- Comment on Enshittification 5 days ago:
Fuck. Like, I need a new vehicle, yet my dad has a 2022 truck that already needs a new transmission. I already put 8k in my 2007 vehicle to keep it running, but I can’t do it anymore. Are there any fucking newer cars that just fucking run?
Translated with DerpL
- Comment on Late 1900s 1 week ago:
I study social study and frequently use papers that are referring to Karl Marx. Or feminist literature from the 70s. Or black literature from the 60s.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
Ah, might be my wired humor kicking in. I just found it hilarious to find that T-shirt on Amazon of all things. It’s like a Butcher selling Vegan cakes. Amazon is like the Anti-Thesis to Unions, but happy to make a buck selling the line.
It felt like “discount etsy agitprop” moment to me. Just shows how ridiculous capitalis is, realy.
But than again, I am wired sometimes. My humour doesn’t always translate. Oh well.
- Comment on frenly warnin 1 week ago:
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
Sure. Have your pro Union T-shirt. And what better place to buy it from than
- Comment on Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! 1 week ago:
Total War: Warhammer 3. I play it more or less exclusively with a buddy in multiplayer. Been playing since part 1 came out. I love how the addition of magic and flying creatures changed the Total War formula up, the immense size of the map, the mixture of races.
Rimworld with a couple of hundert mods is still at the top, although I tend to let it rest for some months before I pick it up again.
Baldurs Gate 3 and Divinity Original Sin 2 are my favourite RPG games.
Used to play Skyrim with a bassilion mods a LOT and love it for the hours of enjoyment, but after so many years I have possibility played enoth of it… But who knows, might feel the itch and spend 48 hours trying to get every mod to run just to stop playing after one hour again at some point.
Loved the Mass Effect Triology. Only did one playtrough, that was intens and great.
Binding of Isaac is still my go to for a quick 30 minutes gaming session when I feel like it. I realy suck at it too, so after 12 years there’s still a lot left to do.
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
You can tell because non of them has feathers.
- Comment on Issue with images expected tomorrow over a 12 hour period 1 week ago:
I can’t post images atm, I assume this is the reason?
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
Money buys you the luxury of beeing in the position where money can’t contribute to your happiness any longer.
- Comment on 1987 4 weeks ago:
In Europe it would have been a thing because of Tschernobyl blowing radioactivity across the land for a while.
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 1 month ago:
It might be the case that restaurants have their own drivers, but Liefefando has drivers too.
See for example this Add (in German) looking for drivers
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
How infuriating are these
Yeah, they are realy infuriating. They are so bad at giving a good old Sieg heil. Like, half them are using the wrong arm. AOC is so shy about it, she has to smuggle it in wirh a wave. Bush shows how high is dog can jump, its such a low effort.
The only realy good nazi Salut is by Mr Musk here, for sure. Shame the others fumbled theirs so bad.
- Comment on and we thought our thing with beans was bad 3 months ago:
This is btw one main reason why milk is murder, because many of those calves are often killed for their meat. The other reason is that cows stop beeing productive and are killed way before their natural death, since the replacement calves are rdy to go (I think it was something like after 5 years with their natural life span beeing around 25, but I’m not sure if I remember correctly).
A bit oversimplified, but just to add a bit more context why vegans don’t drink milk.
- Comment on Anon plays spin the bottle 3 months ago:
I am currently doing my bachelor in padagogical science and I can ensure you that group dynamics and individuals position in those groups very seldom have anything to do with the individual. There are contributing factors in all personalities involved, but it more often comes down to how a group is situated in what context. Often youngh people internalise their roles and continue to act according to them in different groups. So, take it as a scientific fact that you very likey didn’t do anything wrong as a child, nor had a personality trade that was the sole contribute to beeing ostracized.
- Comment on Carcinisation? 3 months ago:
After several days of what I can only describe as ill-informed pro crab propaganda posts all over lemmy I realy needed this. Thank you.
- Comment on 360 Degrees Owl 3 months ago:
Spoiler much?
- Comment on Eat lead 5 months ago:
This is so fucking cringe that it hurts my brain every time they say it.
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 5 months ago:
I disagree.
Evolution is not so much a numbers game. Otherwise Bacteria, Ants, Viruses and the like would have to be crowned winners. So the point op brings up is mute.
The point you add, that they keep reproducing, is also not relevant in evelotionary terms. The short amount of time that we have domesticated chickens, let a side the very resent industalisation of animal farming (it started in the 1950s ish), is just not relevante in evelotionary terms.
I’d say what makes a successfull species is resilience. 99 % of all species have gone extinct. The “winners” of evelotion are, in my opinion, those species that have lasted the longest. And in that regard, chicken ain’t looking to good. They are highly dependent upon humans. Most industrial chickens are genetic aborninatons, bred for beeing fat, fast growing, egg laying machines to the point where their own bones brake because they lack calcium. I’d argue that chickens in their current form would not last long in “the wild”. Hence once humans are gone their is a high chance chickens will follow.
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 5 months ago:
And live their lives in fucking misery and suvering, at least most of em.
- Comment on Implants 5 months ago:
I thought the same :-).
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 5 months ago:
And this is it. This is how we arrive were we are now.
We’ve spend 2000 years slowly being nature to our wims. It has destroyed the planets ecosystem on a scale only seen by planet wide desasters in the past. We have driven countless species into extinction, and still counting. We take without any regard or resecpt for anything then our own needs.
That is exactly the mindset the comment I am replying to has to me.
- Comment on What? 5 months ago:
It’s such a shame. Children have so much curiosity for the world.
Adults should realy nourish that, not kill it.
I’ve worked with children in that age range (6 and older) and it’s realy crazy what they come up if you give them a bit of room to experiment with their ideas.
- Comment on Science Journalism 5 months ago:
Just that they are actively recruiting people from STEM.
Not only that, we have a couple of social science people around too :-)
- Comment on Poggers 5 months ago:
Let’s say ist a postmodern interpretation of the meme idea.
- Comment on Rip 6 months ago:
- Comment on Too many looks. 6 months ago:…/3821-the-osteology-of-ir…
This is the Paper that started it. They used some (at the time) new techniques to 3d model an old fossil they had, if I recall it correctly.
- Comment on Straightforward. 6 months ago:
When AI would have been the better choice.
- Comment on little hopper 6 months ago:
Also pretending that 4000 years ago humans were still hunter gatherers or something (it’s kind of implied in the wording imo). 4000 years ago there were plenty of fairly developed civilisations around.
- Comment on Oh, the humanity! 7 months ago:
Nono, there a “Priest”. Image him a bit like a scientist, but opposite.