- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 1 month ago:
My 100% Homeoffice employee contract says different. The moment I step outside my apartment to go to a rare meeting in the office or to a client’s site, I am clocking hours. Any reasonable (so no limo or heli shuttle) travel expense (gas+deterioration as well as parking if I were to use my own vehicle, tickets for public transport otherwise), I note down and hand in to the company at the end of the month so I get reimbursed fully.
If you have to travel to do your work, it makes sense for the company to have to pay for it. On the flip side, companies might prefer hiring people living in more convenient, closer locations to their business than rural farmsteads. Which on the other hand makes sense as well, reducing time and energy waste, imo.
- Comment on Developer of WalkScape (the fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL) here again. We're accepting new players and have a Lemmy community! 1 month ago:
Does step data just mean the number of steps (and timestamp, I assume), or do you actually track the routes walked, which would mean gps coords/ tracks.
Cause the first is much less invasive and problematic than the latter option.
- Comment on PROOF: VALVE IS RIPPING EVERY PC GAMER OFF. 5 months ago:
Just a minor correction: the 100$ one time deposit cannot be reclaimed manually. Instead, it gets automatically returned once your game hits 1000$ in sales.
The purpose of this fee is to block low effort automated scam games from misusing the shop.
Many successful indie devs have voiced that the 30% is actually impossible to beat for them if they tried other distribution approaches. Some even closed down their existing alternatives including self hosted shops which would grant them 100%, simply because the overhead costs ruin the percentage for them, plus a whole lot of time and effort that have to go into maintaining that.
Yes, steam has a very strong monopoly position on the games distribution market. That is problematic for all the usual reasons with monopolies. What makes steam unique is that the company behind it, Valve, has demonstrated in all their efforts that maximizing short term profits is not necessarily their prime directive. This can obviously change at any time, so being wary is always good, but convenience is simply extremely attractive to everyone involved, devs and customers alike.
- Comment on Failing Manufacturers Are Pushing the Narrative That Consoles Are Dying, Says Ex-Xbox Exec 5 months ago:
Game passes exist for PC as well, and offer even more variety there.
Boot time should never take 30sec on PC as well. But most consoles are actually not much faster in boot and loading times. People tend to compare a PC booting from cold with a console just booting from sleep/hibernation mode.
Boot times on PC however can easily be further optimized, especially when not using Windows for gaming. A gaming Linux distro will be faster by leagues, even in a cold start.
- Comment on Mand got big hands! 5 months ago:
You actually have gotten a bad explanation. There’s no such thing as being “a little too fast” which would cause this effect, and there definitely is no “spiraling out” due to inherent speed/momentum.
An object in orbit of another remains in orbit as long as its horizontal velocity is high enough to not be pulled into a collision with the parent, but low enough to not escape the gravitational pull altogether. The closer to the parent, the stronger gravity affects the object, so you have to go faster horizontally to keep “missing” the parent, making gravity only pull you into a circle around it instead. That’s why it’s also called orbital speed: the object is not going straight in a line, it travels at speed in an orbit.
If you want to change an orbit, you need to accelerate or decelerate. This energy has to come from somewhere. And obviously, the direction you accelerate in matters. If you speed up horizontally, increasing your orbital speed, you’ll get further away from the parent, but by moving further away, your orbital speed will decrease and be lowest at your furthest point. Then, if you don’t keep accelerating, you’ll start to get closer to the parent again, which makes you go faster. This is an elliptic orbit.
If you go fast enough horizontally, you eventually can get so far away that the parent’s gravity influence becomes negligible, and the gravitational influence of another parent matters more. This is called reaching escape velocity. If you leave earth orbit, this is usually the sun.
If you were to simply slow down the object in its orbital speed, the object would get closer to its parent until it collides.
If instead of accelerating the object “forward”/horizontal to human observer on earth, you’d accelerate “up”/away from the earth, you interestingly would not cause the object to get further away from its parent. Yes, you’d move higher up, but that would also mean that you equally slow down along the “forward” axis. So as explained before, if you stop accelerating, the object will start being pulled by gravity again until it reaches its now even closer than before proximity to its parent, half an orbit later on the other side. Because it’s now closer to the parent, it has sped up and will then start moving away again, another elliptic orbit has been achieved.
And if you accelerate “sideways”, so neither away from the surface nor forward along the orbital path, you actually change very little: you only affect the inclination of the orbit. Usually we think of objects going around the equator, but they don’t have to. An orbit can go any which angle, even rotating around the poles, going South to North or vice versa.
So long story short, how does the moon speed up? It doesn’t have and rocket engines or similar. The reason is the vast difference the earth and the moon rotate around themselves. The earth takes 24h to rotate. The moon takes roughly 27.3 days to rotate a single time. This causes the Earth to “push” the global tidal waves around its oceans much faster than the Moon gets pushed. This actually causes the moon to get “dragged along” a tiny little bit on every tidal rotation. This not only speeds up the rotation of the moon itself: the moon is so slow that it doesn’t have time to transfer all that rotational energy before the tidal wave on Earth has moved on the surface to be a bit on front of the Moon. This is the moment where the Earth’s center of gravity is a tiny bit “forward” of the middle of the Earth. This in turn pulls the moon forward along its orbital path, speeding it up horizontally. Obviously, this also means that Earth’s rotation gets actually slowed down by the same amount.
All these effects are incredibly tiny! The moon moves “away” at 3.8 cm per year, whereas it will take 50 years for an earth day to be a single millisecond longer.
- Comment on Never store gerbils up your ass, we went over this! 6 months ago:
A mesh surface is not automatically longer lasting. Quite the contrary, actually:
Mesh is “less material per surface”. This means more stress is put on the strands than for a full cover upholstery.
Mesh is open, which over time means that dirt and grime will start gathering in the cushion beneath the mesh. This can end up pretty nasty over the years of heavy usage.
In the end, it’s always about proper materials: good quality foam exists and are used by some, but obviously it’s usually more expensive. Same for the surface material: there’s super cheap PVC leather that will start flaking off in weeks, and there’s high quality PVC leather that will last a decade. Or just go for real leather if you got the money. All of the closed surfaces have the advantage of being incredibly easy to clean and maintain: simply wipe them with a wet towel. For real leather, only a tiny bit of extra care is needed ( waxing ).
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
Technically true, but I think everybody knows exactly what kind of dlc is meant, and because they still make up the majority of dlc content and addon-sized dlcs are so rare, it’s fair to call them that.
Moneygrab empty dlcs ( shiny horse armor! ) are stupid, and history has shown that people are not fiscally responsible enough to not be lured into spending absurd amounts of money for very shallow or plain empty content. “Vote with your wallet” doesn’t really work in the face of more and more insidious marketing efforts.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
*rogue Roguelike
Though rougelike certainly sounds like an interesting genre too 😉
- Comment on Paid Leave Olympics 6 months ago:
But it’s not really true. Switzerland has no naval branch of its armed forces.
It has a dozen or so of 10t patrol boats armed with a single 50cal MG for its lakes, and those are organized in a single motor boat company, which is staffed and manned by the military engineers branch.
Their duties are supporting the border guard (police) on the lakes against trespass/ smugglers and assisting (civilian) search& rescue.
- Comment on Did it hurt? 8 months ago:
If you have to say it often, it might indicate you have trouble formulating your initial advice in a way that is acceptable to people.
Nobody likes to be told they’re wrong, so it helps to be empathetic about it. Packing your advice or instructions into a tactful and diplomatic approach doesn’t cost you much, but makes it much more likely for your advice to be accepted and implemented. And the recipient will usually end up being grateful for having avoided a mistake. They might even start to look for your and ask advice in the future. And if you keep doing that, he might even consider you a nice person or even a friend.
An arrogant and condescending approach will only do harm, even if you are factually right.
- Comment on A conversation with my wife 9 months ago:
I’ll still use the opportunity to voice my opinion clearly on this: Yes, forced circumcision on infants is only a very small step above the also still common practice of female genetic mutilations at birth/infancy. It does not matter what reasons you claim, only medical necessity should matter. Society should protect its infants from any religion or tradition demanding body modifications of infants.
Leave people’s bodies alone until they can decide on their own what to do when there is zero proven medical benefit to doing it before without their informed consent.
The common “improved hygiene” argument is nonsensical. You know what improves hygiene? Washing, and teaching kids how to wash themselves.
Otherwise you could cut off ears using the same logic. No ears, no need to wash behind the ears.
- Comment on A conversation with my wife 9 months ago:
I’m curious, why are you “happy it’s been done”?
I live in a country where we don’t perform this procedure out of tradition/religion, or at least not in the majority. I’m only aware of it being done for specific medical pathologies such as phimosis.
Because I kind of agree with the sentiment that performing unwarranted surgeries on someone that is unable to voice his (non-)consent is an ethical problem. Even more so with excisions, which always are drastically and usually irrevocably diminishing the body.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales 11 months ago:
You can disable camera shaking and some post process features such as motion blur, then it’s no different from any other shooter game in terms of motion patterns.
- Comment on Peak organization 1 year ago:
Go to settings, disable “automix”. That should help.
- Comment on I keep salt and sugar in identical bottles. A mistake was bound to happen, and it just did. 1 year ago:
But that’s boring. Just close your eyes, grab any packet or bottle at random and apply with gusto. This way you will always be surprised at new and fresh taste combinations!
- Comment on Not noice 1 year ago:
There are many special versions of torrent tools that allow disabling uploading. If course you still have to upload your requests “please give me block 1234 of file XYZ”, which some tools include in the transfer rate shown and others show separate as overhead or meta transfer rates. However, no actual file contents will be uploaded. This is important for some jurisdictions/nations. While both downloading and uploading content is illegal, uploading causes more “damage” ( it’s legally easy to claim proliferation of the uploaded content, multiplying the financial damage). Also, in some countries, it’s either but legal to track user downloads at all or not in a manner that would provide court-proof evidence. Proving illegal uploads is very easy: the legal company will simply use the p2p network itself, but record which blocks were received from what IP address at what time. This list in many countries is sufficient to get a court to order the ISPs to share info on who owned that IP address at that time, opening you up to a lawsuit.
Thus example is how it works in Germany and must other EU countries. The exact approach obviously differs, because everyone has variations of privacy laws. E.g. not every country makes isps store IP assignment history for longer than necessary for billing purposes ( usually a month), whereas in other countries isps hand out that info even without court orders…
Educate yourself and act smart. There is no magic protection when doing p2p piracy. Luckily, most companies do not care to pursue pirates. Others ( like kalypso media) are infamous for having partnered with legal companies whose sole purpose is to generate income by chasing pirates with intimidating and expensive “pay 800€ now or we sue you in court for millions” letters.
- Comment on Bonjour, je m'appelle Jesus 1 year ago:
Wait, why was Jesus full of water? I thought humans are usually filled with blood.