Thank the Christians
Comment on Xbox Player Gets Banned for 1 Year After Recording Baldur's Gate 3 Scenes 1 year ago
That’s dumb as shit, why does Microsoft even allow mature games on their platform if their platform doesn’t allow mature content. Sure, record blood and guts, but dont show a nipple or a penis unless it’s exploding in a shower of gore!!! What a fucking disgusting standard we have that gore and violence are celebrated but anything sexual, even simple nudity is some kind of felony offense. 1 year ago 1 year ago
No, I don’t think I will. 1 year ago
Yeah they’re real hypocritical dick heads 1 year ago
Being hypocrites is on purpose. It’s an expression of power that they can get away with being a hypocrite.
Deep down, it’s because they want you to know that their plan is for a world where the law protects them but does not bind them, and anyone who isn’t “Christian” enough the law will bind but not protect.
They want you to know that they have power over you because their own hypocrisy don’t matter to them. 1 year ago
That’s an interesting perspective I hadn’t thought of before, and I think you’re right. 1 year ago
As perplexing as the thought of “blood and gore good, nudity bad” is, legally I can see why Microsoft would take the heavy-handed approach.
If the dude in the article were to, say, share those scenes with somebody under 18 (which iirc is illegal since you’re distributing pornographic material to a minor), it’s probably not crazy of a stretch to say that Microsoft is legally liable for that happening on their platform. Easier to just do a carpet ban all-around to avoid it in the first place. 1 year ago
In which case the ban should have happened upon sharing not recording. I mean if it isn’t clear that the records you make of singleplayer offline games are published online, then banning someone for what they record feels more like moral policing than anything else tbh. 1 year ago
Still gets me that in GTA:San Andreas they had hours and hours of non-stop killing and gore - but it was a a low-poly blurred sex scene that was only available if you manually cracked the game files that made it go down in infamy. 1 year ago
Hillary Clinton literally promoted a fucking dumb fucking law in response to the Hot Coffee mod, along with “blue dog democrat” (read: Not So Secret Republican) Joe Leiberman. Thankfully the bill failed.
Leiberman literally used his votes to stand in the way of progress.
People to this day still lose their shit over the 2016 election and don’t understand why people hated Hillary Clinton and blamed it all on a “right wing propaganda machine.”
I guess they entirely forgot the absolutely fuck stupid shit she did in congress, like this.
This kind of shit showed her to be not only out of touch, but completely misunderstanding how unused code on a gaming console was such an unlikely thing to be leaked to kids to begin with. In her own dumbshit words, Hot Coffee was a “nothingburger.” 1 year ago
“People to this day still lose their shit over the 2016 election and don’t understand why people hated Hillary Clinton and blamed it all on a “right wing propaganda machine.””
I voted for Hillary in the general because fucking obviously. But she was such an arrogant shit-head through the whole election. I remember watching her boastfully declare that she wouldn’t listen to Bernie supporters because she didn’t need their vote. She’s like the anti-Biden. That’s when I started to be worried that she would let Trump win. Fuck her. She’s out of touch and thinks it’s a virtue. 1 year ago
Exactly. Wasn’t about to vote for a dipshit like Trump, but she was being downright abusive to Democratic voters.
She promoted Trump with her “pied piper” strategy because she was so sure he would be the easiest to beat in the general election.
Then she won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College in a bunch of states she didn’t campaign in and people on her campaign (including her own husband) had argued she needed to go do stump speeches in those states.
She absolutely thought it was “her turn” and that the DNC owed her for essentially bailing them out when they were broke.
In court, the DNC didn’t even argue that they didn’t put their finger on the scale for Clinton, they argued it was legal for them to do that because the DNC is a private club, which means they make their own rules, and if they break their own rules, the only people they have to answer to is themselves.
What’s that old saying about if the facts aren’t on your side, argue the law, if the law isn’t on your side, argue the facts, and if neither is on your side pound the table and yell?
The DNC never tried to make the argument that they didn’t put their finger on the scale for Hillary Clinton because they would have been found to have definitely done so during discovery proceedings.
The facts weren’t on their side so they argued the law, which is that “We’re a private club, so NYEAH. Go fuck yourself.” 1 year ago
The DNC let trump win. They’d rather lose and hand the country over to a psychopathic narcissist, with 7 bankruptcies, 26 open sexual assault cases against him, a history of fraud, and a recorded declaration of his sexual assault, than win with Bernie. Democrats really need to reflect on the reality of that scenario. The Democratic National Convention would rather have a deranged republican in office than a Democrat with a few socialist ideas. That says a lot about what their real agenda is. All the hot button topics they drone on about are distractions. 1 year ago
i remember when she said she was so far ahead in the polls she didnt even think of trump
and tweeting a happy birthday future madam president to herself
hilarious 1 year ago
The pearl clutching “think of the CHILDREN” in the media was ridiculous, like you said it is a thoroughly violent and gory game. It was a legitimate legal issue for Take2, Rockstar, and the ERSB however. The ESRB is a voluntary ratings organization like the MPAA, who work with publishers and retailers to provide consumers with accurate info.
Rockstar lied on the ESRB paperwork and shipped the CD with content that wasn’t disclosed. Irregardless if it required a crack or not, that is what was delivered, and that was a big deal. Huge breach of contract by Rockstar and/or Take2, and loss of trust from retailers towards ESRB ratings. 1 year ago
You can literally hire hookers, fuck them, then beat them to death and take your money back. But showing some skin is the issue? What an odd society we have. 1 year ago
When I used to work at a video game store, I used to try and dissuade parents from buying their 10 year old GTA 3/VC.
"So you can just walk down the street and shoot a random person, then when the cops show up, you can just shoot all of them as well."
"Uh huh... you can also pick up a hooker, drive to a secluded area, have sex with them, pay them, and then run them over when they leave to get your money back." 1 year ago
one reporter straight up lied and said the hot coffee mod was a multiplayer game where whoever rapes the most people wins
its not multiplayer, and all sex is consensual. what a bonehead 1 year ago
I think it’s because violence is commonplace in everyday life, a part of human nature, from wars to gin violence but icky weird sex stuff is not. 1 year ago
Wouldn’t it be the opposite? I’d think most people are more likely to have had sex than having killed a person. Maybe it’s because they think sexual content might actually lead kids to want to have sex.
Nevermind that these games are not rated for children to begin with, so who is buying it for them? 1 year ago
Maybe not on here, to be fair, lol. 1 year ago
There are WAY MORE people having consenting sex in the privacy of their own homes versus people going on murder rampages. 1 year ago
It is depressing we now live in a world where we are not allowed to drink our gin in peace.