- Comment on Could Joe Biden use his remaining time as president of the US to do away with presidential pardons? 4 months ago:
Joe Biden can do whatever he wants and it doesn’t matter because then Trump will do whatever he wants. He can do away with pardons and then Trump can decree that they exist again. There’s nothing left to stop him. Buckle up.
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 4 months ago:
What you’re missing here is that he has an openly corrupt supreme court behind him and everyone who was willing to tell him no is long gone. We’ll see how it plays out but it’s going to be hard to come back from this, and the Democrats are going to have to start paying attention and actually doing what voters want or there’s no hope for them.
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 4 months ago:
I didn’t read that as OP saying they believed that will work, I read it as saying the majority of Americans (or at least the majority of Americans who bothered voting) believed that.
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 4 months ago:
I was onboard with her but I honestly felt icky every time the Biden administration released a new statement about how good the economy is. How out of touch do you have to be to think the economy is good? Republicans have no intention of fixing that but at least they’re smart enough to see that people feel crushed in this economy and pander to it. And apparently that was a much bigger issue than abortion, which shocked me at first but as it settles I see that my fear as a woman pales in comparison to America’s fear of a woman and America’s struggling financial situation.
- Comment on Stardew Valley 1.6 is Coming November 4th. 5 months ago:
You might like Chef RPG. It’s early access but it’s been fun and the developer seems very responsive.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
I think I might have watched 1 or 2 episodes of this? I thought it was weird how he was talking about how known history is totally wrong and the vast majority of people don’t know the truth. If it’s the same thing anyways. DNF though lol
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Pretty sure you don’t have to interact with that trash to get it on X. Elon is a fascist wannabe and he loves that crap, it’s intentionally being pushed across the platform.
- Comment on Massive issues with sleep and desperate for a solution. 9 months ago:
Yeah it’s hard to help because you didn’t go into the nature of your sleep issues, but I hX wicked bad insomnia for about 2 decades and sleep great now. CBD/weed helped immensely as well as getting a white noise machine.
- Comment on How my morning is going... 11 months ago:
That’s only from one breach. I’d wager that at least 75% of our SSNs are out there since this is constantly happening.
- Comment on Why can animals eat grass that they have pooped on, but humans would get sick? 1 year ago:
My rabbits eat poop hay but not pee hay. They actually have special poops that they have to eat called cecotropes so I’m guessing their gut microbiome is more beneficial than ours. Also because they are hind gut fermenters, the bacteria necessary for the fermentation are probably different than the ones in our gut.
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 1 year ago:
I would suggest that you find a therapist who is experienced with psychopathy and see them. Although a lot of people who are psychopaths do terrible things, not everyone does and empathetic SEEMING behaviors can be learned and be beneficial. It seems like this is bothering you and getting a diagnosis and learning how to read other people’s emotions and respond appropriately might help. Even if you aren’t actually feeling it, you could put them at ease and fit in better. Radical truth is great and all but little white lies get told for a reason and that’s something it might help you to learn.
- Comment on Did the take Star Trek the next generation off of paramount+? 1 year ago:
I hope that they put them all back on pretty much any other platform so I can unsubscribe from that garbage service. My BF still watches Netflix sometimes so I haven’t gotten rid of it, sigh. Put it back there please. That was the only thing I used Netflix for.
- Comment on I hate using mobile to read articles 1 year ago:
It’s crazy that they’re trying to use ads to make money but all they’re really doing is making sure nobody sees their ads because you click on the site once and never again.
- Comment on McDonald's franchisee group says new $20 minimum wage California fast-food bill will cause 'devastating financial blow' 1 year ago:
Has McDonald’s seen what it charges for its garbage food these days? $20 ain’t shit.
- Comment on Do Multivitamins actually do anything? 1 year ago:
Iron although you won’t overdose on that from a men’s multivitamin since it shouldn’t contain any and a women’s vitamin has like 18 mg or something. But if a child gets ahold of a bottle of iron they can do serious damage or die.
- Comment on Amazon CEO Tells Workers: Return to Office or 'It’s Probably Not Going to Work Out for You' 1 year ago:
My previous employer put on a handout that was supposed to make people feel good about RTO that Denver was chosen as a hub because of a $7 million tax break. So it’s about real estate but there could also be other bullshit reasons for it as well, none of which actually have to do with collaboration or culture.
- Comment on plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago:
There probably is at least one instance that isn’t federated that’s dedicated to csam. These were uploaded to as an attack, and because of the way federation works some of the content is then downloaded onto the servers of other instances when it’s viewed or interacted with from a federated instance.
- Comment on plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago:
You’re assuming that no American user saw any of the content. I think the FBI could absolutely get involved if the content was seen by anyone in the US, let alone by people in more than 1 state. I’m not going to pretend to be an expert on child abuse or cyber crimes but the FBI devotes massive resources to investigation of crimes against children and could potentially at least help other agencies investigate where this attack originated from. And if the FBI were able to determine that the attack originated from the US, I assure you the DOJ is far less kind to people who possess, commit or distribute that type of horrible child abuse than they are to rich old white men who commit a coup. You’re kind of acting like this is just another DDOS attack rather than the deliberate distribution of horrific images of child abuse to a platform that in no way encourages distribution of child abuse material.
Anywhooooo the problem was much worse on since they were the main target of the attack. Does anyone know if they reported it?
- Comment on plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago:
While I understand your concerns, this instance has gotten a fair bit larger and will start to suffer the same issues that does if registrations aren’t curbed. It can’t grow infinitely. That just isn’t feasible for one server. Having closed registrations on doesn’t stop anyone from signing up on different instances. A solution might be to temporarily limit registration here in some way, and for the devs and instance admins to find a better way of helping new users choose an instance. The initial sign up process was confusing, and could be streamlined to make it easier for people to choose an instance. In the long term, enhancing the way federation works so users who do sign up on smaller/newer instances don’t need to be lemmy savvy to find content would also help alleviate that type of issue.
- Comment on plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago:
Nor sure about links but avatars and banners were intentional because those would be images, and all image uploads are suspended for now.
- Comment on plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago:
Other platforms also use armies of unpaid volunteers to do it. There are various methods, and with this being an entirely volunteer run an financed platform I really doubt if they is feasible. In the long term I like the idea of using technology to improve detection and moderation even if that requires some development commitment.
- Comment on Image uploads are now disabled on due to malicious users 1 year ago:
I’m going to go out on a limb and say they and all the other instances that were hit with this attack probably did. Which authorities, I don’t know. If this instance is hosted in Estonia then probably Estonian authorities, but it’s probably being hosted on the cloud so is it REALLY hosted in Estonia? There are a ton of American and EU users so hopefully the FBI and whatever the EU equivalent is. But honestly cybercrimes can get confusing because of the nature of people and hosting being spread out all over the world and it can be hard to even figure out who to report to.
- Comment on Pick your Lemmy instance wisely... 1 year ago:
I literally told them I like their animal community and want to look at animals and mentioned how I feel about bunnies and that was that, I’m an official beehaw member who can look at animals whilst signed on to beehaw lol they’re not for everyone and that’s fine because they’re not trying to be for everyone. If it does seem like a place you want to join they’re not insane about sign up, just give them a good reason you want to be there besides like “trolling lolz”.
- Comment on Why so many people get triggered about ads nowadays? 1 year ago:
For most people it isn’t the ads, it’s the way ads are implemented. They harvest insane amounts of data to track and identify you. Then the ads in social media are inserted deceptively, or you get popups that deliberately make it difficult to dismiss them, or you’re trying to read an article but there’s an ad between evwry sentence. Most people would be ok with small, non deceptive ads that didn’t require you to sogn away your entire life to target them to you, but most ads these days are not that.
- Comment on Does this instance have a stance on right wing disinformation communities? 1 year ago:
You…you want to be on a server that allows the intentional dissemination of harmful disinformation? There are lots of instances that allow that for you to sign up on.
- Comment on Does this instance have a stance on right wing disinformation communities? 1 year ago:
Hello, OP here and I just circled back to this. I want to clarify that I personally used the word disinformation and never used the word misinformation. These are different.
Misinformation is false or inaccurate information—getting the facts wrong. Disinformation is false information which is deliberately intended to mislead—intentionally misstating the facts.
I think the majority of people are ok with interacting with people who are misinformed. We’ve all been misinformed on various topics at different times in our lives. The community in question, however, and communities like it, exist for the sole purpose of spreading lies to cause harm to individuals or society. I probably should not have used the words “right wing” in my post but the majority of communities spreading harmful disinformation right now tend to be right wing. The admins removed the community and I take that as a sign that they will remove other disinformation communities as well, including but not limited to right wing communities.
The community in question had links to known disinformation sites. I and others reported these posts. I included links to sources identifying those websites as disinformation sites. The moderator of that community “resolved” the reports without removing the content, which I have since confirmed does remove it from the admin queue. Herein lies a serious problem. A bad actor can conceivably post a bunch of intentionally misleading information and links, then clear reports to hide it from the admins and there is no clear way to report a community or mod who is acting in bad faith. I was also unable to find anything in the instance guidelines that specifically outlined a stance on disinformation, which was concerning especially given that the mod was “resolving” reports in that way.
I’m not really looking for a lot of further discussion as I think the difference between dis and misinformation is important and that seems to have initially been misunderstood by some people. I would hope that the admins make an official clarification on the issue but since they removed the community I think that makes the position clear and any further discussion, if anyone wants to be on an instance that hosts disinformation communities, should be directed to the admins.
Again, this isn’t about misinformation as we have all experienced “being wrong”. Anyone who has been misinformed and is interacting with the wider community on good faith will generally listen when someone gives them some valid information to the contrary. People spreading disinformation are acting in bad faith and will continue intentionally spreading known lies. This distinction is important to my original post and I just wanted to clarify for anyone who happens in here.
- Comment on How does reporting work on Lemmy? If I report someone on another instance, do the mods from the community I report from get that report? 1 year ago:
Thank you for the info! That’s exactly what I wanted to know :)
- Comment on How does reporting work on Lemmy? If I report someone on another instance, do the mods from the community I report from get that report? 1 year ago:
Ok I was able to report through the link I commented. Thank you so much for checking for me!
- Comment on How does reporting work on Lemmy? If I report someone on another instance, do the mods from the community I report from get that report? 1 year ago:
Struggling with doing it without logging in so I’m commenting with what I think the link needs to be to work for me so I can click on it. !
- Comment on How does reporting work on Lemmy? If I report someone on another instance, do the mods from the community I report from get that report? 1 year ago:
If you mark it resolved as a mod does it also resolve it as the admin or remove it from the admin q?