- Comment on Let people just use what they want, okay? It's their choice. 3 months ago:
Seriously the number of people on here complaining about Windows bloat. I’m not even 100% sure what the hell that’s supposed to mean. I’m a normal and my windows runs fine.
- Comment on Anon meets up with a girl 3 months ago:
OK but that advice was clearly meant for people like OOP who haven’t been in a relationship as the post implies. If you have been in a relationship and are just in a slump then the shower advice was pretty clearly not meant for you? Not everything is meant for you.
Honestly if the energy your putting out in this comment section is the energy your approaching people with then that might be your problem.
- Comment on Meanwhile, in Springfield Ohio 5 months ago:
That’s not even a swastika it’s a 45. It just really feels like it’s a swastika when you see the fanta fascist.
- Comment on What is going to happen when AI becomes extremely advanced? 5 months ago:
So similar stuff has happened throughout history with the coming of more advanced technology. There use to be entire rooms of secretaries in order to do clerical work that has been replaced by Microsoft Office Suite. Their replacement by technology did not cause a total collapse of society so I don’t see why this would?
It might make the world worse and drive down the standard of living for many but a total upheaval? If humans made it through the industrial age we’ll likely make it through the second technology age too. We won’t be unscathed but mankind survived the invention of the computer which was probably equally (or maybe more) disruptive.
- Comment on Anon saves their vacation days 7 months ago:
California is actually one of the states that require pay out of unused PTO. I believe MA, CO, and LA do as well, Im not sure of all of them. More than half don’t require it, in those states it’s company dependant.
- Comment on California to become third state to mandate heat protections for indoor workers 8 months ago:
OSHA has some protections regarding things like water access and such. But OSHA doesn’t cover every industry.
- Comment on How do you get into wild camping, it seems so overwhelming and a lot of information to try and gather? 8 months ago:
Your gut reaction being to go immediately to 100 miles an hour is probably the ADHD. Most of us hyperfixate really easily and jump into things with both feet. That said, in my personal experience, we also tend to hyperfixate on hobbies in a certain “category”. If your a sports person, or hiking person, or craft person, or theater person you’ll regularly hyperfixate on things that surround your “main” interests. (Sometimes we also go wildly off script but most ADHDers I know eventually circle back to their core interests.)
That said it’d be smart to get a basic understanding of camping in first because you can use it as a springboard for future hyperfixations. This was you’ll have the basic knowledge and equipment when your focus changes to ultra light, or extreme conditions, or rafting to camp spots. Etc. There is no escaping the dopamine hyperfixation train so you just have to learn systems that help you do it with minimal negative consequences.
- Comment on In our post-AI era, is job security strictly mythical? Or How to believe in careers as a concept worth doing? 9 months ago:
Universal Basic Income
- Comment on Life uh uh uh... finds a way. 9 months ago:
Does it technically even need dirt? It looks like there’s some loose debris in there and plenty of plants can be grown hydroponically.
- Comment on Every day we stray further from God's light 9 months ago:
I’ve had one that used baked beans in place of the pork. It was delicious. From the examples I’ve seen the cup started from food trucks where it was more convenient to had out a cup than a plate. Now restaurants are picking up the cup thing cause it’s a “trend”.
- Comment on can't stop won't stop 9 months ago:
Didnt Ben Franklin have a basement filled with bones because of a dissection school he ran? I don’t know that it would have helped his performance in bed but the man definitely had some anatomy lessons along the way.
- Comment on histories mysteries 9 months ago:
These devices are rather small and most amphora seem to be much larger. The shape of amphora helped with shipping, so they were typucally larger than a device that can fit in your hand.
- Comment on There it is 10 months ago:
It looks like he has chrome pinned to his task bar in the bottom left.
- Comment on Kitten Heeled Pumps 11 months ago:
I don’t think they’re implying that he is wearing those, it’s just a reference photo for anyone who doesn’t know what spatz are.
- Comment on Anon is a competitive cat owner 11 months ago:
You can get mice off glue traps using vegetable oil. It does make them covered in oil which probably isn’t great for them.
- Comment on RAW DATA 11 months ago:
Cellulose powder is wood pulp. It doesn’t really have nutritional value and is often used in the production of certain medicine types as well, but it is definitely wood.
- Comment on RAW DATA 11 months ago:
Cellulose Powder
I’m serious read the ingredients for kraft parmesan cheese
- Comment on Ides of March 11 months ago:
What the hell does he consider them then? Bards? They’re politicians at least one of them had to be a rogue.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Many US based companies also do pre-employment background checks. So either OP works for a company that doesn’t or they work for a “second chance” company that is OK with violent backgrounds. Either way the company is fine with his background and is very unlikely to fire him for something they likely knew about at hire.
- Comment on What is wage theft exactly? 1 year ago:
That’s the most common way I’ve heard it used in business settings. So it’s very audience dependant.
- Comment on Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her 1 year ago:
Mass has a lot of employee protections that other states dont but this is also really company dependant. Some big companies also dont fight unemployment claims, ever. I was HR at both a large and small company. The small company fought everything the large company had a policy of never fighting an HR claim no matter how egregious the firing cause. They felt it wasn’t Wirth the cost of defending a potential suit. So this is heavily dependent on state and company. Sometimes also on the HR, I always tried to find a way not to contest but other HRs may not have put that much work into pushing back if they were told to contest it.
Also references are often just dates of hire and title in most companies. But that’s totally separate from unemployment reaching out to HR Unemployment has a series of official questions you have to answer and one of them is “are you contesting this claim”. You’re friends companies may just be saying “no”.
- Comment on Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her 1 year ago:
I worked in HR for a while and 80% of the job was telling managers/execs “you can’t do that to an employee”. It was defending the employee, arguing for better programs, planning events for employees/associates/team members. I paid for a Christmas event out of my own pocket one year because I was told there was no funding. I never got badmouthed or trashed by a manager. But after fighting everyday for associates it was really disheartening to see them say stuff like the person youre replying too. It’s one reason people who aren’t corporate shills get out of HR. You spend your day advocating for people and they turn around and spit in your face. After awhile you just ask yourself why am I turning myself inside out for these people who hate me?
- Comment on Unsubscribe link from their emails takes you to this. You then to sign in with email and password (I don't know my password) to manage preference. I just want all out! 1 year ago:
Are there any lawyers taking on cases like this? Cause I’d consider donating to a patreon if someone was out there fighting the good fight
- Comment on Way to stop drinking 1 year ago:
Did you do this OP? Cause I’ve seen something similar as a joke Christmas gift. It doesn’t seem like a great way to stop someone drinking but it is might be a funny gift. Especially to someone who isn’t very handy and won’t be able to get through the casing.
- Comment on Go on, just one more crevice. 1 year ago:
Is this the sign from vortex springs? The cave that Ben McDaniels may or may not still be in?
- Comment on (Bad) dog owners be like 1 year ago:
I hate when people let their off leash dogs run up to my leashed dogs (we only walk in leash required areas). They always yell “they’re friendly” And I have to yell back “mine arent”. A suprising number of people still just mosey over slowly half-heartedly calling their dog while lm actively backing up and restraining my growling dog. One of my dogs is a rescue and she will fight anything if it charges her, a dog, a bike, a horse - she does not care.
Some people should not be allowed to have a dog.
- Comment on It males you wonder... 1 year ago:
So what should I do with my bodies then? I don’t want to just send more stuff to landfills
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Marking it as confidential in an email is not them telling you that you can’t share your own info. It’s warning you that the info inside the email may be something you don’t want to open when presenting etc.
A lot of companies will try to discourage you from talking about your pay. Unless they actually take action against you (i.e. teprimand/firing) there isn’t anything that you could bring to HR or a court.
Your reaction seems extreme for what would be typical corporate policy (i.e. confidential on an email like that).
- Comment on What kind of upbringing makes an incel? 1 year ago:
Since I haven’t seen it mentioned…it might be the same attitude you displayed with the question OP. Immediately wondering which woman’s fault it is that a man is acting badly.
- Comment on New cars are great... 1 year ago:
They can also track who your devices are near. If your phone sits next to someone else’s in an office building for nearly 8 hours a day and they know that persons job they can infer yours, especially since departments tend to sit together. Ad companies often assume recurring groups of people share overlapping interests (hence why their together multiple times) and will push out ads based on what other people around you are interested in to see if you are too.