- Comment on Game Informer Is Back and the Entire Team Has Returned 2 days ago:
So you like ads, just not GameStop ads? I mean, GI had a lot of info about games, too. Beyond Nintendo and PS, you could actually learn about PC games.
- Comment on Game Informer Is Back and the Entire Team Has Returned 2 days ago:
You don’t want a magazine that’s adverts but you like Nintendo Power and PSM…
- Comment on The specter of a GTA 6 delay haunts the games industry: 'Some companies are going to tank' if they guess wrong, says analyst 4 days ago:
It’s just so meh. Another city, you’re a criminal doing crime. There are just games with much better stories or mechanics at this point. I don’t get the hype around it.
- Comment on The specter of a GTA 6 delay haunts the games industry: 'Some companies are going to tank' if they guess wrong, says analyst 4 days ago:
Because I don’t want to play full price for a 1080 upscaled experience at 30fps. If it’s a good experience then it will be worth the wait and that much better when it runs smoother, looks better, and loads faster. Plus it will have most of the bugs worked by then.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
Well if none of them can have an adult conversation that happens. I’ve “debated” with them on here and it devolved into Twitter. Insults, grand claims with no evidence. Yes, we’ve created an echo chamber where you have to actually prove what you say, and they couldn’t survive. I’m ok with that.
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 4 weeks ago:
Our universe? We gotta share?
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
Stop letting them cause damage? We’re “letting” them do that? Sorry, we don’t have any control of them causing damage. Making sure they double down instead of seeing an opportunity to change only makes sure they cause more damage. Insulting them doesn’t make them want to stop.
You seemed to miss the last part of that sentence, which is a very important part of it, the “in this quest for rehabilitation”. Let me give you an example and maybe that will be easier to understand. If you let a person stay at your house because they have no where to live and then steal stuff, that’s not ok. Now you bring them to therapy and explain why it was wrong and they promise to stop. Then you let them stay at your house and they still again. So you talk to them again and tell them they need to stop. They continue to steal. Now, at some point, you trying to reform this person is just an invitation to having your stuff stolen because it’s not getting through. You’re not “letting” them steal, but you are enabling them to do it when you know they most likely will. This is my stance on these people. MAGA supporters have “stolen” from us too many times for me to open my door and let them back in my house.
Ironically, this is a response with a total lack of empathy. No, they largely do have empathy. They’re just told that the path that does the most good is the wrong one. They want to protect women, and they’re told that trans women are a threat to them. Sure, it’s lies, but they’re lies that abuse empathy. If they lacked empathy then the messaging wouldn’t target empathy.
How am I not showing empathy? But moving past that, they don’t largely have empathy… Or do you think deporting people, banning books, telling people they aren’t the gender they claim to be, limiting health care, passing voter suppression, taxing the lower and middle class to fund tax breaks for the rich, you think all that shows empathy? People either know what they’re voting for and have no empathy or they are idiots who enabled horrible things. Either way they are not great people.
No, we haven’t. Our political class has specifically sought to divide. Sure, they try to get republican support when they need to, though they don’t do it through going left. They do it through maintaining the status quo.
I’m getting to the point where this has to be a troll. One side was literally making up insulting nick names for people, banning the press from even covering them, people running as dems them voting republican. Hell there are sitting members of or govt who think Jewish Space Lasers are real and that federal workers don’t deserve a paycheck or a job, they said that out right. The left isn’t doing all that. The left tried to use laws and order to bring Trump in order. Look at what he is doing right now, firing people en mass, putting media people in charge of the FBI and FDA. They aren’t talking to anyone about anything, they are forcing what they want, even if it breaks the law. Trying to act like one side is pure lawless while the other side is trying to use the law is silly.
Regardless, it doesn’t matter what “we’ve tried” before. Its about practicality. What does telling them they are bad and can’t move past that do? It only ensures they’ll never be useful. That’s not the way forward.
Dude, wake up. People are losing their jobs because of Trump and they still think it’s for the good of America. These are cult members. They are not interested in compromise or discussion, literally look what is going on in the govt right now and people still support it. Trying to appeal to them is like trying to appeal to Hitler in WW2, it doesn’t work. You’re the group in WW2 that thought Hitler could be reasoned with and kept trying to appease him. It doesn’t always work, this is one of those times.
We need to push leftist policy, which they largely do agree with
Out of touch doesn’t even begin to come close to addressing this… Holy crap man. Do you follow politics at all?
invite them to join us
Ahh yes, invite them to sabotage any plans we have. Great idea. Super naive, but great idea.
If we don’t then we are stuck where we are, which personally I don’t really care for.
No, we need to let them know that what they want and are pushing isn’t acceptable. This idea of you have of “just push leftist policies” ignores the how. There’s a reason why people call themselves “Forever Trumpers”, they will follow him to the end. This is not a group of people that can be reasoned with. Look at some of the street interviews of these people, they don’t care about policy, they care about their side winning, fully stop. That and marginalizing people. Those are the only policies the right has advertised and pushed, and the voters love them for it. That’s not a group looking to change their mind, that’s a group that needs to be cast out and shamed.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
At what point do you stop letting the person cause damage in this quest for rehabilitation? If someone knowingly hurts groups of people and is proud of it what is your path there? To rehabilitate someone like that they need empathy, the one thing Republicans lack en mass. That’s the only reason they are upset now, because it finally impacts them. If a person is proud of hurting people and lacks any empathy I don’t see a path to rehabilitation for them. And trying to do so just gives them more slack to cause more harm. We’ve tried talking and reasoning for years, look where we are.
- Comment on I just think skibidibi sounds neat. 4 weeks ago:
My highschool self saying “no dice” sarcastically needed to know this.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Or passenger train. One that can go long distances, isn’t limited by your physical ability, and can remain climate controlled so my ice cream doesn’t melt on a 20 minute bike ride in the summer.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Bike in sub zero weather with snow and ice everywhere, that’s far from nice for me.
- Comment on Anon goes to the casino 5 weeks ago:
Too bad money goes directly to the publisher to decide who gets what.
- Comment on Layoffs every 2 years 5 weeks ago:
I’m the CTO of my company and was forced to downsize from 48 devs to 3… It was really hard. Telling everyone myself was even harder. Everyone was nice about it, understood it wasn’t my choice, but you’re impacting lives. To talk to someone having a normal day and then suddenly they’re reeling and trying to think of how they’ll survive.
I honestly think if our board has to be the ones to tell them it wouldn’t even register for them. It would be like ordering food. The people at that level only see money.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 5 weeks ago:
You’re wrong.
What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 5 weeks ago:
I think a full can of water would hurt more
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 5 weeks ago:
Ahhh this line of logic. Yes, people can forego luxury items and save money while being healthier. You could never eat red meat, or drink soda, or have ice cream, sure, that would be much healthier and cheaper.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 5 weeks ago:
My guess would be around your note. If someone mistakenly has two SSNs (due to fraud, error, or name changes), combining DOB helps detect inconsistencies.
Some other possibilities, and I’m just throwing out ideas at this point:
- Adding DOB could help with manual lookups and verification.
- Using SSN + DOB ensures a standard key format across agencies, making it easier to link records.
- Prevents accidental duplication if an SSN is mistyped.
- Maybe the databases were optimized for fixed-length fields, and combining SSN + DOB fit within memory constraints.
- It was easier to locate records with a “human-readable” key. Where as something like a UUID is harder for humans to read or sift through.
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 1 month ago:
Ya, I think calling them all Nazis isn’t accurate or right. But you can absolutely call them Nazi supporters.
- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 1 month ago:
How can you tell the difference between what should be interpreted as literal vs a metaphor?
- Comment on Can we stop asking people who are on the brink of death and suffering greatly to sacrifice themselves for a bunch of able bodied people who refuse to stand up and sacrifice themselves for us? 1 month ago:
Those is the exact thing the OP is talking about. Telling people they need to go out and fight, putting their lives on the live when you don’t know their situation.
Self defense is not an ablest concept, it’s a natural response to being threatened, and it’s not limited to getting and using weapons.
- Comment on Should have seen it coming 1 month ago:
It wasn’t just the first few lines, it was the direct answer to the question though, that was my sticking point.
I get how racism can be deep under the surface, like a sort of “shadow racism” but I think assuming there’s racism at play can be damaging as well. I get where you’re coming from, I guess I just don’t agree with the arrived at point.
- Comment on Should have seen it coming 1 month ago:
You said
What’s racist about it?
It’s because people the meme states that DeepSeek didn’t accomplish anything novel. That the real innovation was done in America with ChatGPT.
You literally said claimed that as what was racist about it…
- Comment on Should have seen it coming 1 month ago:
Saying company A copied company B isn’t racist. Those clsims are made all the time. This is really digging to make it racist.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
First we had the victim complex, now we introduce the pre-victim complex, now with more self pity!
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
- makes an inflammatory comment
- someone responds to it
- you say you don’t want to argue about the topic you initiated
- continue to engage with that person
What you say and what you want, do, and say don’t see to line up. You’d do great in politics.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
Yet here you are…
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 1 month ago:
Now work in EBITDA and realize that not even net profit is really net profit. Understanding EBITDA really was a big lightbulb for me.
- Comment on is Chat-GPT refusing this image? 2 months ago:
We would need to see the input too. You can coach an AI response easily.