They can’t cut union rates since they have a contract. So they can, within reason, pay non union workers more but not lower the pay of union workers. One of the benefits of being in the union is that they can’t just lower your wages and they may have issues firing you for bad reasons.
There’s a limit to how much they can pay the ununionized workers before it becomes clear they’re trying to interfere with the workers rights to free organization. In the image, it’s quite likely that the extra 50¢ is union dues, or could be explained as related to costs. 1 week ago
They can’t cut union rates. 1 week ago
Not until everyone leaves the union to get extra pay and the union loses all its bargaining power. 1 week ago
In my case, even that wouldn’t matter. The only way for an employer to get out of a union agreement is to shut down the business completely. 1 week ago
Your union agreements last until the end of time and never get renegotiated? 1 week ago
This doesn’t even make sense. 1 week ago
What part of it doesn’t make sense? 1 week ago
That’s just union contract negotiations.
Not providing cost of living increase is effectively a pay cut FYI, and we’re speaking colloquially here.