- Comment on OSHA is woke 1 month ago:
10 years an electrician. I have never seen OSHA. The only time I’ve heard of OSHA showing up anywhere, the person that called got in trouble.
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 1 month ago:
If most of the food you eat is wrapped in plastic or in a box, it’s not going to be any different.
- Comment on Lemmy is ever vigilant against the AI threat. 2 months ago:
Love terminator 6. Probably watch it tonight while my football team gets destroyed. #httr
- Comment on Resume help 2 months ago:
Looks like I’m at least not schizophrenic. Hell yeah
- Comment on Some Older PC games I have, just wanted to share. 2 months ago:
One of my favorite games. One time I was able to dismember a guy completely before his body hit the ground.
- Comment on That's a good one 2 months ago:
Yeah, I get to have a life so he doesn’t have to.
- Comment on Love is love 5 months ago:
True in my case, but there’s a good reason. We started dating in HS. She got on birth control, and her boobs got huge.
I remember being at work, and seeing a bombshell walking across the parking lot. I was in awe. And then I realized it was her.
I knew it was doomed from that point on. She was constantly getting hit on by everyone by that point.
And I even had a friend that called me shaggy. My girlfriend even went to metal shows with me. She crawled through GWARs worm once.
Matrix confirmed.
- Comment on Has to be the manor 5 months ago:
Ha, joke’s on you. My back only hurts after sex.
- Comment on Anon recommends a cast iron pan 5 months ago:
Been rocking stainless for about 15 years. No issues. I have no prob searing pork chops without any sticking.
- Comment on Anon works the phones 6 months ago:
My father has dementia. At some point it becomes less about making the best of what’s left, and finding all of the poop footprints he tracked around the entire house after stepping in his own shit.
- Comment on Calling in healthy 6 months ago:
I call that: “I’m not coming in today.” That’s all you need to do.
- Comment on Bread 6 months ago:
I use a bread box and still put the bread in its original bag with the original clip.
- Comment on The Big One 6 months ago:
I love Heinz beans. So much so, that I import the British version in the teal can even though I live 4hrs from Pittsburgh.
- Comment on what's a polite way to reject a picture with a very thankful patient who was under your care? 7 months ago:
“I have a problem with establishing boundaries.
I’m a private person. That’s very often misinterpreted as being arrogant and feeling superior to others. I’m not, I just wish to be left alone, but people still feel disrespected and it’s tiring to be constantly explaining yourself. And I don’t understand why I have to explain myself constantly.”
Maybe say something along the lines of this.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 7 months ago:
Been RDFG since about 2002. One of my roommates in college was in the top thousand on Unreal Tournament. He talked me into it. God, I get good at that game playing against him.
- Comment on AI Creates step by step instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich 7 months ago:
I think the real problem is someone needing instructions for making a PB&j.
- Comment on Anon is living like royalty 7 months ago:
Let him know I’m willing to trade places.
- Comment on dumbass 8 months ago:
Go away, Matt.
- Comment on Anon goes to the gym for the first time 9 months ago:
Hey, it looks like there’s a lot of people here as miserable as you!
- Comment on As someone who is aging. Late thirties. How can I keep my finger on the pulse of current trends, particularly in music? 9 months ago:
Unfortunately, I’m the total opposite. I choose the music over lyrics, but I know where you’re coming from. Most people value lyrics.
This is going to be weird because I’m about to recommend someone that isn’t metal at all, but the lyrics I find are amazing. Meg Myers. She is a straight killer with her lyrics.
The Morning After is a strong suggestion. The cool thing, it’s not one of her more popular songs, so if you like it, you’ll find a lot more from her.
- Comment on Venus Fly Traps 9 months ago:
I had an idea once to make a travel pack sized blanket for air travel.
Venus Flight Wraps
- Comment on Why do people throw out old motors, bicycles, anything metal into rivers and lakes instead of a junk yard or the trash system? 9 months ago:
It’s organic recycling. It’s better for the earth.
- Comment on Should I permanently leave Israel? 9 months ago:
I want to tell you to not listen to these comments, but all of them tell you to decide for yourself. Well, you asked the question, so I will answer.
Yes, and move to Palestine.
- Comment on Massive issues with sleep and desperate for a solution. 9 months ago:
Take up a sport. Kick the crap out of yourself with some intense cardio or something.
And sorry you can’t smoke pot due to health reasons. That’s what I do. I dislike exercise.
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 10 months ago:
I’m thinking that price is per household not person. I hope that’s the case. But I’m seriously impressed that you can swing $90/mo for food. That’s amazing.
- Comment on ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY! 10 months ago:
I forget the channel, but this guy with long dark hair and a goatee covered this issue.
- Comment on As someone who is aging. Late thirties. How can I keep my finger on the pulse of current trends, particularly in music? 10 months ago:
44 year old, lifelong metalhead here. I refuse to listen to a bands current album if it isn’t my favorite of theirs. Too many bands phone it in after only a few years. So, I definitely need to find the latest music available. Metal Injection has a ballot every year of about 200 albums. Of course it isn’t a definitive list, but it’s enough for me to keep up with everything.
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
Youtube is my main source of entertainment. I will pay for premium no problem. And yes, I totally hate ads. A music service for free with it that has a comment section so I can discuss the music with my peers. Also, it’s insane the amount of data YouTube has to serve.
- Comment on Xbox Console Sales Are Tanking 10 months ago:
I’m a cloud gamer because I do not have much expendable income. I definitely am not interested in consoles. If my situation improves, I will go back to PC.
- Comment on Most obscure movies you've ever seen? 11 months ago:
Phone Booth