- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Ah. Someone found my field of fucks. See that I had none left to give.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
My company was spread across 3 unions. 1 and 2 got decent healthcare. 3 got a $1000 signing bonus. I hear they like pizza parties.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 4 weeks ago:
Big box stores vary prices by regions. So no vpn makes sense.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 4 weeks ago:
When it comes to emissions laws, car co usually build a range just for California. It’s not hard to slate a few days just for a different exhaust.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 4 weeks ago:
They’ll most likely try to pull off a setup similar to China.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 4 weeks ago:
I thought everyone heard the saying as a child to not trust lawyers, politicians, and weathermen because they all lie.
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
My luck I’d be reincarnated as a water bear just in time to be shot to the moon… where I’ll eventually crash.
- Comment on Can we all agree on THIS 2 months ago:
Fun anecdote:
My friend had to take his kid to the local ER the same time as we took our kid to the childrens hospital 3 hours away. They got to the ER in 15 min. We had already been given the “don’t know what’s wrong” from that ER the previous week.
We arrive, get taken immediately back, get a presumed diagnosis by the nurse 10 minutes later, and a referral in 3 days to an orthopedic surgeon. We leave, call our friend to check on his kid (broken arm). Still in the waiting room. 3 hours later, still waiting.
We call again just as we are pulling in home. His kid is now getting a cast.
Unless my kid is near death, we travel 3 hours for ER trips because the local hospital is unorganized as hell (and also assumes every patient, child or not, must have a drug screen)
- Comment on About to turn the car to a flying car 3 months ago:
I ignore mine. thump thump thump
- Comment on Torrent of Hate for Health Insurance Industry Follows C.E.O.’s Killing 3 months ago:
Got no hate. Just zero sympathy. Live life at the expense of others, but don’t be surprised if they fail to care for you in return.
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
Looooong list of punchable people in the US atm.
- Comment on Bandai Namco reportedly tries to bore staff into quitting, skirting Japan’s labor laws 5 months ago:
Used to work security. Even when on a street corner observing for state legislature meetings (no phone allowed), I played games of rearranging letters on billboards or vehicles to make new words. (They have cameras and police, I was just there as a deterrent). Wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t 18 degrees F and 32mph winds…
- Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 7 months ago:
Doctor? Why would employers want you to see a doctor? If you make it to retirement age they have to pay that out and miss out on a cheaper replacement!
- Comment on Everyday, as an American 9 months ago:
I’ll take metric gladly, but I can’t go that direction sir.
- Comment on Malaria 1 year ago:
Gates met with him after 2006, where Epstein was inidicted for prostitution of a minor. It was known he was a POS.
- Comment on Malaria 1 year ago:
Just listened to Behind the Bastards on Gates… Gates Foundation is all about drumming up capitalism in other countries. Worth a listen I assure you.
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 1 year ago:
Would corn syrup stop it from becoming solid? I love honey but budget mind thinks, “buy bulk” and 1 yr later I have like half a quart left to practice my own tar experiment.
- Comment on 🤌🤌🤌 1 year ago:
They compete for nutrients though. It’s a novelty, but will eradicate your soil and produce crap plants.
- Comment on It’s going good so far 🤞🤞 1 year ago:
Manifest Netsiny?
- Comment on It’s going good so far 🤞🤞 1 year ago:
They grew together. Look up the origins of “spam” in university Nets.
- Comment on Christopher Nolan Forgot To Credit Over 80% Of VFX Crew On ‘Oppenheimer’ 1 year ago:
At the very least add a QR code with links to a document containing all names involved. Wouldnt be hard and a database like that wouldn’t cost much to run.