Your last sentence is crazy
Comment on Meow 1 day ago
Would people really let some stray live with them? Can’t imagine having a pet. They convert money and time into poop and stink and offer nothing in return. Never understood the appeal, yet I love all animals. 1 day ago 1 day ago
“I love all animals, as long as those useless fucks stay outta my way!” 1 day ago
I love babies as a concept and the joy they bring their parents, but me and my partner are child free by choice, and part of that choice is us not wanting to care for an infant. 1 day ago
You monster! According to the replies here the correlation between liking XYZ and wanting to have and care for XYZ is a must. But yeah, we too. 1 day ago
It’s like not wanting the ocean in your house even if you love the ocean. 1 day ago
It’s like talking about all the things you hate about the ocean, saying you can’t imagine why anyone likes it, and then saying you love it 1 day ago
What a weird argument. I love rain too. Yet i don’t want it in my house. I also love elephants. But guess where I totally don’t want them. I also like to pet OTHER people’s cats and dogs. But that’s about it. They enjoy it and that’s fine by me. But i don’t want all the stupid work and time and money that go into a pet I can’t even speak with. Same reason (besides many others though) I don’t have kids. 1 day ago
Yeah, it just doesn’t make sense! 1 day ago
Just because some things don’t align with yours doesn’t make it “crazy”. But if you prefer it that way? Then yes, I’m crazy I don’t want to care for animals that don’t belong in my house and force them into my reign. How crazy I prefer my time and money to be mine and mine (and my wife’s) alone. How crazy I don’t want to spend time scratching cat-poo out of a litter-box. Or go watch a dog on a leach (that would prefer to roam his territory freely, not under my heel) have a shit outside and scrape it off the floor.
Damn, I should take pills for that :) 1 day ago
That’s a very defensive long winded reply to my 5 word comment lol. 1 day ago
I have the time to do it, as I’m not force to comb my cat’s shitter for precious remnants :) 1 day ago
That’s the same argument I use for not having kids.
Also, I have a dog. 1 day ago
A kid can take care of you when you’re old. This is particularly pronounced in the developing world, where it’s much harder to save for retirement. 1 day ago
And I’m being called crazy :-) This is one of the worst and most sad reason for having kids. 1 day ago
Sad sure, but is it really crazy though? They’re getting taken care of by someone because their government has failed them. 11 hours ago
so like, you seriously look at stuff like this and don’t see the appeal? A small adorable fuzzball that obviously loves you, that doesn’t make you feel happy? 7 hours ago
I never said I don’t like animals. I do pet them whenever I can and they want to. I really like interacting with any species and learn from it. But I, personally, don’t get anything else out of it, emotion-wise. The love of my wife makes me happy, because it’s a mutual feeling we can communicate about. The cat (or whichever else animal) does not “love” me. At best it tolerance or even likes my presence. That’s not inherently bad or anything, it just is and I wouldn’t lie to my it ain’t. 1 day ago
I could understand having a pet, but not taking in a random stray without question.
Some strange cat walks into my house? It gets plopped right back into the street, that ain’t my cat! 1 day ago
I took in a stray kitten that someone dumped at my work back in the fall. I wasn’t sure if i would keep her or not, but i felt obligated to clean her up and feed her while i figured out what to do with her. As soon as she started interacting with my other kitten, they became best friends and i couldn’t in good conscience seperate them.
Another friend of mine slowly took in a stray cat over the fourse of a summer. Leave out food for it of it hangs out around your house until it starts to nuzzle up against you. Then you can pet it, maybe pick it up, and then take it to a doctor to get it checked out.
It sounds to me though, that you just don’t like animals. 1 day ago
I actually dunno what I would do, but I probably wouldn’t kick it out. I’d feed it and stuff, but ultimately won’t keep it. 1 day ago
Warmth, company, fun…? Also, the experience of being responsible for and caring for another being can be very valuable. 1 day ago
Not to me, sorry. What benefit could i have from “caring for another being”? Me, personally? The other being, yes, maybe. But me? I could never care ADEQUATELY for any animal. they don’t belong in my company/house. Just because we domesticated the fuck outta them doesn’t make it better. And i also couldn’t neuter them or feed them this disgusting shit we call pet-food. And also I don’t want to take out the shit of others :-) 1 day ago
Your family and friends must adore you. 1 day ago
They actually do. Not that this is either anything of your concern nor the point. And guess what, friends are people i care about that I CHOSE TO. They didn’t get bought in a pet-shop and were forced to be in my vicinity, nor suddenly appeared in my house as strays. You maybe see the point somewhere there. 1 day ago
Comment above is crazy but also, animals are not toys. It’s pretty crazy to want to own animals and make them live with you. Fortunately (idk) some animals co-evolved with us and became dependant of human farming/breeding/ownership 1 day ago
Having pets live with you is not (necessarily) the same as treating them like toys, though, is it?