Just a geek, finding my way in the fediverse.
- Comment on Steam Deck / Gaming News #7 1 day ago:
Don’t mind me, I’m just going to keep up voting these posts because they’re so well done.
- Comment on Is Half-Life Opposing Force still known to current gamers, or is this a side game that's fallen through the cracks. 2 months ago:
I replayed it on Deck a month or two back… And then Blue Shift. Still in my library from when I bought the Orange Box pre steam and then eventually registered it with my steam account
- Comment on Do the ultra-rich consume popular media? 4 months ago:
I’ve never met a mason that didn’t watch TV and listen to the radio but my sample size is only a few hundred.
- Comment on Enshittification only hurts product itself, not users. 4 months ago:
and the Mojang to Microsoft account migration for Java made a lot of people lose their accounts entirely.
Hey, it’s me. I contacted support and got a list of info they needed to fix it. I responded with that info and got a reply from a different person with a list of info they needed to fix it. I responded with that info and got a reply from a different person with a list of info they needed to fix it.
Then I said said “fuck this shit” and gave up to never play again.
- Comment on I will vote for whomever bans happy birthday. 4 months ago:
This. I go on a solo backpacking trip every year that for some reason coincides with my birthday… Weird how that works out.
- Comment on Joy & Curiosity 5 months ago:
If you like this and haven’t seen “Good Night, Oppy” you should go do that right now.
- Comment on Assassin Bug 5 months ago:
“Nature is fucking metal”
- Comment on Threw a wrestling watch party, made special food, and was very disappointed in the outcome. 6 months ago:
I feel your pain.
Years ago I threw a party for work friends and acquaintances where I had 30 confirmed and 10 tentative (from calendar invite). I bought a variety of drinks (alcoholic and non) and bought/cooked food for about 50 to ensure there was plenty.
… 4 people showed up.
That was the instant that I stopped giving a fuck. Ever since then I’ve adopted the approach of “I’m going to do something, you can come if you want, but I’m not planning for you”. Or, more commonly, I just don’t organize anything :)
- Comment on People on Tik Tok peddling these scams 6 months ago:
It was weird that it needed my social security number, bank account, mother’s maiden name, and the name of my first pet to make the order but I guess it was worth it to stay healthy. Thanks bud!
O, and tell Derek I said hey.
- Comment on People on Tik Tok peddling these scams 6 months ago:
You’re supposed to put a link to where we can buy your miracle vinegar/silver mix in your post. Have you learned nothing from these marketing geniuses?
- Comment on Happy Weekend boiz 6 months ago:
The one I remember from school was phrased slightly differently (but same concept) :
Poor little Jimmy is lying on the floor, for what he thought was H2O was H2SO4
- Comment on Never do it with greedy alcohol, that attacks both! 7 months ago:
It has to be human liver though. The alcohol will know if you try to trick it with other types.
- Comment on What's the least suspicious way to get OTC meds through airport security? 7 months ago:
I’ve been carrying around multiple little baggies of pills in my backpack for years and over 20+ flights, several international, they’ve never asked.
Some are separated but loose in the bag (ibuprofen, cetirizine, diphenhydramine, from a bottle), and some were trimmed to minimum size from a blister pack and placed in the bag.
They focus a lot more closely on my headphones, charging cables, battery packs, etc.
So whatever is most convenient for you, in my opinion.
- Comment on Knife vs. Gun Control? 7 months ago:
Depends on the state. Down here there are pretty much zero restrictions except with an asterisk that it’s illegal to harm someone with them… AKA, an extra charge of you’re a dick and stab someone.
I’ve been carrying an “out the front automatic” for the last few years.
- Comment on Bet y'all are very familiar with this 8 months ago:
I’ve spent too much time slamming that lil guy around
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 8 months ago:
When I got mine, the doc said I should wait about two weeks then “ejaculate as frequently as possible” before returning for the scheduled checkup/semen test.
Doctor’s orders! 🫡
- Comment on Why ‘poly-employment’ may be 2024’s next big work trend, working more than one job is getting a re-brand 9 months ago:
No breaks here!
- Comment on Stare at it. 9 months ago:
Sometimes the first, then eventually the second when you realize you did it but forgot you did it.
- Comment on It's a beautiful language we've got 9 months ago:
Similar in the US deep south:
“Jeet yet?” (Did you eat yet?) No “Yontoo?” (Want to?)
- Comment on Why would the NA beer industry standardize on a bottle shape that's grotesquely inconvenient, topples with minimal force, and doubles the required volume to ship? 9 months ago:
The inside of the can is lined by spray coating an epoxy lacquer or polymer to protect the aluminum from being corroded by acidic contents such as carbonated beverages and imparting a metallic taste to the beverage
Guess it depends on your definition of “plastic” and if someone would colloquially refer to an epoxy lining as plastic. Not here to debate word meanings but there is definitely a liner inside aluminum cans.
- Comment on I bought frozen BBQ eel and the best before date says LJ349. What does this mean? 11 months ago:
I mean… Expiration dates are mostly a lie anyway. Just do the sniff test, probably fine.
But, on topic, I do appreciate the post since that’s weird.
- Comment on The vasectomy was a good idea. 11 months ago:
Vas team high five.
I just don’t like kids and the spouse has a genetic disease so it’d be 50/50 if the kids had it.
- Comment on Trump Spurned by 30 Companies as He Seeks Bond in $454 Million Judgment 1 year ago:
This sparks joy.
- Comment on Good career advice 1 year ago:
I’m on vacation so I’ve been posting comments up a storm. Yet I’ve never seen…K …blue ball… Other letters? Before.
I’m just here to I see Lemmy grow and I like what I see
- Comment on The reason CEOs want workers to Return To Office is because they want you to quit 1 year ago:
It’s rare, but I’m the same way. It helps that my commute is 10 minutes in a relatively small city and there’s next to zero traffic due to the small size and hours I work. If I had a horrific, or even mildly annoying, commute then I’d feel very different about it. I’ve turned down higher paying jobs because they required a 45min-1hr one way drive through shit traffic… And that was in 2018 and again in 2021 when that company had already forced everyone back into the office. They’re huge on “you must be in the office” and COVID didn’t change it for them.
I like to have the physical distinction of “office is for work, home is for not work”. But, I also love the option of work from home. Planning to leave early for a long weekend? WFH that day so I can hop in the car as soon as I’m done. Dentist appointment at 0800? WFH for the morning, drive to dentist, continue on into the office afterwards.
I know I’m lucky with my current convenient commute… I couldn’t handle what a lot of people do and if I was in that position I’d maybe go into the office once a week if at all.
- Comment on PSA: If you still have a Mojang account for Minecraft: Java Edition, you have less than a week left to migrate to a Microsoft account to avoid profile deletion 1 year ago:
I tried to recover my Mojang account and migrate it three times. Each attempt gets a stock response asking for certain info (receipt, email, username). When I provide this, I get a response from a different support user asking for the same thing I just provided. After three to five back and forths (with the same questions and the same answers) I get busy, frustrated, and leave it for a few weeks.
Once I have time, I start over and the exact same thing repeats again.
I wrote it off as a loss last year with an asterisk of “another reason to fucking hate Microsoft”
- Comment on Is it just my parents, or do most Boomers view saying "please" and "thank you" as an afterthought? 1 year ago:
It could differ based on social context. I have it some thought, and with coworkers or people I don’t know really well, I almost always lead with courtesies.
But, with my spouse of 25+ years I’ve realized I’ll often say “can you do this… Please?”
And, that kind of fits what I think you’re saying. So, maybe it’s because you’re family and the pleasantries get dropped or delayed?