational. Still extremely good.
- Comment on This fucking bot is still out there messaging 3 weeks ago:
I think the issue is the “random” part of it. If I had a back and forth with someone on a gaming or LGBT or political organizing community, and the exchange was pleasant and they wanted to chat more, I wouldn’t be opposed, but if I’ve never interacted with someone and they are essentially spamming any and everyone the same copypasta, yea that’s not someone I want to interact with. Shout out to lemmings that help with Linux too.
- Comment on went to the local food bank today 4 weeks ago:
That suck to hear. I know that it can be pretty demoralizing in the first place, but to then have that added on. Devastating. What you do is really important, so thank you. Your community really benefits from it regardless of how full the boxes are. Hope things get better for everyone.
- Comment on went to the local food bank today 4 weeks ago:
Agreed. Good luck. Hope things improve for you (and everyone else lol) soon.
- Comment on went to the local food bank today 4 weeks ago:
I had literally typed up basically this exact comment, then deleted it because I figured they were just venting and it wouldn’t be helpful, and then I came back because I wanted to make sure people understood that food banks aren’t generally run by the government. They’re nonprofits, but there is no minimum amount they are allocated. Since they mostly run off donations, and the economy is so terrible for everyone, it makes sense that they are hurting too. I’m sorry to hear they didn’t have more, but often the things they do have are the little others can spare or staples that make sense to purchase with the little money they get. I’m glad you commented though because I’m not sure I would have made a top level comment about this, but imho it’s worth mentioning. The people at the food banks really are trying their best to help.
- Comment on EA re-release The Sims 1 and The Sims 2 on PC as DLC-stuffed Legacy editions 1 month ago:
The rerelease was the absolute bare minimum. Not a remaster or any updates of offensive text etc. it required the bare minimum effort on their part and they are gonna be raking in money that they could have put towards keeping people employed and making a new game, but they’ll just pocket it and continue to coast off of nostalgia and name recognition. I don’t know the specifics of the layoffs, so maybe they were truly necessary, but generally there’s backlash to layoffs, and knowing that they are obviously not going to be hurting economically probably doesn’t ease the backlash. I have no real opinion on it, other than corpos bad, just providing context.
- Comment on Opinions on Content Creator Packs? 1 month ago:
Look at your nuanced take. I forgot those existed recently lol. I definitely agree that taking it company by company or DLC by DLC makes the most sense. I think I’m partially feeling a little burned by the fact these DLCs seem to have had more care and consideration put into them than some of the official stuff which is just often sooo buggy. Modders have come in and made some unplayable games absolutely magical, and I just worry they are being taken advantage of and us as consumers just don’t know, but it might just be me so used to negative gaming news it’s hard to take things positively anymore lol. I think the warframe model you described seems pretty good seeing as it was cosmetics and there was community involvement, so glad to see it’s been done well in other places too. Thank you for your response!