- Comment on Not real... *for now* 4 days ago:
“Fuck you, Mc Donalds”
“What was that?”
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 4 days ago:
Blink detected… Added 10 more seconds of ads…
- Comment on Germany right now 5 days ago:
AfD has a guy called Helferich… A funny translation would be Helperling… I can imagine his role and his recap when they ruined Germany and Europe again.
- Comment on Balatro wins formal appeal to reclassify poker game as PEGI 12 1 week ago:
Just cut a few murder scenes and all the blood out and it should be fine 😉😉😉
- Comment on YouTube won't let me watch a video unless I sign in... 1 week ago:
Maybe, once a month when YouTube breaks their site and a video does not load, I execute
docker compose pull docker compose stop docker compose start
to load the latest images and usually, it works again.
- Comment on YouTube won't let me watch a video unless I sign in... 1 week ago:
For me, it’s running for months and I had to load new image updates sometimes, because YouTube likes to break it, but this was maybe once a month…
- Comment on YouTube won't let me watch a video unless I sign in... 1 week ago:
Quite easy with Docker: docs.invidious.io/installation/#docker-compose-me…
- Comment on YouTube won't let me watch a video unless I sign in... 1 week ago:
I’m once again asking you to host Invidious (alternative YouTube frontend) locally on your PC.
- Comment on Trump tariffs result in 10% laptop price hike in U.S. says Acer CEO 1 week ago:
Because of tariffs suddenly disapearing, there could actually be deflation when Trump is gone…
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 2 weeks ago:
Come one… Not realistic at all… Why is the Custom button not transparent? Or doesn’t it allow to go lower than 30%?
- Comment on New Youtube Web Update Requires HTML5 Canvas 2 weeks ago:
I’m once again asking you to self-host Invidious locally on your PC.
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
I looked on the shop website of a national supermarket of my country and it offers (without discount) Gemüsepaprika (that seems to be the translation of bell peppers) for 5,30€ per Kilogram… A kilogram is probably 7 or 8 of them… But as I told before: I’m 1 person, not a whole family. There is no way, I put a kilogram or even 3 of them in there…
Maybe, it’s cheaper here. Supermarkets try to sell regional stuff, if available.
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
I wrote:
Let’s assume 1€ for all the other non-meat stuff you put in there…
Even, if it’s 2€ or 3€ for other people… It does not change the fact that you can create a huge meal for multiple days for a reasonable price.
Even if I consume all the stuff listed by you combined with pasta and tomatoes (as much as a single person can eat), that’s still not 80 $/€ a week for me…
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
Feel free to post more untrue assumptions…
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
I think, it’s quite obvious that I posted examples and won’t write down everything I could possibly eat.
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
Well… I’m not feeling that I’m missing anything… My meat consumption is pretty low by the way…
1 kg Spaghetti = 2 € reduced price 1.5 kg Tomatoe puree = 3.50 € reduced price Let’s assume 1€ for all the other non-meat stuff you put in there…
Voila, Spaghetti Napoli… This is enogh food for me for lunch + dinner, lunch, dinner on the next day and lunch the day after for only 6.50 € total.
A frozen Pizza is like 2 € (reduced price)…
A large bread is a few €s, but is enough for multiple days…
If I want to reach the stated 80€ a week, I kind of have to eat in a restaurant or invite more people…
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
Probably because the only way of ordering was (and sometimes is) via telephone. Ordering via app or website was rare before the delivery platforms came and created a monopoly…
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
With 80€, I get around 2 weeks of groceries in Germany for 1 person… Almost free highest quality tap water, no breakfast, bread with something on it for lunch, something for dinner that results in leftovers for 1-2 days…
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
My favorite Pizza place in Germany has their own delivery cars. It might take some time to arrive, but you pay 30€ for 2 large Pizzas + 4€ for the delivery if your are located in the same city… 34€ total… Add a 2€ tip (tips are usually an extra and not their main income in Germany) and enjoy the Pizza… Easy…
- Comment on I get dumped on at work all the time. The least I can do is return the favor. 4 weeks ago:
My employer figured out a new concept called privacy… Walls from the floor to the ceiling and doors from the left to the right…
It’s in Germany… Privacy matters more here.
- Comment on I get dumped on at work all the time. The least I can do is return the favor. 4 weeks ago:
You can’t do that. Your toilet has the anti privacy features that seem to be common in the USA, which are designed to shorten your time there… Too easy to see above and below the walls, probably even through the walls.
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 5 weeks ago:
Amazon will probably get future tax benifits in Luxembourg because of that loss caused by you.
- Comment on You have got to be kidding me... 5 weeks ago:
They did’t even write IN GOLD WE TRUST…
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 5 weeks ago:
Meta says its working urgently to fix a problem with Instagram which results in a “results hidden” message when users search for the terms “Democrat” or “Democrats”.
If that’s hard to fix, I recommend shutting down the servers forever.
- Comment on Me too, thanks. 1 month ago:
It’s not only space, but also time.
You are crying in year 13.800.000.000 after the creation of the universe. In just 200 years, no one will remember you anymore.
- Comment on Well you see, gam gam... 1 month ago:
So, it’s “the algorithms”? Sure, buddy…
Alright, without looking it up… What’s scat in German?
- Comment on Now freeze and deep fry them 1 month ago:
A little bit more preassure and you create diamonds…
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 1 month ago:
- Comment on Hope you had a great christmas 2 months ago:
Mmmmh… Antibiotic with taste of chicken… Yummy…
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
If you watch 43 videos per day on every day, yes…
Some of us go to work or school or whatever and can’t therefore do that every single day, especially not when the videos are longer…