Comment on Anon has a master plan to get her boyfriend back 4 months agoAdvice after the fact is a useless lecture, a form of victim blaming. Saying “if you hadn’t done x, crime y wouldn’t have happened” to the victim of a crime is the very definition of victim blaming. 4 months ago
OOP isn’t in this thread. I don’t think the user you’re chastising intended to give OOP advice, the advice was for the rest of us. 4 months ago
Still textbook victim blaming rather than the benevolent “advice” you seem adamant to reframe it as. 4 months ago
Sure, champ. Everything is victim blaming. 4 months ago
Nope. But “you wouldn’t have been a victim if not for trusting your apparent friend” very much is.
People trust their friends with their laptops without being victimized every fucking day.