- Comment on As if the tip actually goes to the dashers. 1 year ago:
Which is good because offering a job to someone then lowering the price you pay them after they’ve done it is evil regardless of it you’ve decided that you don’t like the company the person doing the task is working for
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
So your original claim? You’ve forgotten about that and your not going to respond to anything I’ve said but will continue to throw out emotive but meaningless statements?
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
You’ve purposely tried to redirect the topic to avoid the very clear fact that the conspiracy theory claim you made is based on them doing things that you think they should be doing.
You just spoke about the current conflict as worse than what was happening previously, the article you used up back up your conspiracy theory that Israel created Hamas is based on the argument they should have had a similar reaction sooner and that it should be more extreme.
You say genocide which I presume you count as starting before this current conflict and is based on the flimsy arguement they don’t let enough aid though, etc but you also want to use the flimsy arguement that they’re letting too much aid through which is propping up a terrorist organisation.
The reality that you don’t rely know or care about what you’re talking about is very clear, you’re throwing around buzzwords and meme talking points you haven’t even thought about and have no idea of how they relate to the wider situation. You’ve decided your team thinks Israel is bad and you’re on a quest to amplify that because you feel it will make you look like a passionate and intellectual person - unfortunately these hamfisted and empty arguments you’re making just make you look like a gullible blowhard.
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
Ok so you’re against Israel providing work permits to Palestinians?
Hamas was also included in discussions about increasing the number of work permits Israel granted to Gazan laborers, which kept money flowing into Gaza, meaning food for families and the ability to purchase basic products.
From one of your articles, they’re literally complaining that Israel allows Palestinians to have jobs in Israel and saying that this practice of not totally starving out Palestine is proping up Hamas.
Since Netanyahu returned to power in January 2023, the number of work permits has soared to nearly 20,000.
The article is angry at him for something you almost certainly use the opposite of as a reason to call it an apartheid state or open air prison or whatever, this is something you surely think should happen right? Palestinians should be able to work in Israel, right?
They go on to talk about how he shouldn’t be letting aid money into Gaza, etc
And do you agree with this from the article?
One thing is clear: The concept of indirectly strengthening Hamas — while tolerating sporadic attacks and minor military operations every few years — went up in smoke Saturday.
They argue that anything less than total military destruction of Hamas is equivalent to support, they want a boodier and more brutal war which is why they’re saying the claim in the headline - surely you don’t agree with that? Surely you don’t think that Israel shouldn’t let aid into Gaza and should attack more violently? Therefore surely you don’t agree with the claim in the title.
You’re parroting headlines without reading the article, probably because you’ve heard the claim repeated by so many people who also didn’t bother to read the article and just assumed it validated their existing view.
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
That’s such a nonsense question even before the reality that both sides are killing innocent children, the most over used meme on the internet is the trolly problem but you’re still trying to act like you’ve never heard of it. Yes, if inaction results in a worse outcome then action is permissible from a moral stand point.
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
Do you know that’s a baseless conspiracy you’re pedaling?
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
If that was the qualification for losing the right to the land then the Palestinians would have lost it long ago
- Comment on Anon is Icelandic 1 year ago:
Their zoo is actually really funny, it has like a donkey and a cow in it.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
I think it’s interesting how mathematically hard it is to judge anyone else’s intelligence, like you talk about the issue of people rolling down the hill and I get that and agree but really it’s vastly more complex topography - if the conversation is about python programming I can look very intelligent, if it’s about java programming then I’ll look a bit of a fool, and these are as similar as you can get were the topic famous geologists then I’d probably seem like a total idiot
Now you’ll be tempted to say but you can still tell by how you carry yourself and it’s s bit true but that’s not really true either, I’ve travelled enough to know that common sense in one area is dumb somewhere else - ask too many questions in one place they’ll think you’re simple and don’t ask enough somewhere else they’ll think it too.
Part of it is that we don’t really know what level someone is on, if you see a guy in the garden staring at the pretty leaves for hours he just might be empty headed, or he could be Alan Turing working out one of the most fundamentally brilliant mathematics discoveres of the era.
We’re on our own hill of intelligence so it can be hard to tell if someone on a different one is smart or dumb
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
Ok but nothing I’ve ever experienced or witnessed has ever made sense, literally nothing ever fits any form of reason or logic - a thousand years from now if they write off all the things from our lives that make no sense or are absurd then the vision they come up with won’t resemble reality at all, not one little bit.
So when someone says ‘its unlikely they’d waste resources’ or ‘this would be totally unfeasible and require insane amounts of totally needless extra measures while providing no benefit what so ever’ that just makes it feel even more likely to me, like yes of course that’s what they did that’s what we always do!
Sounds like an interesting video though, I’m going to watch it but I’ll be thinking about aliens and trying to find cracks in the narrative where I can poke them in!
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
I like the theories about them being ancient power stations or radio devices, using the water channels and gold cap stone to create enough pd to be useful in occult practices. It doesn’t have to be aliens that helped make them but I think there’s something the really resonates with the idea of aliens coming down and teaching ancient people how to make super complex and beautiful machines to synthesize small amounts of potent narcotics. Like none of the other reasons aliens would come make much sense but a tiktokable prank like that really does.
Imagine how fascinating it would be if we find loads of old alien stuff on Mars with like little model pyramids and pictures of them with the pharaoh. Or if when we meet aliens and have first contact they got us up with galactic tiktok and people are reposting all the old videos of pranks aliens have pulled on earth over the years.
Yeah they were probably just the biggest coolest looking thing that knew how to make so everyone wanted one, yeah they were probably just dragging rocks up sandy inclones and using water filled counter weights… but we don’t know aliens weren’t there so I’m going to enjoy being open to that possibility.
- Comment on I bet Rockstar is thinking twice about *checks notes* making a normal looking female character. 1 year ago:
The best bit of is I don’t think he even said anything? He said he didn’t play GTA because it got to the bit where you have to shoot cops and he couldn’t morally do it, that’s super dumb but I haven’t seen anything he said about the characters and no one in here is talking about it.
I think people have imagined how he probably feels and now we have to hear about that too!
- Comment on Microplastic overdose 1 year ago:
Yeah I do agree people are not willing to have these conversations, we live incredibly wasteful lives for no reason at all - yeah Lego is a fun toy but we don’t need it to last for ten thousand years, like let’s keep that stuff for special things and if we’re making models then keep some logs asside, cut them into the size pieces you want and use a knife or chissel to shape them.
Or depending on your local geology dig a hole, wash out the clay by swapping between buckets then let it dry until it’s the desired consistency and shape it into what you want to make - when you’re done you can just crumble it up and use it again, or if you really love it then you can fire it and keep it as long as you like, when you smash it up then it’ll all go back to soil.
But no people need to buy Disney licences Lego kits which they’ll probably keep in the box anyway because they don’t even want to play with them that just want to have them for a while then leave them in the soil for the next few millennia.
- Comment on Microplastic overdose 1 year ago:
That’s because all you absolute fucking babies are still crying they took your plastic straw away.
The reason we don’t have sensible climate conversations leading to real action is because the SLIGHTEST thing anyone suggests and you fucking scream your toddler heads off for years!
- Comment on Microplastic overdose 1 year ago:
It’s probably a lie, people do that a lot
- Comment on True Story 1 year ago:
I be you do know plenty of guys that do, it’s easy to assume everyone thinks like you but that’s not how humans work.
- Comment on Senior Citizen Sex 1 year ago:
Yeah, that’s why I mostly took my retirement in my twenties and thirties when you can enjoy it. In my forties I’m having to work to pay back the debts and survive and stuff but that’s made bearable by the knowledge of drugs which I gained early in life. If I somehow accidentally make it close to fifty I want to have enough credit score that I can start borrowing again, I’ll be able to do it a lot more illegally this time and enjoy my twilight days until one of the gangs I owe vast sums to catches up to me and organizes a burial at sea.
- Comment on GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour 1 year ago:
Which is what he said
- Comment on Very few people realise how environmentally devastating this game is. 1 year ago:
Ah so we want all the negative sentiment for saying we want to end golf but none of the positive effects of doing so? Fantastic plan!
I guess at best it might help push some courses into adopting ecologically sustainable management practices just to attract the green minded player.
It think it’s more likely to foster resentment and distrust ‘give the greens an inch and before you know it they’ll have it’s all locked in shoe boxes eating bugs’ mentally that is so hard to fight against.
- Comment on Gonna be a great day! 1 year ago:
I think the reason s lot of people don’t think crypto is a useful currency is because they’ve tried to use it to buy drugs and the process is awkward, slow, incredibly expensive, and messy.
There are so many little steps where someone else takes a cut of your money and waiting to see if the transaction goes through is agonisingly long. When buying weed it’s understandable but no one is going to accept that for anything where there’s other options.
- Comment on Assuming a button that, every time you push it, your intelligence goes up. The obvious and sane thing to do is to push the button all day. Yes? No? Maybe? Is there something that I'm missing here? 1 year ago:
A lot of it is very clearly an ego thing, they’re all saying ‘I’m smarter than most people who need to push the button and anyone smarter than me is also worse off…’ it’s the same thing people do with the age they were born ‘older generations don’t understand, newer generations have been ruined’
I think it’s partly because no one wants to admit if they were smarter then they’d make better choices because then there might be someone smarter who suggests that change their mind on something and that’s never going to happen.
Like all the comments ‘i know things are bad, if don’t want to understand how bad they are’ it’s inconceivable that they could understand their misthinking on a subject and change their opinion, they see it as any extra intelligence will just make them more sure they’re right.
Personally I’d hammer that button for a few days then spend some time trying to work out solutions to my problems and the world’s problems - if I can’t do it I’ll go back to the button until I’m able to
- Comment on The Aliens did a little trolling 1 year ago:
I feel like sensible votes wouldn’t matter there are two many racists, it comes down to who the biggest population blocks are most racist against - and what counts as a race, like if it’s from a list of like five or six races then it’ll be fifth to having French and German rather than just European
- Comment on The Aliens did a little trolling 1 year ago:
Well it might make perfect sense from their perspective, there might be a million alien species on the galactic council who all agree they don’t want to deal with a species that won’t purge at least one race.
It’s unlikely but possible, we have literally no way of knowing or really guessing anything about how an alien race or empire might think. They might be shocked and confused we don’t kill our enemies children, bemused that we ended slavery, disgusted that we don’t torture criminals for sport…
An even scarier thought is that we might agree with them in a hundred or thousand years, it seems impossible to imagine but to me it seems impossible to imagine slavery was ever a thing or that they put criminals heads on pikes for everyone to see.
- Comment on There Is Zero Evidence of a Shoplifting ‘Epidemic’ 1 year ago:
I mean we do have a benefits system and food banks here, people starving isn’t really a thing that happens though there is certainly poverty and privation
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
You’re begging the question and putting words onto my mouth.
No I’m not a member of any transphobic hate groups, I have as I’ve said read groups exposing TIRF and TERF viewpoints. The groups I’ve been in as I stated have not included abuse, harassment, or insults. They’ve actually been very respectful and interesting communities with plenty of intelligent people discussing things in a friendly and polite manor.
As in said the assumption that anyone who doesn’t agree entirely with your opinion is a monster is easy to make but rarely true.
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
I’m the groups I’ve been in I seen I’ve not seen abuse, I’ve seen people stating their opinions. It’s easy to pretend the people who disagree with you are monsters but that’s not reality.
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
There are far less radical feminist men in general because the movement actually wants to destroy the patriarchy and gender stereotypes, third wave ‘pickme girlboss show your tits to get ahead in capitalism’ feminism is far more paletable to the male gaze.
It’s like how Joe Biden’s leftwing ethos of screw the poor to pay rich capitalists and oil companies while making lipservice to vaguely progressive ideals (vaguely progressive in 1950) is popular because it’s fundamentally anti-change where as anyone that actually wants structural change is automatically marked as a dangerous extremist and shunned.
I’ve found that both TIRFs and TERFs do have a lot of understandable distrust and hostility towards men but are in general friendly to men who interact reasonably and take on board the things being said without making the normal kneejerk responses and ‘but won’t someone think of my pennis!’ arguments.
So yeah you’ll likely find guys in most radfem spaces, except of course those designated explicitly for some purpose. Though yes I do feel being a man in a radfem space is similar to being a woman in tech or occasionally even a woman playing online video games - without the sexual harassment of course, and far less vitriolic abuse.
- Comment on life 1 year ago:
Life Evacuation Valve, he’s saying we should all get one installed
- Comment on Michael Caine Announces Retirement From Acting 1 year ago:
Good I hope all those boring old actors finally stop producing cliche riddled junk that’s only popular because it’s got someone that was in a good film twenty or forty years ago.
- Comment on Martin Scorsese urges filmmakers to fight comic book movie culture: ‘We’ve got to save cinema’ 1 year ago:
Yeah, people remember a handful of classic war movies or westerns and think that era was magical but for every great film there was a hundred terrible cookie cutter cash grabs.
I would love to see some more directors focus on making great art but the reality is that’s incredibly hard.