- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 month ago:
Or a beamer if you want a big screen.
- Comment on Anon plays pretend 3 months ago:
Software engineers call this rubber duck programming
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 3 months ago:
There is also an art to keeping it short. No need to sit at a table for 5 hours. After an hour you should know if you want to go do something together.
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
Allow me to translate:
Top left is a thermal cycler. Basically it heats and cools samples at a given rate. This is primarily used for for magic. Top right is the fancier version of this, it is for qMagic, so it can do the heating and cooling and has a magic detector for magic components that reacts to magic happening so you can quantify approximately how much magic is going on in the beige box.
Bottom right is a luminex. This uses detection of magic signals to measure magic.
Bottom left is the beige box where magic happens.
- Comment on Anon plays Splatoon 4 months ago:
When life gives you oranges…
- Comment on Anon starts asking questions 5 months ago:
Just like orbiting something. Satellites are constantly just falling back to earth, but with enough grace to always miss earth. I bet satellites would be great cyclists!
- Comment on Abstract Madlibs 6 months ago:
Math and physics can also help to solve <Insert popular sociological problem>. So this template works fine as is for math and physics.
- Comment on The Star Trek Adventures first edition Core Rulebook pdf free for Saturday, June 22 8 months ago:
Our group played this system for a short bit. We loved the social combat system and the pooled resources. A good DM can absolutely make it feel like a Star Trek episode. Our problem with the system, is that you have to play the lawfull good guys for it to work well; just like a Star Trek episode. Our group likes to play morally grey.
- Comment on Anon has a realization 9 months ago:
I also used to save up every potion and usuable that I came across. I wanted to feel in control by being prepared for everything. That sounds like a fine quality to have, but it stems from a fear of not being able to handle whatever is thrown at you. It is a symptom of a lack of self confidence.
Nowadays the things that I’m most proud of in life, are things I only achieved because I jumped head first into the unknown, yet still came out on top of whatever challenge I had taken on.
- Comment on What's your favorite game that you will NEVER finish? 1 year ago:
Europa Universalis IV and Stellaris. For exactly the same reasons.
I spend way too much time in those games. Hundreds of hours each. But the end game is just too much of a slog. You already won, so there is no challenge; the framerate tanks into unplayable territory; and the micromanagement to manage the late game wars and economy becomes insane.
But starting with a different empire, and doing early/mid game again is awsome!
- Comment on Possible headcanon reason why consoles always explode on the bridge 1 year ago:
I used to put that one in the same category as the man-in-suit gorn from TOS: budget/tech restrictions. But even in the latest SNW episode, we see Chapel waking up on a piece of wreckage with gravity still perfectly fine, while also getting several zero gravity scenes in the same episode.
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
If you want to play animal crossing, but only have a PC: try Dinkum. Same gameplay loop, but with a few minor twists and turns. And the setting is Australia. Hence you ride your mu around town, shearing the wool of your pleeps and milking your vombats. Ofcourse you need to defend them from crocos and fire spitting devils. But anything you kill can be thrown on the BBQ. And to get rich, you start a fairy bread empire. Exporting millions worth of sugary goodness.
- Comment on Do life insurance rules that deny payment after suicide discriminate against those with mental health issues? If those rules didn't exist would suicide rate increase? 1 year ago:
I agree that the ‘unjust’ part is implied here. However, it is certainly not part of any textbook definition of discrimination.
Because the ‘unjust’ part is implied so often, people have started to change the meaning of the word discrimination. I think that is quite dangerous, given how essential the word is in various constitutions and laws.