- Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 1 week ago:
likely only way this is going to change is if someone starts exploiting the kernel level anticheats and causes noticeable consequences for people who dont care they have it installed. In essence, its just (hopefully) difficult to use rootkit waiting to be used anyway.
- Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 1 week ago:
oh, so that was what it was about. they sure were really quiet about not caring about it in the first place.
- Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 1 week ago:
its never too late to start resisting something. Though it is too late if no one cares to do anything about it, not even yourself.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 1 week ago:
Imo, what your aunt is doing is okay as long as she doesnt start hoarding more and more houses and acts fairly. There is some value in not having to deal with problems that come with owning apartment but uncertainty of the world burns that value away easily. As landlord you have a duty to take care of your tenants and if you cant do that then you shouldnt be allowed to own property like that.
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 2 weeks ago:
doesnt have to be just one, have many. doesnt even have to be tons of people, just 2 trying to actively do things is something.
- Comment on Uno what really happened 2 weeks ago:
maybe he lost a loved one
- Comment on Bitcoin man sues Newport council over '£600m fortune lost in tip' - BBC News 2 weeks ago:
the man must be consumed by the idea of that harddrive
- Comment on Palworld announces Terraria crossover 3 weeks ago:
palworld is more like ark anyway
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 4 weeks ago:
If there is truely no way to avoid violence, then we should stop fucking around. If there is any organized effort going on regarding opposing facism, planet dying, billionaires taking everything its failing quite badly at conveying there is any hope.
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 4 weeks ago:
What i’m trying to do is suggest we should try to find alternatives to where we are eventually going, which is both sides attacking eachother for real.
And while there is no moral equivalence, there is equivalence between our hate of fascism and their hate of our way of thinking. Do you really want to be the opposite side of same coin?
Also, i dont see the need to be immidiately so offended and attack me verbally like that. You can point out the mistakes someone has made and offer your own corrections to them and discuss like civilized people. Was everything i said truely so offensive?
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 4 weeks ago:
We really need better terms than facist or nazi. People keep confusing the meaning of the words because its all we have for description of these type of people. There might be some overlap, but unless it 100% fits it just creates opportunities for people to be confused and issue to get muddied by pointless arguments and misunderstandings.
For some time i have thought this type of thoughtset as “dark humanity”, but i’m not sure how fitting term it is and it feels kind of over dramatic. It just feels like humans are kind of split, with some in the middle too. Though i’m also worried that making such clear distinction would also make the separation more solid.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 4 weeks ago:
is that party in the pockets of oil companies or are they just insane?
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 5 weeks ago:
there are millions being poured into propaganda against using anything but fossil fuels, it all stems from there. But i wonder if its better this way or the alternative way where we would use more nuclear energy but since there would be so much money to be made, the rich would use their money to make all safety regulations null. I wish we could just get rid of the source problem.
- Comment on Why don't we just gather up all the ocean's trash and all the nonrecyclables, put them in a rocket, and launch it into the sun? 1 month ago:
putting anything on orbit costs A LOT, per kg. Not worth it
- Comment on Don't Engage with Trolls 1 month ago:
report to who? the ones who profit from them?
- Comment on 'It even breaks my heart a bit': Denuvo pushes back on its haters, says Steam forums are a 'very toxic, very hostile environment' 1 month ago:
denuvo is hostile and toxic program
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 1 month ago:
i want to fall for it yet i keep waiting for further development, thankfully they occasionally do free flight events so I can actually test the game without having to pay
- Comment on we already cut the staff and food 2 months ago:
now its just Cdonalds
- Comment on Bethesda, you just entered the no flight zone 2 months ago:
Bethesta is gone, no point in expecting anything from them anymore.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 2 months ago:
I think it may be subtle way to say fuck you
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 2 months ago:
dont buy crappy products. Some companies are simply too malicious and should be avoided. Advise others to do the same and it might even have some impact.
- Comment on The chat in World of Warcraft is what keeps me coming back 3 months ago:
what started that meme in wow?
- Comment on Society problems? The Pokemon Company is here to help. 3 months ago:
Be worried about everyone
- Comment on Society problems? The Pokemon Company is here to help. 3 months ago:
pokemon abridged’s brock approves this
- Comment on Or even a few days 3 months ago:
i get anxious if i havent seen my cat for a while
- Comment on The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter 4 months ago:
Decent thing to do would have been ask valve for time when they want the article published
- Comment on Google's reCAPTCHAv2 is just labor exploitation, boffins say • The Register 4 months ago:
there should be a plugin that autosolves these
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
because that is what its owner wants to promote
- Comment on Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity? 6 months ago:
I dont want to read or see negative news, but it feels i have to be aware of them so things dont hit me blindsided. I’m so tired of this world
- Comment on What would be the consequences of a smallsword wound to the belly? 6 months ago:
if stomach gets cut, the acid could flow out. Death by being dissolved by your own stomach acid wouldnt be nice one.