- Comment on no ragrets 1 week ago:
Oh yeah, we definitely form close knit family and community units with dispersed hierarchy instead of giving all the bananas and power to a small handful of apes who can then impose their will on everyone else…
- Comment on It's just a Planck bro 4 weeks ago:
Max Planck: I just discovered the shortest amount of time something can last any ideas what I should name it? Marie Planck: Planck time Max Planck: :'(
- Comment on I don't have to check the price because I know I can't afford it. 2 months ago:
Having to save us a couple hundred dollars to be able to go on a dinner and movie type date isn’t the same as just being able to do that impromptu knowing it’s okay.
Both are nice though, but one has a lot less stress overall in life.
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 2 months ago:
To overcome inflation you need returns higher than inflation. That’s it. Historically the markets outperform inflation. You’re saying things out of fear and not reality.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 2 months ago:
I want someone who would choose to spend a million/year on the animals instead of on themselves.
That video is garbage, you REALLY think the “best and brightest” are the ones making millions? It’s the well connected. The people who make and break lives like chips on a poker table over a game of golf. The people who hang out on Epstein’s Island. They’re the only ones making millions per year.
The best and brightest are slaving away in universities and companies making meager salaries. The ones who have to fight for every cent that goes towards their innovation and research, who have to convince shareholders that every dollar they invest will give them a thousand back.
Let those people run the zoo, they’ll do it for 120k. That’s millions more that can be spent on the animals by people who actually have the skills to help.
- Comment on FIGHT 3 months ago:
Researchers spend $X trying to poison groundwater, thankfully foiled by bacteria.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 3 months ago:
I think this is cool. Many of these are accessible and cheap. Most of these are “do you get out of the house and spend time on something” which is obvious. Looks like most hobbies are attractive, like even anime and cosplay have 1 out of 4 women who is into that and finds it attractive.
I also love the huge correlation between the top 15 and what men think is the top 15, the main difference is that men didn’t think hobbies were attractive enough.
I’d love to see the reversed list for what men think are attractive hobbies for a woman!
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
No child calls the ‘wrong’ person dad. Dad is an earned title between a parent and child. Ejaculating doesn’t make you a dad, just a sperm donor.
Same goes for Mom by the way unless you think adopted parents are also illegitimate.
- Comment on Goodwill is out of control 4 months ago:
Sounds like you’re the one misunderstanding goodwill. Goodwill doesn’t donate to ANY causes. Their ONLY contribution is employing disabled people and providing jobs/training. You can read it on their own website.
Who does Goodwill help? Goodwill serves those with barriers to employment. This includes individuals with disabilities, people with limited work history, those who have experienced corporate downsizing and recipients of government support programs. Goodwill’s services are designed to meet the training and placement needs of the individual. www.goodwill.org/faqs/#d7
There well known for paying their disabled employees below minimum wage while paying local store CEOs hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.
So don’t tell me about how the high prices I pay will support charities.
- Comment on Goodwill is out of control 4 months ago:
This is a store where people GIVE away their stuff, out of the goodness of their hearts with the premise that it will be sold at a low price so that someone less fortunate can benefit. If goodwill has decided to sell the merchandise it gets for FREE at “fair market value” to the highest bidder in order to maximise profit then what’s the point of goodwill? Might as well use a consignment store and get a cut.
The exchange in “Goodwill” is that you’re donating in goodwill so your things can help others. That’s what goodwill MEANS.
- Comment on Goodwill is out of control 4 months ago:
I found dollarama products listed for $5+ at the local goodwill. Let’s not just make the blanket assumption that exploited goodwill workers are professional appraisers and that the customer is the problem.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
Yeah. I had a dad that didn’t get laid too. Sex is in the bottom layers of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, then intimacy is up higher as well. If you’re not getting these things you’re not going to be able to hide them. Your kids won’t know why until they’re much older WHY your not happy, but that is a sadness of the soul that nothing can hide.
You ever see one of your friends the day after they get laid and you just know. That’s a kind of joy from having your needs met that you can’t fake.
You’re teaching your kids it’s OK with someone who doesn’t meet your needs. It’s not.
Be with someone who makes you happy. Let your wife do the same. Show your kids what a happy marriage and happy parents look like so they can model their relationships that way. Don’t continue the cycle.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
It’s better to show your kids what is like to be happy and have your needs met than to show them being miserable and setling. Especially on their behalf.
Which would you rather for your kids?
Which are you showing your kids by example?
- Comment on Deficiencies 6 months ago:
Our communities are setup like that. We’re separated from eachother, and we can’t afford to spend enough time at local third places to feel community. Church also used to be central to community and most people aren’t religious, but nothing has replaced the churches role in community building.
It’s rough. If you can get out to places nearby where people congregate that will be nice. Getting a dog is nice too if you like dogs, they give you love and accept your love and they’re a good ice breaker. They also force you out regularly. You can take the dog to dog parks and chat with locals.
It’s not your fault. Humans are a social animal and we built cities and an economy that didn’t consider that.
- Comment on How bad maps win elections - Gerrymandering explained | Map Men 6 months ago:
I was going to post that video. First past the post is broken. Technology has far outpaced the idea when a YouTuber can draw harmless looking maps to not only decide elections but also decide how sensitive the election is to voters changing their minds on specific issues.
- Comment on little hopper 6 months ago:
Locusts ARE grasshoppers. If enough grasshoppers group up in the same area they literally become locusts and fuck everything up.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Put that on billboards in swing districts. Can’t be sued for libel because he said it. Might get Republicans but to vote. Shows on the fence voters how dumb he is (although at this point…)
- Comment on Uh oh 7 months ago:
Kanye West, the disgraced former shoe salesman and dinner companion of Holocaust-denier Nick Fuentes
- Comment on The interior of your house is hot, the exterior cool. What would the most efficient orientation be for a box fan? Pushing hot air out of a window or pulling cool air in through it? 7 months ago:
Most of the replies are correct overall. But Mattias Wandel had identified another important factor. Fans don’t just “stuck from the back” and blow out the front. They sort of suck from everywhere including the edges. This means that if you’re putting a fan right up against the window blowing in you’re sucking some room air as well. If you’re putting the fan right up against the window blowing out, some of the air you’re blowing out comes from outside in the first place.
The ideal is then to blow out from 2-5ft away. This way all the air that’s blown is room air, and it’s all blown out. The venturi effect plays a small part. The Bernoulli effect? Equations? Explains why the air stays in a “tube” for a few feet away from the fan. Technically also explains the venturi effect… Everything is Bernoulli…
- Comment on Anon can't find a good match 9 months ago:
Is it possible? Dude rejected a woman for having “a blown up vagina” and taking “too much birth control”… Those aren’t real things and they’re a good sign that OP has some real incel mentality. It’s quite possible he’s being an ass then when his partner reacts emotionally he says “cluster b, blown up vagina, too much birth control” and leaves.
- Comment on Iron 9 months ago:
What an awful video! You should be ashamed! I should be ashamed just for watching it!
The trick is to dress as an apex predator so they let their guard down!
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 10 months ago:
A lot of the responses are correct, but there is one aspect being missed.
Liberals don’t NEED to hate conservatives. There are real problems in the world that the left is trying to remedy.
Conservatives NEED to hate the left. Modern conservatism (and some would argue all conservatism) doesn’t have any moral ideology. There is nothing they’re fighting to for. Conservative ideology is the idea that there is a group that the law should protect but not bind and a group that the law should bind but not protect. To push this, an out-group has to be created and hate is the only way to dehumanize someone enough to treat them the way conservatives treat women, minorities, LGBTQ+ etc…
Conservatives hate Liberals because conservatism doesn’t work without hate. They hate because they NEED to.
- Comment on Caption this. 10 months ago:
If dying of dehydration try to find an elephant. There are often drips of water in leftover in their trunks. Elephants don’t mind sharing and are often grateful have a dry trunk as it avoids trunkrot.
- Comment on Brexit’s Lasting Damage Is Looking Inescapable 11 months ago:
Hating the rich is like hating murderers, it’s not a feeling you should hide in polite company like racism. Every minute of their breathing lives they choose to take more from society than they give back. That’s how these dragons of modern times create their unimaginable hoards. No knight in stories of old hid their desire to slay the foul beasts, because doing so is always virtuous and worthy of praise.
- Comment on Brexit’s Lasting Damage Is Looking Inescapable 11 months ago:
Oh my god, it’s even worse when you zoom out. We’ll never catch up to the trend lines set by the years of unsustainable growth before the recessions in the 70’s. Oh the permanent damage we caused. It’s an absolute tragedy that after a recession we never get back to the trend line that was set by the bubble before it burst. I’m not patient enough for the slow and steady fundamental growth of humanity through time, I want continuous fast exponential growth so the shareholders can he happy all the time!
- Comment on Brexit’s Lasting Damage Is Looking Inescapable 11 months ago:
If your extrapolate a line during the run up to ANY recession you’ll create a line that never gets hit again. Your extrapolation theory reminds me of this Trump “extrapolating” a hurricane path
- Comment on Get to work, crackheads 1 year ago:
Speeding cameras are revenue generating equipment, not safety equipment.
Roads are engineered to be comfortably driven at a certain speed. When legislators put a lower speed limit on these roads it creates a safety hazard and a moral hazard. If you want people to drive slower, you have to modify the road to lower it’s design speed. These modifications (lane narrowing, for example) are a safety tool, not the speeding camera.
I’ve never met anyone who thought these cameras were safety equipment!
- Comment on How to remove smell from lunch box? 1 year ago:
Yeah. The acid in the vinegar is what gives it cleaning power. The base in the baking soda gives it cleaning power. They each will clean different things. When you mix them you get an acid base reaction which makes water, co2, and a salt. None of those have good cleaning properties in that situation.
- Comment on How to remove smell from lunch box? 1 year ago:
Baking soda works, vinegar works. When you mix them together it’s just salty water. It does nothing.