You do know there are many odorless deodorants. Deodorant literally means it removes the smell.
Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago
Whats up with you guys? I’d rather have a fresh out of the gym teenager next to me in the bus then an Justus who smells like an axe factory.
How normal body odor is a tabu in some cultures where and deo ads which tell you its bothersome if you smell normal is still a thing in 2025 really grinds my gears 2 days ago 2 days ago
where deo ads which tell you its bothersome if you smell normal is still a thing in 2025
I live in an ad-free bubble where I’m able to block 98% of all ads on my devices, I haven’t seen a deodorant ad in many years.
I don’t need an ad to tell me BO stinks and it sucks smelling it when you work in an office
I’m sure you’ll say/think something like “Nobody around me tells me I stink though, they’re fine with it because they know it’s natural” no they’re not fine with it, they just don’t want to deal with the awkward situation of telling a (presumed) adult to put on some damn deodorant.
Put on deodorant 2 days ago
It is bothersome when people smell. 2 days ago
Bad body odour is a sign of bad hygiene. Bad hygiene leads to worse health. 2 days ago
And you cover up bad odour with deodrant or be hygiene yourself. Idk most people in my culture don’t do deodrant unless going to a marriage function or so 2 days ago
You’re wrong on this one. 2 days ago
What are your thoughts on non-scented antiperspirants? 2 days ago
I got a heat rash from using an antiperspirant on an extremely hot day. I got so angry I threw out the antiperspirant and go with just deodorant, but I miss the dry feeling antiperspirants give. 2 days ago
That’s not what taboo means.
It’s not taboo, it’s unpleasant to smell. (Ignoring that it’s gross). 2 days ago
Well I mean it’s a combination of issues… IE yes drown yourself in overwhelming strong scents to attempt to cover up your stink (or simply because on it’s own you think it’s attractive, and the commercials said putting it on will send girls into attack mode).
Subtle deodorant is certainly better than natural BO (especially depending on hygine, and just some general body types etc… 2 days ago
Ah, yes, another person who goes through life smelling like ass and foisting their stench on the rest of us. 2 days ago
Are you aware, that there is a difference between fresh sweat with clean clothes on and fresh sweat „warming up“ old sweat in clothes you wore the whole day? Also being smelly depends a lot on the climate you live in, how thoroughly you dry your clothes, what fabrics you are wearing, how many layers you‘re wearing, how often you wash yourself and change your chlothes.
It’s (as always) not that simple. 2 days ago
Absolutely, one stinks and one reeks
That’s a lot more complicated than just throwing on some deodorant after your shower and most people are really bad at judging their own smells so always make the wrong choices (it’s not even their fault, the brain just filters out your own smells most of the time)