- Comment on Always guard against overrating your "talent" 3 days ago:
If you dare to unpack “the situation” you might understand more of why women ‘give it up’ or just lay there under societal/individual pressure to be sexually available. And yes, that’s an uncomfortable conversation but likely not in the way you’re imagining
- Comment on Always guard against overrating your "talent" 4 days ago:
I can’t handle the fact that sex is complex and it’s ok to need to work on it and figure out what works for both partners
There’s working on it, and trying to flex on Twitter. After-care is working on it. Discussing go/no-gos or dominance roles is working on it. Asking why she’s not invested is working on it.
“You can’t handle me” is a dismissal I have seen used on the ’alphas’ who won’t take a hint that she’s not interested
- Comment on Always guard against overrating your "talent" 4 days ago:
Imagine telling on yourself like this lmao
I am so bad at pleasuring my partner that I have only experienced women tolerating me via starfishing
I see no reason to question why these women aren’t more invested in sex with me; clearly she is a lazy pillow princess and not me who is the problem
Also super gross how we’ve normalized/coerced women into “lying back and taking it” instead of asking why shes not active and engaged
- Comment on Video Game Workers Launch Industry-Wide Union with Communications Workers of America 1 week ago:
Same. Because if the unions can kill poisonous work demands like ‘crunch time’ and thus cause delays for polish and bug fixes by devs who aren’t sleeping at their desk from exhaustion, we all win
- Comment on If you can find the oil filter, I'll give you a quarter. If you can get it out after the lube tech tightened it to 325 lbft, I'll give you sixty bucks. 1 month ago:
The screwdriver trick is mid imo - you run a major risk of just shearing the filter body wall and now your problem is a leaky oil filter that’s much harder to grasp with other hand tools. Go buy a strap wrench that you can use to install and remove.
Or for the very stubborn filters, these kind of tools are very much a one trick pony that only takes the filter off, but it’s a good trick - it has worked every single time for me.
- Comment on New for 2025 | Smith and Wesson Model 180° 2 months ago:
As Will Be Seen on TV
An even darker joke was missed here by the creator instead of the analog > digital gag
- Comment on May be atomic habit forming 2 months ago:
I felt the Fight Club line was pretty clearly tongue i cheek, but to be clear - I have nothing wrong with self improvement for yourself, with organic rationale.
The grindset lifestyle is super toxic though, and the wellness influencers are just yogis reskinned imo.
- Comment on May be atomic habit forming 2 months ago:
Self improvement is masturbation. Now self destruction…
The left side is the lifestyles people sell to you in an effort futile effort to ‘beat the grind set’ required by “line goes up, forever” capitalism.
The right side is min-maxing your output to actualize your rewards in that system, at the cost of your lifespan.
The only winning move is not to play.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Step into the arena, many many people far smarter than you or me have hashed this debate and still have no consensus.
There is no general consensus on the definition of terrorism. The difficulty of defining terrorism lies in the risk it entails of taking positions.
The political value of the term currently prevails over its legal one. Left to its political meaning, terrorism easily falls prey to change that suits the interests of particular states at particular times. The Taliban and Osama bin Laden were once called freedom fighters (mujahideen) and backed by the CIA when they were resisting the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
Now they are on top of the international terrorist lists.
General Assembly Resolution 42/159 acknowledges that the cause of terrorism often lies in the “misery, frustration, grievance and despair” that leads people to seek radical change. The resolution identifies the root causes of terrorism as occupation, colonialism and racism. A definition of terrorism should thus be comprehensive, in order to avoid double standards.
- Comment on Iraq War was preceded by the largest worldwide non-violent protests in history and the war happened anyway. 3 months ago:
Listened to the first season a while back, I genuinely had one (1) note/dispute, for a series spanning nearly 11 hours on the Iraq invasion. They brought receipts, sources, archived media snippets, and a lot of context that mainstream media still glosses over with 9/11 remembrance justifications.
Very listenable, add it to your queue if you remotely enjoy geopolitics
- Comment on Torrent of Hate for Health Insurance Industry Follows C.E.O.’s Killing 3 months ago:
“Object embedding tool”
- Comment on Torrent of Hate for Health Insurance Industry Follows C.E.O.’s Killing 3 months ago:
- Comment on Tipping culture is out of control, even the cops expect tips now! 3 months ago:
I’m no lawyer, but the legal system calls this “reasonable doubt” and if you are on a jury, you are duty bound to do your best to judge the case on the facts, not vibes.
And the fact is, a grainy photo of two people who may have somewhat similar clothing is not proof, nor mens rea required for a possible murder conviction - who are we to claim to understand the mind of this individual?
The state has a high bar to clear that this anonymous shopper, is the same person they claim, the photo was taken on the same day, that this photo isn’t a forgery/deepfake, that only one set of that particular clothing was ever sold- otherwise it’s hearsay and conjecture.
- Comment on Compress me 3 months ago:
Just got PTSD flashbacks from 90s “FMV cutscenes” thanks OP for the reminder of the dark ages lol
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Pick any rural county, and you can find a bus load of people who’ve been screwed over or denied care by health insurance. And for those who do not have a specific, personal grudge, healthcare options in the sticks are increasingly geographic monopolies run by a single provider, with a Byzantine network of in/out network insurers.
Someone driving their mother four hours for biweekly dialysis or cancer care because the local provider is not covered is going to be pissed. A parent buying their child because the local provider ‘streamlined’ care while slashing nursing headcount is going to be a lot more than pissed.
- Comment on Binary search 3 months ago:
Got rear ended on the highway. Recorded make and model, rough driver description, and plate number with state, and direction they were heading. Told dispatcher and cops on scene everything, they couldn’t have given less of a fuck.
“We’ll keep a lookout, but really there’s nothing we can do.”
So why am I paying taxes for you welfare queens then? My insurance hotline was far more helpful at next steps and what needs to happen vs ‘shit sucks bro, here’s your case number, you gotta smash F5 on our website until the report gets uploaded. lol no, we wolnt reach out to you’
- Comment on Hustle? In this gig economy? 3 months ago:
“We’ve polled our workforce about our new Dynamic Wages™️initiative, and 100% of remaining employees agree!”
Cool, so you’re an employee owned cooperative now?
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 3 months ago:
Open to what exactly…?
- Comment on puts hair on ya chest 5 months ago:
I can’t find it now, but I’d swear to having read an anecdote from someone working with radiation who reported tingling teeth during exposure.
It definitely does a lot of nasty things to the body.
- Comment on puts hair on ya chest 5 months ago:
The Children of the Atom deem you a HERETIC! Embrace the holy atom!
- Comment on puts hair on ya chest 5 months ago:
“Mother, why do all my teeth feel itchy?”
- Comment on meow_irl 5 months ago:
- Comment on What Ticketmaster Doesn't Want You To Know: Concerts Were Cheap For Decades 6 months ago:
The joy of niche music taste: cheap live tickets to small venues, and cool merch. Multiple times I could have touched their instruments from the floor section.
The pain of niche music taste: Depending upon their genre and your city’s size, they may never come nearby you. New York and LA get everything, Kansas City folk better like country and speed-rap.
- Comment on Goldman Sachs: AI Is Overhyped, Wildly Expensive, and Unreliable 8 months ago:
Correct. Dress it up however you like, but LLM and ML programs are probability gamblers all the way down. We’re building a conversation tool, that doesn’t truly comprehend the language because it’s a calculator at its core - it’s like asking your eyeballs to see in UHF frequencies.
They’re called “computers” for a reason, and we are deep in the myopic tech tree of further and further complexity. The current wave of AI has solid potential, but not globally for all applications. It is a great at ‘digital assistant’ roles and is already killing it in CCTV monitoring software. Mindjourney can make incredible images, but it can’t make art. ChatGPT can write, but it’s a terrible author or speechwriter.
- Comment on Real 8 months ago:
Source: I work in/with electronics manufacturers
Tl; dr - a mix of value engineering and consumer preference. You wanna buy a $3k TV, or a $700vTV? How rock solid does your automatic sprinkler really need to be, compared to a satellite radio in the Sahel?
Per IPC industry standards, there’s three classes of electronic workmanship/quality control used:
- Class 1: It works, just about. Shoddy soldering is okay as long as connectivity is maintained. Passing a QA test may be as simple as “it runs when powered”. This is where most consumer grade stuff lives: calculators, watches, flashlights, etc.
- Class 2: Better built with generally more QA. Testing usually involves actually checking for function and different modes. Generally used only on commercial/civil government stuff like traffic lights, power controllers, heavy machinery - anywhere where reliability and longevity is worth paying more for.
- Class 3: Complete process control and 100% coverage function (and almost always) burn-in/stress test cycles. Top quality and cost, typically only used for military, aerospace, or medical - where stuff failing means people die.
- Comment on Pie 8 months ago:
There few things more painful than seeing your boss struggle through something you know intimately, but because of ego and hierarchy you can’t hand-hold them in front of everyone. Until they finally stumble through and declare the proudly “Hah, that was easy!”
…It was a hidden column Jeremy, not someone else’s VBA code without comments you have to repair.
- Comment on Riding in style 9 months ago:
And the wheels. I get the homage nod to the past, but that big shiny hubcap is a huge tell that isn’t offered on the non-police models.
Murdered out police insignia and shorty antennas only go so far when you floating on that chrome
- Comment on For edge lovers 9 months ago:
I can HIGHLY recommend brownie batter put into non-standard pans. Madeline pans make excellent bite sized brownies, and cupcakes are good too. Just don’t put too much into each one, otherwise the center doesn’t bake and achieve the desired gooey texture.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 10 months ago:
You’re literally defending ‘post-truth, race to the bottom standard’ capitalism. Yes dumb consumers exist, but that isn’t a free pass for corporate exploitation or false advertising. Because this isn’t an alpha, it’s advertising.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 10 months ago:
Okay, if they want to buy test, there’s DECADES of accepted practice. Paid/intern bug hunters or playtesters, with an airtight NDA. They’re there to stress tests and find issues, there needn’t be a public facing element.
Marvel want free bug testers, and to get the hype train moving - but don’t want to pay for actual testers who work quietly, and want only positive commentary. Marvel want an astroturf campaign to push preorders, not actual genuine discussion or bug testing.
I’ve been part of public alpha releases, and generally they don’t allow streaming or public commentary, outside of the invite-only forum/discord channels - BECAUSE THEY WANT THE FEEDBACK TO FIX ISSUES.