- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 4 weeks ago:
There was a ban on selling machine guns to civilians that was passed in 1986.
The original Terminator film came out in 1984. So now? Yes, but then?
Probably accurate.
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 1 month ago:
Wanted to better illustrate my point about asset modernization, here’s an example of what I’m talking about : This is a 7.45MB animated GIF embedded among several others on the page for Helldivers 2 store page on Steam : Image
Here’s that same animation converted into an animated WEBP at 789KB… (I did an AVIF at 215KB with default settings from some random online conversion tool, but apparently Lemmy won’t allow those to be embedded / shown directly) : Image
It is literally ~10% the size, looks identical (could make better with less compression for just a few KB more), loads faster, and will play back in everything except e-machines from the late 1990s.
Additionally, modern formats support things like wider color gamut - which means you can create HDR assets.
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 1 month ago:
It’s not flat out “bad,” but it IS visually inconsistent when it comes to their overall design system element library… but their visual hierarchy, their arrangement of said elements, and layout - is overall pretty well done.
My personal biggest gripe is less about element appearance, but more on how inconsistent their tab layout ends up being from page to page.
When browsing, I always struggle to find a couple of elements - usually something from the specific set of tabs I want to navigate to like the “community” home, my wishlist items, or the shopping cart.
…But really my very biggest gripe is on my Steam Deck. I have the mod for allowing customized animated grid images… and when I go to the Collections section, the loading of those images grinds browsing to a nearly unusable halt.
- Comment on Anon expects more 1 month ago:
Former game studio guy who got out and into general software dev and doubled his pay back in like 2012 and haven’t looked back…
This is correct… that plus a couple other things :
Western game studios have ZERO qualms burning through people because they believe an endless fresh crop of 20-somethings can be brought in to burn out by forcing 96-hr work weeks for garbage pay
They got rid of the bonuses / profit-sharing you used to get when a game was successful and just fire people after the games ship… which means if you ever want to be a home owner, or have time to set aside for a family, you’re kinda screwed.
So what this means you’ve got a bunch of people who largely have ZERO experience on each project, and are in survival mode and learning as they go, making usually games that are worse than their previous entries as far as tech goes (see Far Cry series where they show the tech used in FC1 vs newer entries), and when it’s done, they are fired and have to struggle to find another job somewhere else… or they bounce… like I did.
The only outliers are game companies outside the U.S. and a handful of ones in the U.S. (whose games I guarantee you love) and - surprise surprise - when you look at their teams… they’re a bunch of guys in their 50s and up who’ve been making games since the 90s and aren’t being fired after each thing ships or being asked to stay at the office and work over the weekend until Sunday at 3am for the entire 4th quarter of the year.
- Comment on SteamOS expands beyond Steam Deck 1 month ago:
I really want to switch my main desktop to Linux, but use it for remote work too, so I have MS Teams… is there a way to reliably virtualize it?
- Comment on Assassin's Creed Shadows Will Feature Denuvo & Account Linking + EULA also requires you to allow Ubisoft to "monitor" your RAM 2 months ago:
Already lost interest in Assassin’s Creed after they abandoned the Desmond timeline…
Played a tiny bit of the Black Flag one for the fun shanty stuff but that’s been it for me now for probably a decade… so all this has done has lowered my already completely evaporated interest of “apathy” down now to “actively avoid as if it were a virus.”
- Comment on It was rigged? 3 months ago:
Excellent summary, but I think folks were sad because a bunch of us had tuned in hoping to see :
- Comment on A Netflix exclusive 3 months ago:
That first punch that landed on Paul’s face made him stop dancing around like an idiot… but yeah after 2 rounds it became just a war of attrition, where Tyson’s knees (which apparently were in a brace outside of the fight itself) just couldn’t hold up and let him close the gap and deliver any of his admittedly still-fierce punches.
- Comment on Steven Spielberg is ‘a big PC Gamer’ — loves shooters, and insists on keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
There used to be stories (not sure how true) of him going to events like E3, Tokyo Game Show, Gamescom, and other developer-centric game conventions.
He also was a key figure / contributor in some old school PC adventure games like Indiana Jones from waaaaay back in the day.
- Comment on What's your favorite controller? 5 months ago:
If it had all those features and was made with some real quality parts, I would gladly pay 500 bucks for it.
- Comment on What's your favorite controller? 5 months ago:
There is no perfect controller…
…But I do have a list of features I would want my perfect controller to have based off all the controllers that have ever been made :
- TMR joystick modules (successor to Hall effect sticks)
- adjustable tension springs and locking mechanism for varied stick cap types
- 6 DOF / gyro sensors + infrared camera (Wii Motion Plus)
- Adaptive haptic triggers (PS5) which can be toggled to hair trigger mode via switches (Xbox Elite series 2)
- multi-touchpad on face (PS5)
- analog face buttons (DualShock 2 controller used this for the Metal Gear games) with customizable “per-button” color assignment / micro OLED or e-ink screens so button graphics can be swapped
- USB-C / 4 wired connectivity + charging
- baseplate contact-charging (PS5 controller has these so you can set them on charging docks)
- hot swappable battery pack + AA battery holder pack or ability to not have a battery on at all when connected via USB-C (Xbox 360 controller had this)
- swappable non-magnetic Zinc-alloy faceplates (PBTails new controller has these)
- removable back triggers with dedicated button assignments (like the Steam Deck’s L4/5 and R4/5 buttons; not just cloned face buttons like Sony and XBox do)
- integrated microphone with hardware toggle (PS5)
- proper “separate keys” d-pad… not the mushy type
- touch-sensitive surfaces for every button and stick (Meta / Oculus Quest controllers do this)
- per-finger-joint touch sensitive grips for each finger segment (Valve’s VR controllers did this)
- the ability to separate the halves of the controller so that each hand could hold one half independently and have them track similar to most standard VR controllers (think combining the switch controllers and Quest controllers)
- NFC communication (Amiibo-stuff for example)
If any single controller did even half of this, they’d easily be the GOAT.
- Comment on Failing Manufacturers Are Pushing the Narrative That Consoles Are Dying, Says Ex-Xbox Exec 5 months ago:
As long as there are killer 1st party titles exclusive to a console platform, there’s a reason to buy one.
Personally, I love Zelda, Mario, and most recently I’ve been excited about the new Astro Bot game about to come out.
Outside of Steam Deck emulation, you need a console to play those, and I do enjoy the convenience.
The last Xbox worth buying was the 360, because all Xbox titles are released on other platforms now - eliminating the need for an Xbox console.
- Comment on Borderlands 4 - Official Teaser Trailer 6 months ago:
For those who don’t know…
- Comment on Deadlock (Valve's Unannounced Title) Passes 12k Peak Players in Closed Alpha 6 months ago:
Doesn’t seem to be working - I presume because Steam says those chat links are single-use, so once anyone here clicked it, it becomes invalid.
I think a private message with that same kind of link would work though. Messaging you now. 😅
- Comment on Deadlock (Valve's Unannounced Title) Passes 12k Peak Players in Closed Alpha 6 months ago:
Hello fellow gamers! Can I trouble any of you for an invite??? 😁😁😁
- Comment on Nintendo Direct song 8 months ago:
Oh, right. 🤣
- Submitted 8 months ago to games@lemmy.world | 7 comments
- Comment on Arrowhead initially planned to make Helldivers 2 in 3 years—instead it took 7 years, 11 months, and 26 days 9 months ago:
Here’s a video showing everything iD worked on related to what was referred to as “DOOM 4” from like 2007 to 2013 before scrapping a huge part of (if not all of) it and coming out with the critically acclaimed 2016 version (which was only shown starting around 2015 at QuakeCon and E3).
- Comment on Arrowhead initially planned to make Helldivers 2 in 3 years—instead it took 7 years, 11 months, and 26 days 9 months ago:
I’m guessing they went back to the drawing board several times - probably because they felt their sequel wasn’t really as evolved or as fun as what they had hoped it would be, so they shifted I’m guessing from their overhead view to the behind the player 3rd person style game we know now at some point after churning at it for a couple years at least…
Like you know that Doom 2016 was the 3rd complete from scratch redo from what they originally started working on after Doom 3, right?
This sort of thing sometimes happens in creative projects; like when you hear a movie took like 7 years to make, it’s not necessarily that they literally shot scenes every week for the same film that whole time. It’s that the project was shelved, or they changed directors, or the studio lost interest for a while or they got a new script or something.
- Comment on Perfect Dark Reboot Is Allegedly In Bad Shape 9 months ago:
“Newer” does not necessarily equal “better.”
The real problem is how basically game dev is an untenable long-term career from a AAA standpoint… or at least it is outside of Japan.
Almost every major dev is not being run by anyone with more than 10-ish years of dev experience.
Why? Because studios shut down and fire everyone, or they get bought… and fire everyone… or the grizzled vets get burnt out, or find out that work-life balance shifts when they get old enough to want to start a family, or discover (like I did) that general software pays better, has less turnover, and doesn’t shut down as often.
Look at all the major players in the FPS game for example from the past 15 years… The guys who made Perfect Dark, the original GoldenEye, Killer Instinct, Banjo Kazooie, and Conker’s Bad Fur Day? Mostly not in the industry anymore or struggling while working on small indie projects. Some of the companies still exist, but the guys who’d be in their 60s with 30 years of game dev and design mastery under their belts? Gone.
Cliff Blezinski isn’t working on games anymore. John Carmack isn’t at id. Half of Bungie’s OG staff has moved on to other stuff or switched to 343 or some other smaller studio.
I said “outside of Japan” earlier btw because meanwhile Shigeru Miyamoto is still at Nintendo. Dude’s an absolute elder god of game design, and all he’s been doing is working on them for more than 4 decades at this point.
Kojima’s been making games since the 80s, so has most of the folks at Capcom, and the From Software guys have been doing the same thing for 15+ years at this point.
And then there’s the rare tiny studio or re-org of a once awesome team like Respawn after all the Activision / Call of Duty stuff or indie effort like the guy behind Stardew Valley… but other than those handful of exceptions, there’s no one but 20-something recent grads that pad out the teams at these giant game companies like Ubisoft, Activision, EA, etc. Even Blizzard is a pale shadow of what it once was. And Valve doesn’t really make games anymore b/c they don’t have to…
And every year some $10 million / year bonus paid suit shuts down an Ensemble Studios, or a Telltale Games, or fires half of the team at Square Enix b/c the new Tomb Raider 6-year project didn’t make a bajillion dollars after some exec decided that should be their target since “Clash Royale” only took 1 year to pump out and just basically prints piles of money.
- Comment on "PSN isn't supported in my country. What do I do?" Arrowhead CEO: "I don't know" 9 months ago:
This is like saying to any sort of person involved in commercial agriculture “don’t buy a John Deere tractor if you don’t like their draconic business practices.”
Like… there’s not really many other choices if you want to make a game that can do simultaneous cross-platform networked multiplayer and want to be able to launch on any console.
I mean, unless you want them making something that has massive difficulty coming to console… like maybe Lethal Company is the only recent example I can think of that’s a small non-major publisher-backed title that has networked 4-player multiplayer… and even then i’m not sure what sort of challenges that dev had when trying to implement any sort of netcode for gameplay.
- Comment on "PSN isn't supported in my country. What do I do?" Arrowhead CEO: "I don't know" 9 months ago:
Said this in another thread :
First off - yes Sony is in the wrong.
Second - Helldivers ain’t Flappy Bird. Making an online multiplayer game that needs the ability to do reliable matchmaking across multiple platforms with hundreds of thousands of players out there needs MASSIVE network and infrastructure support…
So you may say “don’t take money from the mob,” but this is more a situation of where if they HADN’T taken Sony’s support, they likely wouldn’t have been able to have the resources to have done all that themselves which could have made the difference between their great success and failure.
Remember that the first helldivers game was also a Sony published title where everything worked out fine for everyone then… but mostly because it wasn’t near as big a success story and making headlines but was instead a far more niche title lost mostly in the noise of smaller dev Sony titles.
I’m sure arrowhead has learned its lesson now and it will likely able probably to flex its muscles in the future thanks to its success financially - as I’m sure lots of publishers will be now coming at them with much more lucrative and favorable contract deals going forward, but they probably would not have been able to do what they wanted to do at the scale that they have been able to had Sony not been there to help provide that initial capital and infrastructure support.
This is Sony’s fault fully. The guys at Arrowhead are just wanting to have the means to make good games. They needed the resources to launch successfully and pretending it would have been feasible otherwise without said resources is sadly… naive.
- Comment on What happens when every time your browser sends data to a tracker it makes a beep sound? 10 months ago:
For some reason I imagine that scene in of one of the first few episodes of the HBO mini-series Chernobyl, when they wade into the water near the exploded reactor and their flashlights just immediately die due to the massive amount of radiation and the episode ends in darkness with the crew’s Geiger counters just going absolute ape-shit sounding like a singular continuous tone.
- Comment on How Greed Ruined Gaming 10 months ago:
No, the people who deserved it are the ones at the top with garages full of supercars and fleets of private yachts. The Bobby Koticks, the Don Mattricks, etc.
The ones who I guarantee you are NOT suffering or losing their livelihoods.
The tens of thousands of devs who got into making video games because of their deep love of them… devs who have worked countless hours and crunched over the holidays while missing out on sleep, family events and more all just because management won’t plan, can’t stop chasing trends and pivoting the project, and because they fired 10% of the team last quarter to boost the share price by $0.02.
The devs didn’t deserve any of that.
They don’t deserve to lose their jobs right after some game ships and it turns out no one wants to pay $70 plus micro transactions shoved in their faces every other round between matches.
AAA gaming is broken and many of my peers from that industry seem to be in a bad spot now at no fault of their own… but their boss’s boss’s bosses who keep steering the ship into rocks are the ones you should be throwing rotten produce at.
- Comment on Power-mad modder puts Sonic the Hedgehog at the heart of the most tedious game ever made, so you can speed boost to the end in 3 straight hours instead of 8. 11 months ago:
They should make it so you can find chaos emeralds and turn into super or maybe even “hyper” sonic to go double or triple the speed
- Comment on Plug and Play steamdeck! 1 year ago:
Quick fix attempt : from game mode, before starting the game, go to the game launch options, there’s one option to configure launching at various resolutions. Try to tell it to override with a specific one or even the “native” one, and it should fix things.
I had an issue similar when hooking my deck up to my 4K tv and playing Castle Crashers with family. It was only going up to 1280x800 until I made that change. Then it supported resolution up to 4K without issue.