- Comment on Minecraft's 'Vibrant Visuals' Upgrade the Start of a New 'Graphical Journey' 2 days ago:
I feel like all this visual upgrading kinda missed the point of Minecraft. It’s like colorizing black and white movies.
- Comment on Why can’t HVAC be made smarter? 6 days ago:
My thermostat has a hot and cold setting that will heat when cold and cool when hot- I can also set it to a mode based on outside temp or time of day. You might just need a smarter thermostat.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
You’re thinking of people as a service rather than connecting with a person for being a person. It’s a give and take, you need to give back. Think of the situation in reverse, someone just using you for ass and pep talks.
You should be with someone because you like them and want to do things for them.
- Comment on Technology isn't fun anymore 2 weeks ago:
Well some of it is really fun- the problem is all the mainstream shit coin micro transaction nft ai bullshit. Just stop supporting those things
- Comment on why was 1995 video games console very pixel art graphics but music was high quality and images were great??, 3 weeks ago:
It’s bitrate and computation based. Playing back a waveform through speakers takes very little computation and doesn’t really have all that much data.
Computing billion of pixels per second by doing exotic math between thousands of entities with millions of individual physics calculations and then ray tracing all that and doing it 100 times per second… dude, that’s many many many orders of magnitude more complicated.
To put it in perspective- a heavily compressed song almost fits on a floppy disc. A heavily compressed movie almost fits on 600 floppy disks. A decent quality movie takes 4000 floppies. An hd movie- 10,0000. A 4K UHD etc etc film? Close to 50,000 floppy disks. That’s just video, there’s no physics, no ray tracing, no rendering, no bump mapping, no animation, no anything, just displaying data. Now imaging doing all that, but 5x more per second and add all the things I said.
Graphics cards of today are more powerful than an Empire State Building sized computer of the 90s, probably more powerful that most of the computers on earth put together in the early 90s.
Why did games look basic? Because we had basic level computational power. But why was sound so good? Because sound is like stacking wooden blocks when modern games are like colonizing mars. Different orders of magnitude in complexity and scale.
A single smartphone image is easily 3x bigger than a high quality song- and that image needs to be rendered hundreds of times a second for a modern game. It’s not even the same sport.
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 3 weeks ago:
Good point. I believe it’s $$$ and is tough for smalls. Best of luck on your search!
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 3 weeks ago:
I’ve worked for a small business in tech for 15 years- it’s a great company that cares for its people. I think some of what you’re describing is just the nature of larger companies. The bigger the machine, the smaller the cog.
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 5 weeks ago:
To disrupt stream, you’d need to be better than Steam. Also, what am I gonna do with my existing 1000 games in steam? I DON’T WANT 5 GAME MANAGERS.
All these companies think people want 10 streaming services, 5 steams, 7 spotifys. WE DONT. We just want 1 that does everything we want.
- Comment on How can Doge access critical government infrastructure and fire people if it isn't even a real department? 1 month ago:
Good question, as an American, I’m all for these fucks being the first against the wall.
- Comment on Take-Two CEO believes AI will actually increase employment and productivity 1 month ago:
So they’re hiring?
- Comment on Do you like the smell of bookstores? 1 month ago:
I love that smell. Libraries too.
- Comment on Is the Nintendo Switch 2 the end of innovative consoles? 1 month ago:
I’ll reserve judgement until I have one, but here’s my $.02:
The Wii U was wildly innovative and a giant flop. In the end, it was a big clumsy prototype for the switch IMO. The switch was the perfect evolution of some of the ideas the U had, like bringing the stationary console into your hands rather than just a tiny pocket console.
The GameCube didn’t do anything really that wildly innovative after the n64, it just had discs and a more comfy controller.
The Wii was pretty fresh, but in the end, relied a bit too heavily on gimmicks, the key parts of which I think were successfully captured by future motion controllers like the joycons.
The DS was super cool, and I love mine, but most games ended up primarily using a single screen, and the other screen just kinda sat there or acted as a map. Switch has a larger touchscreen which makes up for loss of stylus in a lot of ways.
The 3DS was cool for a minute too, but the effect was eye strain inducing and had limited value IMO.
I think it’s great to come up with something totally new now and then, but changing for change’s sake probably isn’t good, and axing a form factor that has been so wildly successful sounds risky.
Nintendo has always operated on a tick-tock pattern (gameboy -> pocket -> color -> advance -> ds -> ds lite & 3ds). Plenty of evolutions between form changes.
Phones, computers, tablets, and now consoles are all reaching their inevitable optimized form- large screens with good I/O. While boring to look at, at the end of the day it’s about the experience of using the device, not how wacky the console looks/works.
I don’t doubt that Nintendo will have more wild ideas in future systems, but I personally dont want a dual screen switch with an attached printer and a VR headset- I want a bulletproof hand held that does what it does very well and provides value. The entire switch concept is so well executed and seamless- don’t take that away! Make it better- battery, heat, graphics power, ergonomics, charge speed, Bluetooth, build quality, etc. make all those things as good as they can be. The switch 2 looks like it improves on many of those things without taking anything away, so I’m pumped to get my hands on one!
- Comment on Kennedy Sought to Stop Covid Vaccinations 6 Months After Rollout | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. petitioned the F.D.A. to revoke authorization of the shots at a time when they were in high demand & lifesaving 2 months ago:
That’s because he’s a dick head
- Comment on Proton CEO was already showing us 8 years ago 2 months ago:
Could we not fuck up everyone’s morning by show this motherfucker’s dumb face?
- Comment on "Free" Speech Absolutist™ 2 months ago:
Why the fuck is anyone still using Twitter
- Comment on There was a time when everyone had common sense 2 months ago:
Yeah and the last generation keeps sending money to the prince of Nigeria.
- Comment on Improve your Wi-Fi with this one trick 2 months ago:
Yeah- you make good points. I think what I was upset about was that we started with a given (they obviously work in space) and then half the class argued they didn’t for a while.
A better question would have been “how can they work since space has no air in space?” which leads to great q & a I think.
- Comment on Improve your Wi-Fi with this one trick 2 months ago:
Yeah yeah, I know. I was mostly just kidding. Everything is magic if you’re ignorant and we shouldn’t shit on people for not knowing something and props to them for asking and seeking knowledge and all that.
But it’s really sad that very basic science like radio waves which are introduced in 5th or 6th grade could be some completely misunderstood.
I remember my 6th grade science class having a lively 15 minute discussion about whether or not rockets can work in space since there’s no air…. We’re looking at videos of rockets working in space and then debating whether or not they do. 🙄
- Comment on Improve your Wi-Fi with this one trick 2 months ago:
There are some stupid questions.
- Comment on Anon's first time 3 months ago: . Fish Herpes, he had fish herpes.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 3 months ago:
Two different colored backpacks too
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 3 months ago:
I ignore epic totally
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 3 months ago:
Stupidity, cult mentality, “my sports team” mentality, religion, and single issue voters.
- Comment on Found this while going through old stuff. I'm terrible at chess, but I would play expecting to lose just to watch the animations. 4 months ago:
That was my first computer! I wanted this game so bad back then, never had it. I’ll have to spin it up on my os-9’ed g4 Mac mini, hopefully it still runs in 9, most things I’ve tried do.
- Comment on Is a Quest 3 really worth it? 4 months ago:
- Comment on Why is Gen Z so Poor? 4 months ago:
Guess you’ve never heard of inflation. Minimum wage in the 1950s would be something like $27 today- and that’s just simple annual inflation not accounting for buying power of the dollar. Factor that in and it’s more like $35. That’s a far fucking cry from $7.50. Plus, that guy in the 50s had only high school education, a stay at home wife, two kids, and a house.
Single family homes in my area start at $650k and go well over a million regularly. Town houses can be a 500k easy. Rent for a small apartment can be $1500+ a month plus utilities. People struggle on $70k salary here, which is about $35 an hour. Now imagine making under $10.
Another example, public school teachers start work making less than $60k. Imagine starting work with $50k-70k in student loans, some of them predatory private loans, spending nearly 50% of your post tax income on rent and then still having to pay for food, gas, car payment, insurance, and making those minimum loan payments basically forever. You’re pretty much financially crippled for life unless you marry someone that makes money or switch careers. That’s fucked up- someone that works as hard as our teachers, with their master’s level educations and endless night and weekend work should have to have 3 room mates for 20 years just trying to survive.
If the only thing we had was proper minimum wage adjustment and nothing else, society would be in a much better place. If we also had subsidized child care for working families, healthcare, non predatory education and insurance than imagine how much better off we’d all be.
But naw dawg, let’s just make some lazy Starbucks drinking kids get 4 fucking jobs to try and keep your old ass in social security.
- Comment on After India, Brazil becomes second major BRICS country not to join China's Belt and Road Initiative, citing Brasilia's desire to maintain strategic autonomy 4 months ago:
That’s a whole lot of shitty people in one picture.
- Comment on How many Nintendo Switches do I need for a family of gamers? 4 months ago:
I have one and my kids share it with me, but considering a second. They support profiles. My son plays it on the couch while my daughter watches her shows, and then they’ll put it on the tv and play Mario kart together.
- Comment on Trump’s Crowds Are Dwindling as His Campaign Winds Down | The former president likes to talk about the attendance at his rallies, but empty seats and early exits have grown more common. 4 months ago:
Yeah I bet his rallies are boring as shit
- Comment on What's a good gift for a 2-year old? 5 months ago:
A toy that makes a lot of sound- like a truck with siren noises or a little electric piano, or spaceship with explosion sounds. There are these great plastic dinos that roar when you play with them. As a parent, I’m telling you, their parents will thank you.