- Comment on What's it called when a man steals women's selfies to use to create a fake online persona, and when people call him out on this, he says "I never said those photos are me"? 1 week ago:
The simple answer is catfishing, but this amount of time and effort dedicated to trying and be perceived as a woman seems like unrealized gender dysphoria. They probably need time to reflect on their motivations instead of stealing peoples identities.
Or perhaps they are just a power tripping jerk.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
Remember, when someone asks “What would Jesus do?”
Going after all 4 cheeks is a valid response.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
What she cites the bible for
Though she clarified that donations wouldn’t actually go to help those infected, White used medical imagery to add urgency to her fundraising plea during a pandemic. “Every single day we are a hospital to the sick, not necessarily the physically sick,” she said. “But we are a hospital for those who are soul sick, those who are spiritually sick.” White went on to suggest that contributors offer a $91 donation, citing Psalm 91, or “maybe $9 or whatever God tells you to do.”
What I cite the bible for
Matthew 21:12-13 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’
- Comment on imagine 3 weeks ago:
You wouldn’t download a corn would you?
- Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 3 weeks ago:
Not all vegan cheese are equal, some are absolute garbage but many are delicious. Miyokos specifically is an amazing vegan mozzarella that I use for pizza all the time.
- Comment on Anon is 33 4 weeks ago:
Well turning to 4chan for advice is a good first step. I have high hopes for 'em!
- Comment on Mexican moviegoers are asking for a refund after watching 'Emilia Pérez' in theaters 4 weeks ago:
Transition is not a fucking get out of jail card. There is no “Sorry I killed your family but I was really dysphoric, but good news I am not that person anymore!” isn’t gonna fucking fly.
To speak nothing of reducing the trans experience to “The Surgery”. The whole movie is just flat out insulting.
- Comment on Hogwarts Legacy - a weird (90 hour) review *no spoilers 5 weeks ago:
Please stop giving money to bigots. You’re directly funding the legislation against a minority group.
- Comment on Video Game History Foundation's long-awaited digital library will be available online next week 5 weeks ago:
I just asked it to show me every video game magazine in our collection in chronological order that says “Metroidvania.”
That Metroidvania example is pretty cool. I’m not sure I personally will find much use for this, but I am sure that content creators I already enjoy will!
- Comment on Is there any movie you are looking forward to? 5 weeks ago:
Well there is that! Hands down the best thing to come out of the 2nd movie was a new Daft Punk album.
- Comment on Is there any movie you are looking forward to? 5 weeks ago:
Oh! They are doing another Tron?
Oh… Jared Leto. Oh well.
- Comment on Timberborn, releases a 2024 overview devlog featuring development milestone trailers, user map content winners, workshop highlights and more... 1 month ago:
Well neat! That’s exactly what I was hoping to hear! Thank ya, I’ll pick it up.
- Comment on Timberborn, releases a 2024 overview devlog featuring development milestone trailers, user map content winners, workshop highlights and more... 1 month ago:
I’ve been keeping my eye on it ever since I saw the super cute release trailer. How worthwhile is it? What games is it simmiliar to?
- Comment on Box Office: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Crushing Mufasa: The Lion King 2 months ago:
I’m not going to see either of them, but I at least understand why there is another entry in the Sonic franchise. A live-ish action Lion King prequel is just… nonsensical?
- Comment on What game surprised you with their length? 2 months ago:
My wife and I each 100%'d Talos 2 and it was abundantly amazing. It had been years since either of us completed 1 but the way the story is structured you hear about the events of the first game in detail pretty regularly. I’m trying to be vague for spoilers. And of course I’m not trying to talk out of replaying 1, but just know you don’t have to, understand 2, and in my opinion it might be a touch tedious to do them back to back.
Both fantastic games tho that started a lot of good conversations between us.
- Comment on Best movies of 2024: poll and discussions! 2 months ago:
The Substance
- Comment on Is it possible to fix one's eyesight? What are working methods? What is to be cautious about? 2 months ago:
Please do not listen to anyone saying you can fix your eye sight by praticing.
There is a whole goddamn subculture of those fraudster monsters.
- Comment on Update on ConcernedApe's Haunted Chocolatier 2 months ago:
Oh shit.
I’m dumb, that was totally it. I toggled it off and see the black text. Good call. lol
- Comment on Update on ConcernedApe's Haunted Chocolatier 2 months ago:
I know many people are excited to play Haunted Chocolatier, and may be disappointed to hear that it will still take a while, or that I took time away to work on Stardew Valley. I understand. I will be very happy when the day comes that I can finally release Haunted Chocolatier. However, as with Stardew Valley, I will not be doing any “early access”, crowdfunding, or pre-orders, so I don’t feel a ton of external pressure to finish the game on a timeline.
Bless you ape, take as long as you need. Quality takes time and you have long past proven you capabilities as a dev.
Although maybe don’t do white text next time? I had to highlight it all to even read.
- Comment on Disney's Snow White | Official Trailer 2 months ago:
I regret my original comment because all it did was self select you turds to come tell me how weird you are.
Look, I don’t care about the movie, I’m never going to see it and couldn’t care less if it’s good or bad. But this impotent racist outrage is just so goddamn predictable. I have no love for Disney or any of their crappy live action adaptions, it’s a cash grab that isn’t worth thinking about.
Yet here you angry dorks are. All worked up about a black woman in movie you don’t have to see. It’s frankly pathetic and I am entirely done with giving this topic a second more of my time. You should do the same.
- Comment on Disney's Snow White | Official Trailer 2 months ago:
The entire point was that her skin was white.
I could not disagree more, truly at my maximum. The point was a fairy tale with magic poison apple, nature friendly dwarves taking a runaway in and then true love breaking a spell with a kiss.
Like, srsly. Her skin color could not matter less, y’all too hung up on the name and ignoring the actual plot.
- Comment on Disney's Snow White | Official Trailer 2 months ago:
I am gonna say this as respectfully as I can.
having very, very white skin is literally(literally literally) a central detail of the character.
But nah, fuck all that. Skin color is absolutely NOT a central detail to the story, or to even most stories. What Grimm wrote in the original text has no bearing on movie being released today for new audiences. No one needs to beholden to fairytales as some sort of holy text that can’t be altered because they are fiction, and old fiction at that. Death of an author is a concept worth debating about living authors, not ones that died 2 centuries ago. Fictional characters are whatever we say they are. Disney has already altered countless details from their original text, so to get precious about skin color in a movie with witches, spells and magic kingdom is just ludicrous and highlights your flawed priorities.
So respectfully, her skin color makes zero difference to the important parts of the story and if that’s a problem for you, then it’s strictly a you problem.
- Comment on Disney's Snow White | Official Trailer 2 months ago:
I am not looking forward to hearing how Snow White isn’t “white enough”.
- Comment on What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? 2 months ago:
Great combat, graat atmosphere, great story. Definitely worth your time.
- Comment on Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale? 2 months ago:
I played Talos principal 2 this year and it honestly blew me away. It goes without saying the puzzles were intriguing but the story, world building, atmosphere and dialogue are the real stars of the experience.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
Even if they’re taking mtf hormones, there’s still a ton of testorone.
This is factually wrong. Trans women on HRT statistically have far less testosterone than cis women, purely for the reason that it is a hormone all humans create but we are actively suppressing it.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
I see a lot of mostly correct answers here, but as a trans person myself I can’t help but feel they are all missing the core concept.
People hate trans folk for the same reason “get back in the kitchen” is still said to women in any non-“traditional” role or the “angry black man/woman” is said about anyone advocating for their own rights. There are strict gender and racial roles that are enforced by our society so rigidly, that many have assumed them to be naturally correct laws of the universe. Anyone existing outside of those roles is seen as either mental illness to be corrected or malicious evil-doers wanting to cause trouble. When in fact the reality is much simpler, that being human is a more diverse expressive and dynamic experience than those holding on to those “natural laws” would like to admit. Conservatives are more prone to this, but liberals are absolutely not immune. To exist outside the role you were “assigned” is a threat to society that assings the roles, ergo a threat to the very way of life for those who see them as innate truths.
- Comment on Warcraft Rumble, Blizzard's first new RTS in years, will finally shed its mobile shackles and come to PC in December 3 months ago:
Look I wouldn’t be excited for a Clash of Clans PC port, so why should I care about a knock off clone getting a port?
- Comment on To appease a Steam user's demands for straight representation, Webfishing added a 'Straight' title that costs 9,999 fish bucks 3 months ago:
These are the same people mad at “woke” games for not having white charcters. Their enormous amount of privliage has made them utterly blind to history or context.
I hate it here. 🙃
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
Well then I have done good in the world today. Robin’s performance ALONE is fantastic but honestly the whole cast goes above and beyond. Enjoy!