My 5 year old has recently started trying out various different titles. I’ve been (by their choice) Dad, Daddy, Dada, Papa, Mister, and probably a few more including (occasionally) my actual first name. I do like “Dada” because I remember when it was their only word and it was used to express excitement at my presence, but I don’t mind any of them because whatever they call me, they’re calling me with love. As long as I can tell that they’re referring to me, I’ll always respond. I agree with you, though; I certainly don’t want the relationship depicted in the original picture.
They sometimes called their mother “Maker,” which is kind of an interesting choice IMHO, but the mother has pretty much the same attitude about it that I do. I call the kid “Little Bean” sometimes and plan to continue doing so no matter how big they get. Also, as a related side note, I got a lot of mileage out of all the bean memes on Lemmy back when that was the thing. 5 weeks ago
Sure, but how many have called you daddy? 5 weeks ago
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 5 weeks ago
Don’t get a full of yourself, though. She calls EVERYONE Daddy.