Can’t download things on your laptop if you don’t give them your laptop
Comment on Anon has a master plan to get her boyfriend back 6 months ago
It’s fucked up that anyone can do this amd ruin a person’s life 6 months ago 6 months ago
Can’t victim blame if there’s no victim to blame. 6 months ago
Offering advice to prevent such a situation isn’t victim blaming 6 months ago
Advice after the fact is a useless lecture, a form of victim blaming. Saying “if you hadn’t done x, crime y wouldn’t have happened” to the victim of a crime is the very definition of victim blaming. 6 months ago
Even scarier that malware can do this and use your device as a distribution node 6 months ago
I mean I can’t. I have no idea where to begin to look for stuff like that. 6 months ago
You could ask Jordan Peterson
I’d link the tweet where he said that it’s “impossible to find child pornography here anymore” as a way to pretend that Musk fixed Twitter, but I couldn’t find it and now my search algorithm is probably fucked after trying several different queries with the words “Jordan Peterson child porn” in them 🤦😂 6 months ago
If the police are there right now, nod twice. 6 months ago
the police or the poster? 6 months ago
I mean, hopefully you also have not tried because before finding things, you might find hints to find things. What i am trying to say is, there are many bad things that you will only find once you seek it out, but once you do it is not hard (enough). 6 months ago
Becouse obviously the police will not question anything in such a circumstance. 6 months ago
If you read the post it says the cop didn’t buy it and anon got charged themselves instead. 6 months ago
Not really no.
It will be decided by a court case. 6 months ago
Luckily green text is fiction, no one really did this. 6 months ago
This actually did happen and that’s probably what the green text is based off of.
I remember reading the article a few years ago, linked off of Reddit iirc, so if someone wants to go wade in those waters again you’ll probably find it 6 months ago
Now that you mention it, it does sound familiar. I’m not sure if it’s a constructed memory on my part though.
Given that people have done things like spash acid on their former partners’ faces and say things like “if I can’t have you then no one can” then I’m not terribly surprised that someone might try something like this.
But you’re right, in general I don’t trust green texts as truth. This could easily just be someone summarizing a story that happened as a green text though (which is a common thing).