- Comment on I'm thinking taffy. 1 week ago:
pretty sure the taste buds die before they can send their report to the brain.
- Comment on FIGHT 2 weeks ago:
Researchers spend $X to find out if poison kills microbes.
- Comment on Riot Games is cracking down on players’ off-platform conduct 2 weeks ago:
The gist is… streamers are gamer role models. The streamer itself is a drop in the bucket… but either they encourage people that like their behavior to play the game, or they encourage people who play the game to act like them.
I used to play town of salem, the social deduction game… the community was relatively small, but when a mainstream youtube channel like pewdiepie or someoen played the game there’d be a collective groan from the community. As it would always follow up with a huge spike if players who start up the game with zero interest in learning how to play (because the youtuber also didn’t learn how to play)… now in those cases that generally was only a week or 2 of annoyance as the obnoxious players either moved on to the next thing, or started actually trying to learn the game instead of just trolling everyone.
- Comment on alpha 2 weeks ago:
I’m just a beta male… they doubt I’m ready for release… but I’m far more stable than any alpha male.
- Comment on levitation 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on FIGHT 2 weeks ago:
That seems to be so common of a theme in theirs… Testing narcotics on animals to make predictions of how they impact humans is constantly being used as a chilling and watching animals take drugs". The idea that there’s solutions to drug use that might be more effective than throw drug users into private prisons to do slave labor seems quite lost on these people.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 4 weeks ago:
It’s true… but with all things it’s a matter of quantity of people you need to be loyal… IE one commander who agrees with the cause, vs 100 soldiers that could talk about it.
Plus, it’s far easier to grow a concience on the field looking in the eyes of the children you are murdering, vs sitting in a computer or robot lab having no “need to know” what these robots do when they leave your office
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 4 weeks ago:
IMO we are probably on the brink of the last possible society that can on a technical level. I would say, nukes, and even drone bombs etc… are unlikely to be utilized, simply due to collateral damage, infrastructure damage etc…
However, things like the boston dynamics spot etc… We’re probably a decade away from when 1 person can control an army of perfectly loyal soldiers.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 4 weeks ago:
wow, yeah thanks for the repost of it then, and yeah seems even further to go in there, when conservatives comb for examples of the terrible things they are fighting… and it seems like over and over again, even their cherry picked examples seem to fail
- Comment on Frog's Gift 4 weeks ago:….
Sunfish I can’t find the actual study, it appears it was done in 1975, and was a big thing that congress at the time used as the examples of wasteful spending.
First 2 I can’t really say the value or lack of value of. I mean they were studies on effects of dangerous substances on behavior. and yes of course like all studies you pick animals that you might be able to get the effects of. Obviously a lot of science is just randomly probing around looking for oddities that give you a hypothesis to try and refine later into something useful. Obviously addictive substances is an important topic to understand, and poking around randomly might actually give solutions that could be discovered IMO.
Now the last one is the only one I’d agree, isn’t exactly super useful.…/feds-blow-700k-to-find-o…
was done in 2016.
All that being said… lets also take a serious statement on cost here… a million dollars in 2016. That’s like, 15 minutes of iraq war money.
- Comment on They're called leaves for a reason. 4 weeks ago:
Too bad HOAs are far more concerned with making sure everything looks plain and perfect to the 70 year old humans walking on the street rather than giving any craps about wildlife.
- Comment on make it make sense 4 weeks ago:
I mean obviously depends on the god… but if we are going with the judeo christian god. He does a lot of insane things for very little.
Floods the earth for being evil
Kids mock a bald man… God sends a pack of bears to kill them.
Woman turns around and glances at her home town being destroyed, turned to salt.
Quite simply god of the old testament bible is pretty all over the place on what he’ll punish large swaths of people for. Though while I’d note he didn’t worry much on collateral damage. He didn’t miss his targets (IE… sure I could see the god of the bible letting a hurricane kill millions in the bible belt on it’s way to hit LA or New York… but doesn’t seem those storms have a great track record of reaching the people they think god wants to punish.
- Comment on make it make sense 4 weeks ago:
Would be nice if they could at least blame god. They’d rather blame drag queens for upsetting god.