- Comment on If I sit in my basement and do nothing, I can't fuck things up 1 week ago:
Do it over a sink, hold both items one in each hand, pour with confidence.
- Comment on Gottem. :) 4 weeks ago:
Maybe if I lived in the countryside, here in a city, I only really notice the moon if I’m looking for it (which I do often, I love seeing our moon).
- Comment on Gottem. :) 4 weeks ago:
Doesn’t the earth itself provide a significant amount of heat from the core? I’m sure I read somewhere that for something like every 10 meters down you dig, the temperature raises by 1° celcius. So maybe we’d not notice a temperature drop so quickly?
- Comment on Gottem. :) 4 weeks ago:
I agree with you, but also… I’m not sure that I’d notice that I could see the moon a few minutes ago and now I can’t (unless I happened to be looking at it as it happened)… I feel like that is something that could be happening every single night and I’ve never noticed.
The sun disappearing is like… Super noticeable by comparison.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Or they really love cooking
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Well, assuming he’s not 40 years old or something…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I would take this offer from my son, what an amazing opportunity to learn valuable skills, the value of money, work ethic, negotiation. Amazing!
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 1 month ago:
In Ireland it’s still very common to use ‘ye’ for you plural.
- Comment on The Automated Bot of Experian support phone line, refuses to let me to a real person... 🤬 2 months ago:
My family is from Yorkshire, and I recognised it immediately (and the ‘tint in’ tin joke!)… So well done from me?
- Comment on Step by step... 2 months ago:
At that point the first step is also the next step
- Comment on Step by step... 2 months ago:
The truth in my opinion is: the hardest step is always the next one
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 3 months ago:
I recommend not doing this 😂 I prefer to call the British isles “the European archipelago” :)
- Comment on What am I supposed to do with all this blood now? 4 months ago:
As a person who grew up in Ireland since I was 5: this is funny to me
- Comment on Nap game 5 months ago:
I can’t go to sleep if I don’t set an alarm, due to worrying about oversleeping lol
- Comment on What I thought some abbreviations/emoticons meant vs what they actually meant 8 months ago:
I was essentially certain that this meant: “their face when”
- Comment on Samsung advertising new phone in my notifications 1 year ago:
I know this is completely unrelated, but I think I’d actually find it impossible to get to 11:50 in the day with only 7 steps. That’s a one way trip to the toilet…
- Comment on How I cannot be worry?? 1 year ago:
Ok, I can agree with this logic “it’s better to try than to give in” much more than “there’s always a solution”.
That to me still leaves some people starving of hunger due to a lack of money and an excess of bills. But I agree that even in that horrible situation it’s better to keep trying than give in.
I was worried the argument here was closer to “you’re in this terrible situation because you didn’t try enough” which I wholeheartedly disagree with.
I feel now that we’re in agreement though?
- Comment on How I cannot be worry?? 1 year ago:
This is reductive to the point of absurdity, if this were true no one would ever die from any problem (i.e. drowning, falling, etc.) They’d simply activate ingenuity.
Some problems do not have a solution in a given circumstance.
E.g. I’m locked in a prison on a sinking ship that’s already 1km underwater, and my cell is completely full of water and I’ve held my breath for 2 minutes now.
- Comment on Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? 1 year ago:
This is my favourite comment of all my experience with Lemmy so far.