- Comment on Wobble Wobble 5 weeks ago:
I swear just a few years ago it was polar vortex this polar vortex that on the news everyday about the cold weather and I haven’t heard it once this year.
- Comment on FOSS Strengthens Me 3 months ago:
Is postmarket actually usable yet? I tried it years ago and it seemed to be a dev only situation as it was just a skeleton and ran poorly.
- Comment on Barbie is bugs? 8 months ago:
So Barbie is a flamingo now? I don’t recall Barbie having a pink plumage, only liking pink.
- Comment on This has been your weekend PSA 8 months ago:
This is why you never do it. Just too big a risk.
- Comment on I feel betrayed... 8 months ago:
Isn’t it more work done over a day? One horse is able to maintain the work done by a one horsepower machine because the machine can work all day without tiring?
- Comment on Anon gives back 8 months ago:
Three birds with one stone is pretty good. Feed poor worker, screw corpos, fuck over exwife.
- Comment on Anon is a fish 8 months ago:
I think we all grew up with one or two non-verbal, watched at all times, screaming in the halls kid in our school. What the fuck would you want to call a kid like that? They don’t know or care what you call them. That’s what comes to mind for me when special needs is mentioned. Not autistic, or ADHD. Full blown mental retardation.
- Comment on Anon is a fish 8 months ago:
As is tradition.
- Comment on Anon's phone gets stolen 8 months ago:
Being 4chan my assumption was they were suspecting feds.
- Comment on Anon's phone gets stolen 8 months ago:
Or it fell out of their pocket before they left the house and they didn’t realize so they thought it was stolen. This would really get a conspiracy brain.
- Comment on Anon entertains himself while his parents are gone 8 months ago:
That’s only what OP thinks happened. In reality his house was getting broken into and they saw his Buffalo Bill ass and turned around.
- Comment on Anon is at a crossroads in life 8 months ago:
OP has the right goals, but having a kid doesn’t automatically change your life. Took the dude 9 months to start looking for a job? Yeah. Something tells me nothing is going to change.
- Comment on Anon is at a crossroads in life 8 months ago:
I think the OP was stating the opposite when he called his absentee father a fag.
- Comment on Never Forget 9 months ago:
An image of an event is not the event. That’s the reasoning there. There’s some sense of logic there, though the knowledge their abuse is used by pedophiles can absolutely be a continuing trauma for the victims.
- Comment on Speed 9 months ago:
Rather than speed we use radians/degrees per second. One of these things is very small.
- Comment on Never Forget 9 months ago:
For bulk downloading science journals he had access to.
- Comment on Anon watches The Last Samurai 10 months ago:
NTR is pretty big in Japan.
- Comment on Anon is vengeful 10 months ago:
Best kind. Fuck the kind of people drug dealers are. They’re all worthless scumbags.
- Comment on Anon caused 9/11 10 months ago:
But it’s not illegal.
- Comment on Simple enough 10 months ago:
Google translate chinglish. Nothing can go right.
- Comment on Atoms 11 months ago:
Don’t friends share?
- Comment on Anon makes a mistake 1 year ago:
But if I imagine him sexy that means he was a good president and I’m owning the libs.
- Comment on Above The Cloudy Abyss 1 year ago:
Somebody’s got to make a real version of this. Should be pretty easy with marine layer clouds on the coast.
- Comment on the Sun reacts to Zephaniah applying for a Cambridge visiting fellowship 1 year ago:
Having zero knowledge of him, I was asking for what people considered works that are representative. I did get one suggestion. Google can be rather hit or miss on lots of things these days. Most of my results were that he died.
- Comment on the Sun reacts to Zephaniah applying for a Cambridge visiting fellowship 1 year ago:
Knowing nothing of him aside from the supposed quote I would merely question his merits. Honestly I’ve never heard of him. Could somebody give me a representative sample of his poetry?
- Comment on Which burn was worse? I'm gonna vote for #11. 1 year ago:
The image doesn’t have to be true for what I said to be true.
- Comment on Which burn was worse? I'm gonna vote for #11. 1 year ago:
It’s not just a problem with the teachers. The whole system is rotten. Many kids go unsupported and fail due to it. Some may try to join the gangs and think school is worthless, some may have need for extra effort which isn’t their from parents or teachers. It’s unfortunate in such a huge beast like the NYC public school system, just like many others.
- Comment on Which burn was worse? I'm gonna vote for #11. 1 year ago:
A plant. Basically saying they’re one step above vegetable.
- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
You guess with a calculator and detailed instructions. Educated guess.
- Comment on Some of you shits need this 1 year ago:
Certainly gave off weird vibes but I wasn’t 100% sure it wasn’t just the blur.