- Comment on It's a cylinder 3 days ago:
Oh definitely, it’s just that when I searched the communities, the only result was on .world
- Comment on It's a cylinder 3 days ago:
I’d love to see an active expanddong community here. Looks like .world has one but it’s super dead :(
- Comment on In Warning Sign for Hollywood, Younger Consumers Are Choosing Creator Content Over Premium TV and Movies 3 days ago:
That’s exactly how I articulated by thoughts to a friend the other day. Authenticity is paramount to my jaded brain. Besides, I’ve already seen the best TV series of all time in Breaking Bad, so why watch any more studio productions after that?
Old MST3K episodes don’t count 🙃
- Comment on Chrono Trigger Is Timeless 1 week ago:
I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. It’s an indisputable masterpiece.
- Comment on cilanto 🌿 5 weeks ago:
I love cilantro too, but now I have to wonder… What if we’re not the ones getting the “true” taste?
I’ll take my blissful ignorance with some cilantro on top.
- Comment on Valve have just updated the Source 1 SDK on GitHub to the latest code based on Team Fortress 2, effectively making TF2 code source available 5 weeks ago:
That has been a dream of mine for well over a decade. When I (rarely) play TF2 it’s with bots only, since they have all the vanilla stuff.
I miss the times when an entire team would do a Scout rush, with only the 3 vanilla weapons, just for the hell of it. It was always complete chaos. You can do it with bots, but it’s very tedious, and they only run along the ground from node to node. Give me a dozen Scouts flying off the rooftops spamming
!Also, does anyone else wish someone would bring back his crazy legs when he does the midair jump?
- Comment on This post is in honor of [username]2 1 month ago:
Weirdly, my password was rejected because someone else used “hunter” as theirs, so I had to add a damn 2 to it, smh
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose well groomed. 2 months ago:
Warning: description of “light” body horror
Have you seen the drawing (thankfully) of the thin strip of skin above the fingernail being peeled all the way back to the knuckle?
That image ruined me the first time I found it.
- Comment on This one is going to be controversial 2 months ago:
I wanted to post the “everyone disliked that” meme but I’m clearly in the minority. Perhaps even more so as I love both black and green olives on my pizza 😋
To each their own! If anyone else likes olives I’ll be over here enjoying my abomination alone.
- Comment on Yaay 2 months ago:
My absolute favorite part is the near-unanimous expression of misery from all those commenting. We’ve all had a truly wretched encounter today
- Comment on Thanks for the holiday favicon LW 2 months ago:
Come on now, he’s only a little blue.
- Comment on Skyrim Is 13 Years Old, But Elder Scrolls 6 Is Nowhere in Sight While Bethesda’s First Four Games Took Only 12 Years 4 months ago:
Agreed. They need to retire that dogshit engine and write a new one. I know that’s a huge and expensive undertaking, which is why they probably won’t. TES6 will sell like hotcakes on its name alone.
I had been looking forward to TES6 for so damn long, but at this point the most exciting thing we can look forward to is the crazy glitches that speedrunners will discover. That is, if they’re not just the same glitches we’ve alll seen time and again.
- Comment on 5 months ago:
I was talking to a friend the other day and trying to convey how good that fight looks. In some ways it’s kind of cliché (the narrative flips on the “lightning” switch for effect), but it’s so well-done that it doesn’t matter. If you let yourself get swept up in the story, it’s so damn tense and emotional. And the music, oh my god…
Off-topic, but I finally beat TotK the other day and the experience was utterly transcendent. I’m still blown away. They seriously made up for the deflated final fight in BotW, and then some.
- Comment on Bless 🙏🏻 5 months ago:
I don’t think I could find it, but there’s a different, older version of this meme with the same pic. The punchline is indeed the first part of this one, but it was done in a much more subtle way and didn’t ruin the joke by spelling it out with “murder instead of suicide.”
Shame on whoever stole the joke and then not only told it badly, but ended it with necrophilia.
- Comment on THICC 5 months ago:
“We apologize for the apology. Those responsible for demanding it have been sacked.”
- Comment on What are your favorite racing games? 6 months ago:
The only Zelda-like I can think of right now is Tunic. I haven’t finished it yet, but it’s a great game. It’s on PC and all the major consoles. I’d say it’s more like the pre-N64 Zeldas than the open-world ones. Also has an in-game manual that’s 100% inspired by the manual that came with the first Zelda on NES. Incredibly charming game.
- Comment on What are your favorite racing games? 6 months ago:
Respect 👍 I still have all my old consoles and games from my childhood, all the way back to the NES. And I still collect classics that I didn’t grow up with. Hope you play yours on a good ol’ CRT :)
- Comment on What are your favorite racing games? 6 months ago:
I really like DKR but I was never amazing at it. Especially the boss races. Killer soundtrack though. I listen to it more often than I play the game lol
In case you don’t know about it, there’s a cool site called Retro Achievements that has community-curated achievement sets for thousands of games (and leaderboards for specific tasks, like Mario 64’s Princess’ Secret Slide), and it integrates nicely with RetroArch and Dolphin (I haven’t looked into other emulators, but I’m sure there are other supported ones). It’s given me a great reason to play all my childhood games again, instead of playing them just to waste time.
Speaking of BK, I finished that set just last night and it was so satisfying. I’m sure you’d make short work of the DKR achievements!
- Comment on A major disappointment 6 months ago:
If “A Major” in the title was intentional, then bravo!
Honestly I’d be exited to be able to meet the composer anyway, and maybe give him a pat on the head.
- Comment on Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet 6 months ago:
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 6 months ago:
the Borderlands movie I would have loved will never exist.
For me it’s Monster Hunter. I refuse to watch the one they made a few years ago. I wonder if there’s a supercut of only scenes that feature the monsters. Or anything involving the Charge Blade.
After reading the synopsis, why tf did they have to make it an isekai?
- Comment on what would happen if a rogue, earth-size planet ran straight into the sun? anything interesting? 7 months ago:
Thankfully the chances of that happening would be reduced by the difference between the solar system’s ecliptic place vs that of the Milky Way. According to this Stack Exchange user, it’s a 60.2-degree difference. Illustrated beautifully here.
Then again, it isn’t called a “cloud” for nothing. Still, a large chunk of it is theorized to be aligned with the plane of the solar system.
- Comment on The circle of life 8 months ago:
Like I said, it’s just the way I feel about it. Yours is a compelling argument though, and honestly more fun!
- Comment on The circle of life 8 months ago:
I’d say no, because the microplastics aren’t really a part of it DNA. But that’s just my definition.
I think we could say that we all have dinosaurs inside us, just like our pesky skeletons.
- Comment on Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana' 9 months ago:
You’re right. I wasn’t sure if you were talking about new or old games. I’ll always encourage owning ROMs as opposed to paying monthly to access them for the few years they’ll be available on [current device]. And with such a tiny library, too.
Then there are other factors, like not being able to access certain versions (Nintendo offers only the Shindou version of SM64 because breaking an ancient single player game for fun is verboten).
- Comment on Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana' 9 months ago:
Not even just out of spite. In a way its another form of “voting with one’s wallet”. It will affect their sales, and if their heads aren’t too far up their assess (like, sitting on their own shoulders), they’ll finally get a clue.
But I’m not holding my breath.
- Comment on Windows just changed the desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update 9 months ago:
This is really cool, thanks for sharing!
- Comment on Windows just changed the desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update 9 months ago:
You can find plenty of ISO files on I’m not sure about the legality of it, so I’ll say I don’t condone doing it, etc. But some of them have been there for several years, so I think MS doesn’t care.
Just be careful about clinking links in the user comments. People have been known to post shady links and moderation seems to be lacking, from what I’ve seen.
Good luck getting your game to run! Oh, and long live!
- Comment on Windows just changed the desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update 9 months ago:
I have a virtual machine with WinXP and one with 98, for when I’m feeling nostalgic :)
Sorry to hear you have to use Windows… I’m still stuck on 10 but I’ve been enjoying the hell out of Mint Xfce and I’ll complete the move soon enough!
- Comment on His neighbors live in constant terror 9 months ago:
Your use of “OOP” and “functional” threw me for a loop for a second, then I remembered this isn’t about programming. I should get some extra sleep tonight.