Comment on Goodwill is out of control 4 months agoI found dollarama products listed for $5+ at the local goodwill. Let’s not just make the blanket assumption that exploited goodwill workers are professional appraisers and that the customer is the problem. 4 months ago
Well, they deal with literally any object any store has ever sold ever, so yeah I expect they dobt know it all.
Still, I think it makes sense that they have some processes in place to get it right most of the time, or at least sometimes. 4 months ago
This is a store where people GIVE away their stuff, out of the goodness of their hearts with the premise that it will be sold at a low price so that someone less fortunate can benefit. If goodwill has decided to sell the merchandise it gets for FREE at “fair market value” to the highest bidder in order to maximise profit then what’s the point of goodwill? Might as well use a consignment store and get a cut.
The exchange in “Goodwill” is that you’re donating in goodwill so your things can help others. That’s what goodwill MEANS. 4 months ago
Okay, you misunderstand how retail charity works. These charities sell donated goods to generate revenue to fund their charity effort.
The “charity” isn’t the cheap goods inside the store. It’s using the profit they generate to run or give to that charity. This can be running food banks, animal shelters, jobs programs, etc. The more money they make, the more they can give to their causes.
Their social good works in 3 ways: provide that charity effort, provide inexpensive or less expensive goods to people, and act as free recycling centers for the environment. 4 months ago
Goodwill specifically markets itself as a thrift store to help the working class while also helping homeless and disabled people get retail experience to get normal jobs.
Instead we’ve found out they get their product donated, they pay less than minimum wage (sometimes 22 cents an hour), and they sell at market prices. So that was all a lie. That’s why people are mad. Changing what they say they do now isn’t going to work without a massive PR campaign to show people the out of store projects they do. And then we’re all going to ask where the money for that PR campaign came from. They are a shit company, and a shittier charity. 4 months ago
Sounds like you’re the one misunderstanding goodwill. Goodwill doesn’t donate to ANY causes. Their ONLY contribution is employing disabled people and providing jobs/training. You can read it on their own website.
There well known for paying their disabled employees below minimum wage while paying local store CEOs hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.
So don’t tell me about how the high prices I pay will support charities. 4 months ago
It’s actually subminimum. Goodwill gets to decide what they pay their workers thanks to a carve out in the Fair Wage act. They’ve been caught paying as little as 22 cents. 4 months ago
Thats pretty fucked up, but it also looks like they are moving away from using it: 4 months ago
That would be awesome, but they need to straight up tell their franchises the game is up.