- Comment on My Beans :( 18 hours ago:
Thanks, so sad :(
- Comment on My Beans :( 18 hours ago:
Please try to be respectful
- Comment on My Beans :( 1 day ago:
Your beans :(
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 1 day ago:
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 2 days ago:
That’s a fair and well measured response. It begs the question of what we can do as individuals, and when it comes to smart phones I don’t think there’s much.
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 2 days ago:
I don’t create posts claiming smart phones ruined every aspect of society dude
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 2 days ago:
I’m prepared for the downvotes knowing where I’m posting.
If you hate it that much, why are you using it? It’s a tool. It’s useful. It also allows you to overindulge, but that says more about you than the tool.
- Comment on DNA 3 days ago:
More acid ought to do the trick
- Comment on DNA 3 days ago:
Deoxyribo&ucleic acid, for anyone sophisticated
- Comment on Just because you're a slob at home do you have to be an inconsiderate slob in public 4 days ago:
It’s a shame people have to share public transit with you
- Comment on Is there a theoretical limit to profit? 5 days ago:
No. They can always print more money. Money is no longer backed by anything other than faith; if people believe money has value, there’s no hard set limit on that value
- Comment on Better hurry, before they run out of....1's and 0's... 1 week ago:
You ruined the absurdity of it
- Comment on Surveillance 1 week ago:
Hi FBI 🥰
- Comment on Are there humans who require heating lights like pet reptiles? 1 week ago:
You win
- Comment on Unethical relationship advice 1 week ago:
How loose
- Comment on Anon reads the news 1 week ago:
I’m deeply curious about the source
- Comment on Primitive Technology: Two Walled Tiled Hut 2 weeks ago:
Now imagine if it had 4 walls, that would be crazy
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 weeks ago:
What downsides are you concerned about
- Comment on What happens when a prominent person is assassinated and the perpetrator cannot be identified? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon plays spin the bottle 2 weeks ago:
Anon self pities instead of self reflecting and fails to grow because of it
- Comment on Starbucks wants a Bachelor's degree for a barista 3 weeks ago:
What a weird incel-energy comment to make.
- Comment on I or my family does has a 3 year old mixed border collie. Is it to late to train him for something new? 3 weeks ago:
You know what they say, you can’t teach a dog tricks. Why bother
- Comment on Anon gets home from a long day at work 3 weeks ago:
Ah, thank you
- Comment on Anon gets home from a long day at work 3 weeks ago:
In my walkup? Wtf is a walkup?
- Comment on Turkey Temptation 4 weeks ago:
Ah, that makes sense
- Comment on Turkey Temptation 4 weeks ago:
I’ve never heard of turkey described as gamey, and I’m genuinely confused as to why you think it is
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, I’m not watching “why we need a war on Christmas” on YouTube. Sorry
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 4 weeks ago:
I think it’s the fact OP is calling their neighbor an asshole for fixing their fence in a less than perfect way that really irked me. I get annoyed when privileged people want to play the victim; it’s something I know I should work on, but right now it’s a part of my character.
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 4 weeks ago:
Get him something related to his interests. It’s weird to make Christmas political like this
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 4 weeks ago:
There are things I can relate to, and this is not one of them. Hence my comment