- Comment on kmk 1 day ago:
The only rational answer.
- Comment on Poor guy 4 days ago:
This is 100% correct in high detail.
What’s amazing is that many other African countries have the same or a similar rule. And Starlink operates on those counties, meaning that he is willing to engage with the rules-as-official-bribes system. It’s that he wants to try and name the SA government look like they’re prioritizing bribes over “improving” things for the average person. He has demonstrated it’s entirely personal.
Meanwhile, Amazon and EuTelSat are going to have a non-politicized alternative to market before he ever gets his head out of his ass, and lap him in that largest market on the continent.
- Comment on Tea time 4 days ago:
Awww, so nice.
Can you serve as a job reference for them? “Yes, agent 83847 was sooooo stealthy. They never once accidentally sent me a dick pic.”
- Comment on I think I prefer the fediverse chick 6 days ago:
You know, one of the 20 reasons I left reddit was the rather widespread nature of people with genuine mental health issues being everywhere. And that often, they simply just get down votes and not anything resembling compassionate suggestions for finding help.
I haven’t seen many severely mentally ill people that can make it through the low bar of registering for Lemmy and be functional enough to post. But, I guess here we are.
- Comment on hate your job? how about you die and still have to do it 1 week ago:
The actual IP gem is the early 2000s CGI cartoon Roughnecks that was far closer to the original book. Underrated, bit also hard to find.
- Comment on The Guinness World Record for the largest private collection of fossilized dinosaur shit. 1 week ago:
This guy moved from Florida to northern Arizona (where you turn to go to the Grand Canyon) and opened the Poozeum where you can see the entire collection. Poozeum.com
10/10, would recommend if you’re in the area. Realistically, its a fossilized poop collection with a gift shop in the middle, but that means hilarious poop-themed things for sale. There’s nothing not to love.
- Comment on PSA: Some of y'all are overly afraid of scorpions 2 weeks ago:
Is this a common thing? The one I found one time in my pool was dead, so I couldn’t ask him what he was doing there.
- Comment on The science is divided 2 weeks ago:
Horse hair colors vary.
If you shave a horse, any breeds with dark black or blue-ish grey hair will give you a variety of that pallet, getting dark enough to be stopped and frisked in larger American cities. Sometime blueish-black skin and hair pigmentation matches as well.
Most other breeds will give you a pink color range.
Source: was given a saddle for Christmas once.
- Comment on Anon envies the boomers 2 weeks ago:
Lol, poor Anon thinks a Silent Generation meetcute in a cartoon is Boomers IRL.
- Comment on Grok 3 roasts Lemmy 2 weeks ago:
…I should get some Linux t-shirts…
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 2 weeks ago:
These people only tell jokes that are of the “punching down” variety. That makes them laugh. Stuff like this is wishful thinking, and it’s always “bro, it was a prank” to dodge ownership of it.
That’s how the party of personal responsibility works.
- Comment on Sorry 3 weeks ago:
Be the freak you want to see in the world.
- Comment on Get ya every time 3 weeks ago:
To be fair, that is how averages work.
On a bell curve half are above, half below the exact average point. If you take into account college students were exempt from the draft, you remove a chunk that’s likely mostly above the middle point. So by definition, the group leftover would be of below average intelligence, and more than 50% of people word fall below the average point.
- Comment on Erasure 3 weeks ago:
And we do. Only people unaware of the problem aren’t worked about it.
But these people seem unable to parse tough choices and bad choices.
- Comment on Erasure 3 weeks ago:
Ask your dad why the GOP needs to raise the Debt Ceiling by $4 Trillion in their budget bill, and how many of the now dozens of lawsuits Trump might win based on his performance in 2020 when he lost almost every single court case, even when Trump appointed the judges himself.
- Comment on Shitpost to the future lemmings! 3 weeks ago:
Our shitposts lay a shitpost foundation upon which a mighty shitpost empire shall survive and thrive!
- Comment on Nothing is true; everything is permitted 3 weeks ago:
Not really true for Buddhists. It’s more like “nothing is strictly and absolutely forbidden.”
- Comment on Been thinking about stacking eggs...is this a good price? 4 weeks ago:
About the same where I live.
It’s literally just the US and places like Switzerland or Fiji where egg prices are stupid.
- Comment on Neil A. 4 weeks ago:
He got better.
- Comment on Should I be Concerned? 4 weeks ago:
Followed by a Mariachi band playing the original Legend of Zelda theme.
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 4 weeks ago:
The underpants bomber is who we have to thank for these being everywhere now.
- Comment on Space Oddity 4 weeks ago:
Back in the day all the fancy hardened alcoholics would spray a can of aquanet hair spray into a cup and drink that.
- Comment on I have 10 lipa and you don't! 4 weeks ago:
Broseph, I got 10 kobo around here somewhere.
I’ll trade you that and a buttermint.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
This is how art has worked for millennia.
I go to a human artist and say “please make me a painting of my family. Make my wife more beautiful, me more tall, and my kids not look like little shits.” And then you give money. That’s a prompt for a commissioned work.
No one ever praises the Duke of Milan for commissioning a painting of The Last Supper. They praise Leonardo Friggin’ di Vinci for making it.
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 1 month ago:
Ahh, so not apricot brandy… Oh well.
Enjoy the sauna!
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 1 month ago:
If this was Balkan, it would have been espresso.
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 1 month ago:
User name checks out.
- Comment on I don't see the problem. It's A tree. It's not THE tree. 1 month ago:
Eric the star, Pete the fish…yep, that’s it.
- Comment on I don't see the problem. It's A tree. It's not THE tree. 1 month ago:
Sorry, my brain wrote it phonetically in gringospeak.
- Comment on I don't see the problem. It's A tree. It's not THE tree. 1 month ago:
OP, this is absolutely a Google Translate image of a French ABC book into English.
Arb is tree Cheval is horse Etoille is star Vache is cow Gateau is cake