- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 3 days ago:
I would love for my 40k groups five year group chat to be leaked. My theories about Alpharius is valid I tell you.
Nononono, do it go! We haven’t even gotten to the part with Valdor, and the Emperor yet.
- Comment on Delightfully so 3 weeks ago:
I just watched a guy travel through the hills of Appalachia. The British Isles might not cut it
- Comment on A funny thing in Iran is how they repackage old PlayStation consoles 3 weeks ago:
I have an attention span of a 2 year old, so I never really finish games. But that one of te few to hold my attention all the way through. Even if I initially hates the movement and controls at first since I had expected a FFVII style game
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 2 months ago:
Fuck. For a second there I thought it was an ad in Lemmy, and was enraged that this shit was pushed. Don’t care me like that
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 2 months ago:
I don’t think there much else. Some viking history perhaps. Over 400 years under Danish tyranny followed by 80 years by Swedish rule sort of made sure nothing happened from 1200 to 1900
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 2 months ago:
The made up spelling might be the Norwegian, or me fucking up as I also speak/read English and german. Flemish boggles the mind for me since I can read it with context, but it’s incomprehensible when spoken.
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 2 months ago:
Am I the only non Belgian to enjoy Belgium? Decent cities like Brügge, Ghent, Antwerpen, Leuven and Brussels. Trappist Beer, Kriek, Moules frites. Excellent comics like Spirou, Tintin and Thorgal. And as a Norwegian I can relate to a football team full of stars that don’t win shit. (Norway can never even qualify dor anything)
It shows that I have only ever been in Flandern, but guess there are stuff in Vallonia to.
- Comment on The warning on PBS Nova is heartbreaking! 2 months ago:
In the end I only saw devils marching in with pitchforks
- Comment on Any relations experts? 2 months ago:
No shade on those who fancy men, ut I don’t swing that way so it never came up :)
- Comment on Any relations experts? 2 months ago:
I spent so many years in the army I am stil not really de-institutionalized. I made my bed every day as a student with bed spread as I didn’t want to dirty my bed clothes I’m case someone sat on the bed (small room). I still fold clothes for easy counting. I used to make my wife super angry when I complained about clutter “in the common rooms” as I always took my comic, book or whatever with me as I left the room.
Tbh I only ever got positive comments from the women I dated.
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 3 months ago:
Good for porn?
- Comment on We dumb 3 months ago:
The more I learn, the better I understand Monthy Pythons song about how sweet it is to be an idot
- Comment on Bumper sticker 3 months ago:
Not even slightly offended. I have no issues with the trans community. Just pointed out the inconsistency in the use of WH40K related iconography. Would think a custodes (that now even have confirmed female members, much to the chagrin of the basement dwelling neck beards) would be a better choice.
I love the 40k setting, but I am also wary when it is used outside of that setting as it is really not a nice place, and often the people who idolizes it are not nice people.
- Comment on Bumper sticker 3 months ago:
Is the use of what looks like the Black Legion because they are trans humans? They are very much a danger to humans. Or is the Emperor here a symbol of intolerance.
Even tho’ I agree with the sentiment of the sticker… Tbh in a real life situation I will side with the Emperor every time as it in the lore is the only thing that stops my soul from being devoured by warp spawn when I die. Fuck traitor space Marines.
- Comment on Greatest video game ever played? 3 months ago:
Biggest surprise: Final Fantasy tactics. Bought it for PSOne, PSP and Android.
Time spent playing: WoW
Story: (though category to pick one) Deus Ex
Honorable mentions: Day of the Tentacle Minecraft Final Fantasy VII Diablo Mass Effect
- Comment on Greatest video game ever played? 3 months ago:
That game is one of my saddest histories. As a bit to young to play it I bought it and found it immensely boring hust slogging through the dungeon at the start. Didn’t understand the weapon system. Eventually after several tries I got into the city proper but couldn’t handle that fist boss fight. Put it aside and never picked it back up again. Still have the game somewhere. No PSOne tho’
- Comment on turned them into their final form! 4 months ago:
In Norway they are sold as fast food and are called rollerburger
- Comment on How to clean a rescued pigeon 5 months ago:
The bad hunter who misses all the shots and buys the fowl in the market
- Comment on Extra easy for predators 5 months ago:
Tbf. Not that many predators left in northern Sweden/Norway/Finland. And believe me that the Sami reindeer owners work their hardest to illegally hunt the remaining down.
- Comment on Anon interviews for a job 7 months ago:
I specifically did not specialize in analytical chemistry because of this. It’s relatively easy to get a job, but it’s mind numbingly boring to do the same tests over and over and over.
I did physical chemistry. No jobs but at least no one knows what the fuck you can do
- Comment on Chemists of Lemmy, how accurate is this likability table? 8 months ago:
Oh yeah. I am om team lead. The problem with Mercury is the vapor that ridiculously easy methylates when heated, and then you have a nerve toxin that quite easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.
- Comment on Chemists of Lemmy, how accurate is this likability table? 8 months ago:
Same with metallic mercury. But once it evaporates…
- Comment on Anon is anti drugs 8 months ago:
Thanks for sharing. Hope you and your son are in a better situation now.
- Comment on Anon is anti drugs 8 months ago:
Hey man. I am really sorry for you. Was there any indication to why the substance abuse started?
- Comment on Restaurant Bill 1 year ago:
Cheap sub contractors need so much constant control to make sure things are delivered on spec that it is almost like it costs more than to hire the more expensive company with a reputation for solid work