- Comment on Do animals think we're cute? 13 hours ago:
I think you’re cute. Hope you have a great day in knowing you got a well deserved complement.
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
This is the comparison I was looking for. It’s great to explain that media shows them together but untrue, it is a totally different idea to explain the staggering time difference between the two.
- Comment on Really Chili 1 week ago:
It looks amazing.
All I can think of is that this is the next bad guy from wreck-It Ralph.
- Comment on "Save the Bees, Murder the Wasps" 1 week ago:
TIL that wasps are pollinators. Not sure why but growing up I was always informed that they are not. They were predators who did not provide honey and so there was no need for them to be near flowers for pollen. Either I’m old or I grew up in a really shorty education system. (WhyNotBoth.gif)
Thanks to this image I looked it up and learned something. Thanks for teaching me something new today!
- Comment on Rainbow Six Siege X update detailed, as game goes free-to-play on June 10 2 weeks ago:
Absolutely true, unfortunately for me I usually purchase games later in their lifespan after most bugs are worked out. It’s not like it goes F2P a year after I purchase but I guess I am just complaining.
If more people get to play it and the game is given new life it’s a good thing.
- Comment on Rainbow Six Siege X update detailed, as game goes free-to-play on June 10 2 weeks ago:
I get free to play, however I am getting frustrated when I purchase a game and then it goes free to play.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 3 weeks ago:
Ohh snap I read the comments wrong. I totally missed the “the way the guy wishes they did” referring to taxes. Nice catch.
I was explaining how it must be for the guy in the pic. Not how the OP was talking about it. Thanks for the clarification on my fuck up.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 3 weeks ago:
I think you may have it wrong on what is happening, this guy isn’t paying less tax than those around him from how i read it. Your area seems to be taxed based on the purchase price and not the assessed value of the property.
From how i read it his taxes have steadily gone up base on home prices and assessments. He pays taxes every year and they are relatively the same as those around him. The problem is that the value has gone up more than it should have due to the local gov wanting to be paid more. Most county commissioners (R/D doesn’t matter) are paid a percentage of what the property tax based on population. This means that if the price goes up then they get paid more. At times these also come from the state instead of a county. This means that they reps are paid based on the tax assessment.
If we make the math easy lets say he paid $30,000 for his house. (I know a city wont be this way but a small house in a rural area works for this also lets assume it was purchased some time ago). The current (as of today) monthly average of Social Security payments is $1976. ($23,712 yearly) This is about $70,000 every 3 years. $70,000/2 is $35,000. Again those payments are based on today and not the last few two years. Based on that math, SS 1976 x 12 (year) $23,712 divided by 2 (half my ss check) thats $11,856. He is essentially being taxed 30% of what he purchased his home for. I know this may not sound like much to some but its not about you in the city working the full time job for x an hour. This post is about a guy who built his home and purchased the lumber piece by piece and built it himself after purchasing the land.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 3 weeks ago:
Or it could be argued that the local county or city is taxing them so much they can’t survive and they are essentially taking federal money even though they claim to not need federal money.
But hey I’m just a guy who knows plenty of people who look like this who advocate for better social programs. In most places that have county commissioners, their salary is paid by a percentage of the property tax. This may explain the increase in tax or the increase in allowing too many high density locations that have a property tax associated with them.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
I think the point is really to give amnesty and try to move on. This idea breaks down and apart the team mentality. It allows people to unite. But by all means keep antagonizing people and see how they dig in their heels.
- Comment on What job do you need this hard hat for? 1 month ago:
Super Bowl Commercial.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 months ago:
She is not dead.
- Comment on Netflix bad... Shocker, I know 2 months ago:
Ohh I totally agree if the show or movie is 4K then you should be able to stream it that way. The main point I guess I was making is be sure that the show or movie is 4K, some are not and if that’s the case it won’t work no matter what you do.
There is a list of them that support 4K.
- Comment on Netflix bad... Shocker, I know 2 months ago:
I know I may come off bad with this question but I ran into it a while back and felt like a fool.
What show were you trying to watch, and does that show come in UHD.
When I had it I would stream to the TV so it may be different but not all shows and movies Netflix has comes in 4K.
It may all not give you that option because the resolution of the M3 MacBook Air is 2560x1664 and not actually 4k (3840 x 2160) I understand the pixel density changes things but the native resolution is what I am referencing. Unfortunately Netflix is not going to stream a higher resolution than the display natively supports from my understanding. May not hurt to hit up support with Netflix to see they can do anything to get it to stream 4K. Maybe they’ll even refund your money.
- Comment on I'm sure everyone remembers 3 months ago:
Hahahaha….ha…………ha looks around in silent alarm
- Comment on I'm sure everyone remembers 3 months ago:
Ohh I know it’s still around but it’s it’s just endemic now and not pandemic. And we have a vaccine even if people don’t take it.
- Comment on I'm sure everyone remembers 3 months ago:
Unfortunately I actually fear this may happen with the rise of MPOX in the states. If the people in charge of HHS and the Pandemic Response team get gutted or mislead then I fear we will be back to COVID lockdown but for MPOX.
- Comment on They must not be tired 4 months ago:
“civilian asset forfeiture”
- Comment on Jewel Beetles 4 months ago:
How freaking big are Jewel Beetles if they are trying to mate a beer bottle!?!?
All jokes aside they are not small but they aren’t the size of a beer bottle either.
- Comment on Dummy Thicc 4 months ago:
This is the most attracted I have ever been to Donald.
- Melania
- Comment on *screaming* 5 months ago:
Wait what… I mean I am not fully ignorant but back in the day when friends saw they warned me so I could avoid.
This 15ish years later is the first I hear of this. To be honest, it doesn’t surprise me based on the description however, I always walked away with the assumption of help coming before it’s too late.
The dude died?
- Comment on Anon interviews for a job 7 months ago:
The kicker is Anon may have gotten the job because they put so much effort into it even if it was the wrong direction of effort.
- Comment on Ingredience 7 months ago:
Dang. I read through all the ingredients on the left expecting it to be wrong or off. It’s dead on. Wife can’t have red meat so we use this for her and the ingredients are spot on. Way to be honest with your shit post!!!
- Comment on "The New Path for Bungie", 220 people, 17% of Bungie, laid off 7 months ago:
Good point. Sorry I wasn’t clear. I only meant that they couldn’t branch out and develop other games like they wanted to. Essentially I was making the same point that you are in terms of what they HAD to develop. MS it was Halo, Sony it’s destiny but in either place they did not have the option to make new IP. At least maybe not till now but that looks more like a forced dev.
I agree with your sentiment, though that Sony is pushing them more in house.
- Comment on "The New Path for Bungie", 220 people, 17% of Bungie, laid off 7 months ago:
I would generally agree with this statement but I think in this particular case it may be a bad thing. From what I understood of the article they are taking a portion of the Bungie dev team and spinning off to be a part of the Sony game devs. I have a feeling the manage team being taken out had been a big pushback on that.
Bungie wanted to leave Microsoft because they wanted to do new things and not just Halo. Unfortunately it turned out activation screwed them in terms of their development and mad then cut 70% of the D1 story with less than a year to release.
After all that they are eventually bought by Sony that now does almost the same thing MS was doing to them.
Don’t get me wrong, I am glad it’s more managers and corporate office than devs but I have a bad feeling that this is just the start of a bad turn of events for them.
- Comment on Nope 8 months ago:
I know its not the point but this kind of stuff happens so please consider You can set a per transaction limit, monthly limit, one time use. Etc. Please take a look as it lets you do some amazing things.
- Comment on Anon goes to the gym for the first time 9 months ago:
“Nerds for lifting” I fucking love that and feel that.
- Comment on Classic quotes have such gravitas and authority to them, don't you think? 10 months ago:
Yep, totally that guy.
- Comment on Classic quotes have such gravitas and authority to them, don't you think? 10 months ago:
I read this in the voice of the one writer on “the late show is Stephen Colbert”
If you’ve seen it, you know the exact voice I’m talking about.
- Comment on Just horsey things 11 months ago:
I thought my joke was great, and then you had to blow it out of the water!
I legit laughed out loud when reading this. Thanks for some great joy this day internet stranger.