- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
You do yourself and any potential ally a disservice when you spout negative bullshit like this. And it is bullshit because what you’re saying is nonsensical and fucking being upvoted (come on lemmy, we’re better than this).
What do pro-Palestinian student protesters at US universities want?
They are demanding that their schools, many with massive endowments, financially divest from Israel.
What is the effective message of protesting at a university over Trump? People have been organizing protests, but what part are you demanding the students actually protest? Just… protest Trump in general? at the University? Protesting till he’s taken out of office or some action is performed?
I honestly want to see the rest of the government make a choice of bowing or standing up to the would-be king before we call to send in the children. Let us know where everyone in the system stands because once Uni kids get involved with mass protesting… it’s gonna get dicey real fast.
I really hope the unwarranted attacks that everyone is spewing at each other is statistically on the decline, it really needs to be shot down the instant it’s seen so we don’t have actual trolls and bots getting footholds.
- Comment on Jamie Dimon popped off at the 1,200+ JPMorgan employees fighting against full-time RTO: 'I don’t care how many people sign that petition' 1 month ago:
Why? I’ve had many choices that would’ve taken me down the “American Business person path of financial success!” There’s still options and temptations yearly to go down that would comfortably make me not worry about financial stress, but eventually someone always gets screwed over.
Just asking as someone who pushed that all away and I don’t seem to regret it, what keeps you going everyday to show up and work for them? My friends I know have to if they’re going to maintain their lifestyle, kinda a perpetual cycle and they know nothing else so it’s way too scary of a jump.
- Comment on Hogwarts Legacy - a weird (90 hour) review *no spoilers 1 month ago:
I strangely find enjoyment out of 100% something and I’m not currently the main player (mostly help my partner out in the difficult spots, collect items for upgrades and restock equipment). If it was just me I probably would’ve lost interest a while ago.
You’re absolutely right about the assets. The variety was baffling, we wondered if they were able to import a large library or if considerable time was taken modeling all of it. Would explain a lot for the development, and our hopes is that everything can just be carried over to the next installment so other areas of the game can be concentrated on.
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 10 comments
- Comment on JeSUS 2 months ago:
I second the boob analysis (ass myself). The whole having his feet washed and with their hair means he was probably looking down the shirt. An ass man would have them washing their own feet. Of course, it could be neither and just a foot fetish thing instead.
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 2 months ago:
It took me way too long to figure out what was going on with those settings. One of my relatives tv’s was like this back in the day and at first I thought it was just their “HD” setup which made me completely write off getting anything HD because of the fake look like a soap opera. It wasn’t till I was gifted a blue-ray player that I realized their tv just had horrible “enchancement” shit.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
that’s easily dissuaded by no re-posts or reddits algorithm burying those. The problem was more likely because they were popular and highly engaged so they had to step in. Fucking “spez” is in there and you still feel the need to play devil’s advocate?
- Comment on A love story 2 months ago:
I don’t think it’s even that, if you’re just passionate and serious about a movement it will slowly improve your charisma if you’re even 10% intelligent about it. Actually getting involved and going to meetings etc will 100% increase your chances of finding a partner. Now if you want one of those undercover bunker-buddies, you’re gonna need to start doing some heavy planning but probably not actually do anything illegal.
- Comment on Anon hates Apple 2 months ago:
Holy shit TIL, I had no clue this dude died because he was basically an anti-vaxxer/alternative medicine guy.
Jobs also believed that his commitment to vegan diets meant his body was flushed of mucus – and that it meant he was free from body odor, so he didn’t need to wear deodorant or shower regularly. Unsurprisingly, the book quotes former coworkers saying that he was very, very wrong. … One of his go-to stress relievers during Apple’s early days was soaking his bare feet in the company toilets. (link)
his doctors advised him to seek surgery as soon as possible. Instead, he delayed the procedure for nine months and attempted to treat himself with alternative medicine. This fateful decision may have quickened Steve Jobs’ death — when he still could’ve been saved. (link)
- Comment on Plumbing Subreddit that locks anyone that is "new", even after everyone has commented 2 months ago:
yeah, a really bad one rigged up on a cleanout for a main venting/drain stack. But, at least they got a p-trap in there lol.
- Comment on Plumbing Subreddit that locks anyone that is "new", even after everyone has commented 2 months ago:
Typically I don’t, the only reason I pull it up is because I have posts from 10 years ago that still get responses every month (I get e-mail alerts for those posts). Usually I’ll just message the user with information and an alternative forum I’ve setup in the past if they need more answers (it’s really niche and this forum format (reddit/lemmy) really doesn’t suit the topic). I keep thinking one day it will be all bots just leaving messages but they respond and usually sign up on the other site. So, I feel conflicted about deleting my posts or not responding because it is actually effective at connecting to new people, at least for the time being.
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 24 comments
- Comment on Anon is SpongeBob 2 months ago:
Uhh, I wouldn’t really say that. If you consider what people do on Lemmy to just be “floating through the internet” then I guess that’s correct. All of the apps and platforms being used have interactive capabilities to keep the person engaged. They’re chatting and emoting more than you think, just not in the same spaces you’re occupying.
- Comment on I choose innovation. 3 months ago:
I honestly wouldn’t mind trying this once. I wouldn’t go through the whole process of setting it up, but it looks way fucking comfortable for a nice warm relaxing “my mind is in the 5th dimension” kinda fucked up night shower/bath. I could totally see the “blinds” being a mind-appeasing aesthetic for privacy.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 3 months ago:
Hating companies you perceive from a certain ethnic community is also racist. Are all “Indian” companies like this or are you making blanket statements against a race? Are all the companies exploiting workers founded from India, or again, are we singling out an ethnic group as antagonists while ignoring the governing body? Can someone be born in India, become a Canadian citizen, operate a company under Canadian law and on their soil, and it’s still the “Indians” fault?
You’re right about the international student part, that would be Xenophobia added onto racism.
- A fear of strangers or foreigners. 2. A strong antipathy or aversion to strangers or foreigners.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 3 months ago:
Any chance you could be anymore racist with your demands? “I blame the Indians” (while working in Canada). “Once the International people leave it will be fixed!” (still, working in Canada).
How about highlighting a specific company who’s founded from India and treating employees bad in your neighboring Canadian community that has impacted you? Maybe some news articles or reports of the mishandling and abuse? Or we can just vaguely and anecdotally continue blaming “THEM” and anyone who’s International?!
Remember, Anti-work doesn’t mean Anti-immigrant.
- Comment on You don't need to answer this 3 months ago:
What we know about Jordan Neely’s chokehold death on the New York subway
Deaths put spotlight on growing US homeless population
“The recent murders of people experiencing homelessness - many who were sleeping at the time - is a cruel reminder that this is a life-and-death issue that must be met with urgency,” Jeff Olivet, director of the US Interagency Council on Homelessness, said.
Those interviewed said that a political climate that stigmatises homelessness, inadequate housing, and gang and drug violence all help create a dangerous world for some of America’s most vulnerable people.
I could almost applaud you for some kind of “holier than thou” morality you seem to be trying to project about the UHC CEO murder. Unfortunately your comments expose that you’re just a middle-upper class cheerleader who stigmatizes the poor (as proclaimed from above, “No one is murdering the poor. - Except other poor people with guns and drugs. Or themselves” jesus I can’t believe you actually commented that).
Poverty is a major public health crisis. Let’s treat it like one.
the key question is what it means to “die from poverty.” As a social determinant of health, the government already recognizes a direct line between economic conditions and health outcomes.
Why are America’s poor dying young? According to the paper, the causes are internal. Most of the variation in life expectancy doesn’t come from “external factors,” like murder, but rather from medical causes, like heart disease and diabetes. The poor die early because they get sicker faster.
- Fining the homeless for being homeless. If you are homeless in America and have nowhere to go and are down on your luck, it is increasingly difficult to find a safe space in which to exist without being fined for loitering. According to the report, an estimated 600,000 people are homeless on any given night. Though nearly 13 percent of the nation’s low-income housing has been lost since 2001, and many people simply cannot afford housing, 34 percent of cities ban public camping, 18 percent prohibit sleeping in public and 43 percent prevent people from sleeping in vehicles
the discovery that the death rate for middle-aged white Americans began rising around 1999 is alarming. The increase is accounted for entirely by those with a high school degree or less. The 2013 mortality rates for midlife whites with that level of educational attainment was 736 per 100,000; for those with some college education it was 288 per 100,000; for whites with a B.A. or higher their death rate stood at 178 per 100,000. In other words, whites who have only a high school degree or less are four times more likely to die between ages 45 and 54 than are college-educated whites.
The Cost of Being Poor: Why It Costs So Much to Be Poor in America
Poverty creates more poverty. – financial decisions forced by poverty often end up keeping poor people stuck in poverty.
Poor people spend more of their income on necessities. Lower-income Americans spend more of their income on housing, food and groceries, and transportation, compared to mid and high-income individuals.
Less expensive goods are often less economical. Poor people often buy low-quality goods in small quantities, leading to constant replacement and higher costs over time.
Financial exclusion exacerbates poverty. People with poor access to credit often pay exorbitant interest rates and high fees for basic financial services.
Are you completely unaware of the financial and economical situation going on in America? The rising cost of Healthcare, Education, and housing/life expenses? You’re honestly coming off as a shill to everyone, maybe planning on a future political run so have to keep your comments “politically moral” (i.e. make sure the higher up’s approve of your message)? Don’t want to turn into another Mark Robinson I suppose.
If you have some coherent messaging or reasoning I would love to hear it. So far I’m assuming you hate the poor and blame everyone for their life situations, there are no outside factors that determines someones struggles in life but themselves? The poor die by their own hands or those close to them, no one in a position of power has done anything to cause them problems?
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 4 months ago:
sounds like the wife successfully threw you off the scent lol. Interesting that she went with the word “nutter” to describe him ;)
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
Oh yeah, equipment is definitely a perk. It’s kinda amazing how cheap shop vacs are too compared to going to a car wash repeatedly. But I think you jostled a caveat to all of these hobbies, being not broke lol. Could really put a strain on a relationship when you would previously sacrifice to get something but now you’re asking a partner to do the same.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
If it makes you feel any better, I have a relative who’s single and I’ve been helping him clean out his shop on the weekends. Just a shit load of fishing and kayaking gear that I’ve had to make a whole like 20 ft wall just to organize. He works 60 hours a week because he’s the only one there paying bills (his parents house, he’s deeply attached) and hasn’t touched his shit in probably a decade, we’re all screwed really.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
Hiking - sounds attractive, but the woman may not actually enjoy hiking especially doing multiple day trails
Woodworking - “wow you made this desk yourself?!” Reality: Spent weeks designing and getting the right materials, spent more weeks in the shop getting everything right, spent months all together away and in a shop so you could present… a desk (the novelty runs out real quick with a partner)
Same with a lot of them, if you’re really into a hobby and it is presentable… You’ve spent a fuckton of time on it. Something you could do while you were single, 10x harder to pick up or continue doing in a relationship since your time is now divided. It becomes one of those, “Yeah they love doing photography and they’re really good at it!” (cue partner standing there who hasn’t taken a picture in over a year looking sheepish).
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
seriously? I’ve known several women that fucking love banjo. I would say I’ve heard more women talk about how cool banjo playing is compared to actual guitars (then again I think it’s just a known thing with guitars that doesn’t need to be brought up). It might also depend on where you live I suppose. Roll into an Appalachian town stringing a banjo and you’ll be the pied piper of the mountain women.
- Comment on is "oh boy" considered a gendered term? 4 months ago:
TIL- Muliebrity (Muliebrity means womanly nature or qualities, or the condition of being a woman. It comes from Latin muliēbris, derived from mulier, meaning woman)
Feel about the same as your case. Every one has preferred pronouns, I like to point out to conservative relatives that “sir” and “ma’am” is just another form that they learned growing up for certain individuals. It’s just basic manners.
- Comment on is "oh boy" considered a gendered term? 4 months ago:
oh I like that, it’s not in my usual rolodex but covers the feelings of all of them. A little new-age for me, but it checks out as a good alternative.
- Submitted 4 months ago to [deleted] | 46 comments
- Comment on Anons discuss PC vs console gaming 4 months ago:
- Comment on Nuclear Demonology 4 months ago:
I have loved ones that I very much care for that I have to do these mental dances with. Certain groups or cultures of people may have a bias towards only looking at scientific evidence that promotes their hypothesis, well established institutions can sometimes be “stuck in a rut” but I would include people like graham hancock in that group. Science is a beautiful thing though, new data and experiments doesn’t care what your belief structure is. Your germ theory is a beautiful example where thought was put into a hypothesis and was slowly formed over time with new evidence. Religious and spiritual aspects do not require this with belief. What was the last study done by a religious scholar that a deity exists? What was the last religious text that was changed due to discoveries or experiments that were done?
It’s important to realize that scientific study is a rigorous system and not everyone follows it to the best of their ability. Slamming a label on like “whether you accept and believe scientific discoveries remains a subjective choice” is not a valid statement.
The basic difference between objective and subjective information is that objective information is based on facts, while subjective information, or a subjective perspective, is based on opinion, emotion, or feelings.
The very fact that you’re using subjective choice to look at scientific data means you’re not actually following the scientific method (explains how something goes from hypothesis-theory-law). It’s ok to have a hypothesis that’s different from mainstream, it’s not ok to declare being subjugated because you aren’t following the method to show your data and claiming it must be a law.
If you’re going to dance around the science/spiritual circles you need to have proper respect for both parties when communicating directly (if you want everyone to understand what you’re talking about). One example is “Energy”, means two very different things when talking to an electrical engineer or a new age “star child”. The distinction needs to be made for sound scientific communication that doesn’t impede someones belief.
I highly suggest checking out “The Hidden Story That Defines Our Modern Era” from Like Stories of Old. This is a prime example of how you can bind modern communication and stepping into the religious/belief structures of our history while maintaining respect for everyone.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I’ve been seeing gross stuff all around about voting records. For context that matters, I live in NC. It’s fucking non-stop from all sides. I’m trying to find the ad I saw with a relative while over at his place that played on Tubi that he was watching. I just heard it in the background while I was cooking and was flabbergasted. This ad was very clearly anti-Trump but then commented on your vote is registered and can be seen (completely false) with a threatening overtone. It went by so fast, both of us asked wtf just came on and I assured him his vote is private but they can check “IF” you voted (he’s an independent and primed to believe the worse of all scenarios thanks to social media and news, but is mindful when he thinks for himself).
I doubt it was anything like the actual DNC making the ad, was more than likely a superpac. Trying to find an obscure ad that plays on streaming in a localized area isn’t as easy as it used to be. Doesn’t help that youtube and ddg just gives me a bunch of useless shit that aren’t even ads or commercials (who’da thunk it would be hard to SEARCH for a commercial to watch). Regardless, every single ad used in this context needs fined into oblivion and the people involved need jail time so others don’t continue it on for every election to come.
Also, the downvotes for you are undeserved. There’s some fucking sycophant political worshipers that either got shipped into here or have drank the kool-aid this election cycle. They literally cannot hear anything negative without becoming triggered. It’s really setting up the next administration to not have to do anything but wait another 3 years and proclaim democracy is in trouble again.
- Comment on Please be patient. 4 months ago:
This gives me real Egg vibes.