- Comment on Anon doesn't like reddit 6 months ago:
I wonder how long that’ll last now that’s it a public company (or will be? I actually haven’t kept up on it too much)
- Comment on Why do we put up with this crap? 7 months ago:
Every organism?
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Stay strong, mate. When disaster strikes, look for the people trying to help. There is good
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Don’t lump me in with greedy, selfish, short sighted fucks
- Comment on tag yourself (I'm basic) 11 months ago:
Today I learned a color, that its etymology is tied to pigeons, and that it’s also used (in certain contexts) to mean ideal as well as a slang term for gay (possibly as a pejorative?)
- Comment on no thanks, crystal mami 11 months ago:
How I’m trynna be
- Comment on *sad laughing noises* 11 months ago:
Idk, sounds like the world is at least 90% worth saving to me
- Comment on Duolingo Fires Translators in Favor of AI 1 year ago:
This time last year, I could still see the forum posts to related lessons when I’d get something wrong. Now, when I’m told my answer is incorrect, I have nothing to go off.
I’m trying to learn the baby steps of Korean. Being able to quickly read what I did incorrectly (and why, because usually people eould explain the grammar) was great. I hate that it’s gone, and I’m considering making Busuu my main app
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
Were you talking to Frank Reynolds?
- Comment on How I cannot be worry?? 1 year ago:
Feels like something from inspirobot
- Comment on Two sides to Korea 1 year ago:
I mean, even from their own perspective, they’ve had a very unpleasant history, especially the last hundred-fifty years or so
- Comment on And I will die on this hill. 1 year ago:
Bad Bad Not Good? I remember listening to them on Sound Cloud
- Comment on I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** 1 year ago:
Getting pihole set up may just be my new year’s resolution.
- Comment on Fantasy rednecks 1 year ago:
Fuck you, I love you, eat a rat
- Comment on Choose wisely! 1 year ago:
2 + 3
2 because I’m sure free gravel will come in handy at some point, and 3 because I can now teleport to the other side of locked doors
- Comment on Fantasy rednecks 1 year ago:
I would like to take this moment recommend Not Another D&D Podcast solely because of the Crick Elves
- Comment on Researching alcohol interventions for a friend. I’ve seen more ads for alcohol than ever in my life 1 year ago:
Bless you for using two different double contractions
- Comment on Researching alcohol interventions for a friend. I’ve seen more ads for alcohol than ever in my life 1 year ago:
The amount of alcohol and gambling ads seem to have shot threw the roof over the last few months. I’m not a fan.
- Comment on Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭 1 year ago:
Is it actually mediocre tho?