The game does access your GPS, it won’t even ask the permission. It’s all steps only.
Does step data just mean the number of steps (and timestamp, I assume), or do you actually track the routes walked, which would mean gps coords/ tracks.
Cause the first is much less invasive and problematic than the latter option. 2 months ago 2 months ago
It’s just steps and the timestamp, no location data. We don’t ask for location permission, and it’s not accessible through OS APIs either. 2 months ago
Thanks bro, a game with privacy in mind when it comes to data collection is a godsend these days 2 months ago
And thank you! I know it’s hard to also trust game devs these days, but we’re doing all we can to protect our users privacy. That’s why there are already privacy settings in the game too - you can hide your steps from other players if you don’t want to share those. And you can also hide your entire user profile so it’s not visible to other players. These settings also protect you if 3rd parties scrape the leaderboards etc.