- Comment on Is this green or blue? 1 week ago:
- Comment on a challenge appears 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Whats up with you guys? I’d rather have a fresh out of the gym teenager next to me in the bus then an Justus who smells like an axe factory.
How normal body odor is a tabu in some cultures where and deo ads which tell you its bothersome if you smell normal is still a thing in 2025 really grinds my gears
- Comment on Right-Wing politics 4 weeks ago:
Who TF is this dude who seems to be the New meme
- Comment on shit post 5 weeks ago:
angry upvote
- Comment on Anti-Masturbation Cross 1 month ago:
The fact i was considering this to be real for a Moment tells a lot about americans
- Comment on Why won't you ever forget the word 1 month ago:
Cool as goose?
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
- Comment on No one: Laptop. Could this be hardware or software related? 2 months ago:
My Debian dies this everytime i Start, but it goes away after a few secs, doesn’t do that on windows, so software bug is not impossible
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
Plutonium in nuclear waste has a half lifetime of 24 000 years
The first structure which is counted as begin of civilization is was like 11 000 years ago.
Advocating against them is not automatically russion propaganda bro.
Being weary of companies who assure the public this will all be taken care of, just let them profit now is basic human sense.
(And don’t come at me again with how bad fossils are, I advocate for stopping to use them to, it was just not the topic of the meme)
You trying to put me in a drawer with conspiracy theorists is showing saying more about you then about me
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
Sure sure, if all your arguments fail blame the russians. You are from the states hm?
Not to say Russia isn’t lobbying for gas and oil, just funny that that’s the reaction on critic on a technology: you must be influenced by Russian propaganda!
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
I read the Reuters article and it backs up my point…
Reactivating a coal power plant which was kept in hold because of gas shortage… Has nothing to do with nuclear…
As I said: we ditched nuclear decades ago, were going with renevables, then conservatives slowed renewables aimed for gas and a a Slower transition out of fossils, thats why we still don’t have enough renewable and need to still rely on coal. But we don’t build new coal plants and no sane person thinks we are going back.
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
Its like saying electric cars are good for the environment just because benzin cars are worse. Its not true. Both are bad for the environment.
The nuclear waste is a fucking problem, no matter if burning coal also is a fucking problem
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
Its saying Corona isn’t dangerous because cancer is worse.
When the actual comparison should be made between corona and getting a corona antibody shot.
Sure you can compare nuclear with fossils and will see: both lots of downsides bad, we shouldn’t use them. The problem is when you stop there, don’t compare it to wind, solar, water, and then go around hyping nuclear.
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
Dude, its a strawman because im not arguing pro fossil but pro solar, Wind, Walter and economical and social change.
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
When you hear people hating on bureocracy is mostly rich people hating on rules which stop them from fucking the public over for profit.
The truth is: we can’t possibly plan a safe storage for that kind of timespan, there are way better alternatives like renewables, everyone arguing for nuclear is replacing the propaganda from the fossil lobby with propaganda from the nuclear lobby.
My theory on why Americans recently started to believe in a miricale storage which in the future sure will be found? Because if they wouldn’t they would need to realise that they need to change their economy and their way of living
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
We have there options:
Continue fossils and make earth uninhabitable for a medium (on the scale of humanity) duration of time.
Switch to renevables, even if it means changing our way of living, maybe overproducing less, having less ultra riches etc.
Switch to nuclear, which isn’t fast enough to stop the fossil problem but also contaminates earth for a ultra long amount of time and also is way harder to get rid of (we have at least in theory options to get co2 out of the atmosphere even if its not at all practical/usable e ough to help us with our current situation, for nuclear waste there is literally nothing you can to except wait.)
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
No one is arguing for fossils lol That’s a strawman
And yes, I just gave you the first link I found, point given, but you wouldn’t argue that nuclear waste is safe to be around would you?
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
You people always come and compare to oil.
yes short term the rising temp by climate gases is prob worse, but you need to compare it to actual alternatives, like wind, water, sun -.-
Everyone fucking knowes that oil needs to be stopped from being used better yesterday then today, but this doesn’t make nuclear any better
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
Didn’t think people smart enough to use Lemmy would fall for american nuclear lobbying.
Guys come on you can’t really think nuclear is better then renewables and everyone who thinks differently is having an agenda.
If something like this ends up in my feed I wanna talk to the people and see how they ended up with such “interesting” positions, that’s all.
(For what I can tell most are Americans and influenced by local consent manufacturing)
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
We didn’t this is misinformation spread in USA. Yes we shut down nuclear plants, and our investments in renewable are behind, but none is planning on going back to coal (except some crazy right wing fascists who are not in political power)
For the most part we are investing in gas heavily at the moment, which is fucking stupid in our climate situation, but the fracking gas from the USA with very competitive prices and lot of political hegemony from USA drive the government to do it anyway.
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
This is comparing the direct surrounding of power plants, no on thinks this is the problem of nuclear…
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
In germany we have, after 20 years of search, not one safe place. The one we have for temporal storage is expected to start leaking soon…
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
Hahah Tell me one spot on earth where we can put this stuff safely.
All the ones named “safe” in the past weren’t so safe actually weren’t they?
Also detecting radiation poisoning as cause of death is super hard, if you die from cancer, it could very well be radiation, but it will not get counted as such, except it is very well documented you got exposed (which it isn’t if its in the Drinkwater supplies as we fear it will happen in a few years here in Germany with the “Endlager asse” because the tons containing the waste are rusting.
There is still no solution for waste which is litteratly a unseeable, unsmellable, untasteble killer, radiating for longer then fucking civilization exists. We CANT possibly plan good enough to manage those kinds of timescales, and we don’t have a plan by now AT ALL
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
All the ones you mentioned except nuclear don’t create radiation waste at all…
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
Quite a few (if you remember not even a fraction oft its life time is over by now)
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
Maybe because we still don’t have a solution for the waste which kills people generations after your death?
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
Now calculate how many generations of turkeys will be eaten till the waste stops killing people
- Comment on What your coffee preparation method says about you 3 months ago:
Imho: Be generous with the amount of coffe, don’t let it sit but very slowly start pressing almost right away.
Gives a rich flavor low in bitterness but high in caffeine.
I also use espresso beans for this technique just because it tastes better for me.
Side note: personally I prefer this coffee with a generous amount of (this is not) milk
- Comment on What your coffee preparation method says about you 3 months ago:
I use Debian and USA a French French press since 9 years ^^