The guy originally bred them as a hypoallergenic guide dog, and then they exploded in popularity.
The article basically paints the picture that the original guy bred them the right way (I don’t see how), but since then a bunch of unscrupulous breeders and puppy mills have turned two smart, somewhat inherently well behaved, breeds: labs and poodles, to a breed that is more chaotic and dependent (again, I don’t see how that’s any different from what he did or what most dogs aee like).
The article isn’t exactly well written or researched. It mostly just quotes him and throws in a couple quotes from Kennel Associations and Facebook pages. Provides no information on where this fits in the wider context of dog breeding. 1 day ago
This is anecdotal, but most every labdoo I’ve met has been absolutely neurotic, though there may be a correlation with off tilt owners as well. 1 day ago
All the energy of the lab with all the problems of a poodle 1 day ago
We need further study 1 day ago
Interesting section from the wikipedia article… 1 day ago
That sounds like Russel Terriers, also a dog breed that has a reputation for being bad dogs, but really it’s bad owners who don’t know what they signed up for, it’s a dog that needs to have proper time spent with it.