- Comment on Pretty sound reasoning here. 3 months ago:
I like the pew pews tho
- Comment on Pretty sound reasoning here. 3 months ago:
You’re not getting your pinky in an AR-15 barrel. .2 inch or half a centimeter basically.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 3 months ago:
Lemmy is a terrible place but after leaving Reddit after a dozen years, it sucks too. No going back. I kinda want to leave Lemmy - such miserable, hateful echo chamber - but, where would I go?
- Comment on Tough Shit 4 months ago:
I think the question OP didn’t want to ask was, “does all of this dick in my ass affect my poops?”
- Comment on Badgers 4 months ago:
Dammit is this how we got the Lion & Wardrobe and such?
- Comment on Temperatures 4 months ago:
but 69 F is nice
- Comment on Why are people impressed with SpaceX? 4 months ago:
This was right below your post in my feed:
- Comment on Ok boomer 4 months ago:
How is saying I" don’t work here" in response to the employee approaching them to direct them to the self-checkout - how is that harassing them?
- Comment on Make a wsh 4 months ago:
Ths took me too long to understand.
- Comment on Guess what this product is without looking up what it is! 4 months ago:
Well it’s clearly not a sex product (or at least not intended to be). If it was a sex product they would have obviously added the third X - XXXTRA HARD!
- Comment on It's Wednesday, my dudes. 4 months ago:
I came here to make sure someone had said this. I usually have a wolf spiderbro in my bathroom. I talked to one this morning in fact, he was a new, smaller one though. They’re great. Eat bugs, no webs. Not significantly dangerous at all.
- Comment on Important information 4 months ago:
I don’t think I mentioned volume anywhere. I don’t make any sound when I drink soup. Why would I not just drink the broth after I’m done eating the solid bits out of the soup? Are you bound by some crazy social rules that no one actually should be bound by? You really need to ask yourself these questions. I am most certainly not bound by any of those societal bullshits.
- Comment on Important information 4 months ago:
ELI5 please
- Comment on Important information 4 months ago:
You don’t need a spoon. It’s in a bowl. You eat the solid bits with chopsticks then pick up the bowl and drink it! It’s not rocket science.
- Comment on Climate change 4 months ago:
Man, Ohio is now in Turkiye. Not sure if I’m more excited about the mountains or dreading the time in the restrooms.
- Comment on Climate change 4 months ago:
It eventually got so hot it got SWOLL and rose up out of the sea.
- Comment on There can be only one winner 4 months ago:
We buy 1mg. Once we couldn’t find any so we bought 3mg and cut them in half. I found it interesting that OP used actual dosage for caffeine but not for melatonin. Three pills could be 3mg or 60+.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 5 months ago:
Not all return situations are equal either. There is a difficulty factor. I’ve returned carts every time in my life except once. I was about 50 car rows deep in a massive crowded lot and I realized there were no cart corrals at all. At the back of the massive lot and much, much closer to me was a bunch of carts. I pushed a few together and added mine. The difference in this scenario was not me.
- Comment on My word game had some weird archaic racist word as one of the answers. 5 months ago:
I’ve only encountered the use of mulatto once in the wild. My girlfriend my freshman year at college had an adopted brother who was biracial. She used the word mulatto to describe him, but at the time everything she said about him seemed very loving.
- Comment on First contact when? 5 months ago:
Yes, they are a highly superior squid-like race that can travel through the vacuum of space without any spacecraft.
But how do they taste?
- Comment on Not again 5 months ago:
I will never financially recover from this.
- Comment on Delicious 5 months ago:
I’ve never asked, but generally it’s something you put on your main food items to add flavor. She does require that it’s crumbled, and crispy. Bacon bits essentially, but she prefers the real ones to the fake ones. It’s not like she eats bacon every day.
- Comment on Anon wants to go to Nuuk 5 months ago:
It’s a lot harder if you have a family.
- Comment on Delicious 5 months ago:
My MIL is a lifelong vegetarian who eats bacon, because “bacon is a condiment.”
- Comment on Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford says his hopes on Epic Store were 'overly optimistic or misplaced' 5 months ago:
I own a handful of games on Epic that I actually play. But whenever I see one of those games under $5 on steam sale I buy it. I think I’m down to two games left. Playing Fallout London on GOG gives me the same heebie jeebies
- Comment on Gen Z is actually taking sick days, unlike their older coworkers. It’s redefining the workplace 5 months ago:
Yeah that doesn’t work for kitchen staff.
- Comment on Gen Z is actually taking sick days, unlike their older coworkers. It’s redefining the workplace 5 months ago:
I’m 50. I’ve never had 10 days off in a row. I tried to plan two weeks last year and left but had to come back early.
- Comment on Check the facts 5 months ago:
He benefits from the labor of the working of the working class
- Comment on If buying it isn't owning it... 6 months ago:
Do you have a tower PC? I have a stack of DVD read/write drives +/- that I need to get rid of pretty soon, I won’t have a place to store them after the next couple of months. I’d offer to ship you one, but I have to put an asterisk in there. The last time I offered to ship a guy some RAM it turned out there was a lot of international barriers and it was going to cost me about 10 times with the RAM was worth to ship it to him, with no guarantee he’d actually receive it. So… ?
- Comment on If buying it isn't owning it... 6 months ago:
My last console was a N64. I still play those old games on occasion. My PC gaming experience isn’t equalled by consoles. I’d actually buy a Blu-ray player for my PC, it’s connected to my TV and sound system - but I hate most of the movies made today. Maybe I still will, just to preserve some old classics in my library.