Comment on Stained Glass ⁨5⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago


I LOVE dragonflies! Getting a tat of one, my first!

If a dragonfly locks onto your happy ass, you’re meat. 95-97% hunt success ratio, highest of any animal on the planet. Strongest flying insect, with 4 independently operating wings. Their head is basically a giant, binocular eyeball, a complete target-seeking combat package.

They do love them some mosquitoes, that’s a fact. Not going to say our swamp in the boonies is mosquito free, but it’s a swamp, it’s loaded with dragonflies, and there ain’t many around. Anything smaller than them, which is to say, everyone else, is fair dinkums. They’ll start horking down on what ever part first fits in those gigantic jaws, alive or dead, no matter. Every watched one eat? Not for the faint of heart. Those jaws are like a squared-off, champing vice. Crazy nasty ass dragonfly, dragonfly don’t care, dragonfly doesn’t give a shit. We got tactical smart missiles, phased plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks… We got dragonflies!

Want to “pet” one? Hold very still and stick your finger out, they’ll eventually use you as a helipad. Woman across the street is a got damned dragonfly whisperer, got a dozen pics of her holding one. Here’s one chillin’ on my wife, rode half a mile upstream with us, our very own combat air patrol.

Anyway, I think dragonflies are kinda cool.
