- Comment on PROOF 11 months ago:
The proportion of flat earthers to people who talk about them is staggering. Post gets a downvote from me
- Comment on Windows users don't want copilot on their taskbar 11 months ago:
People who don’t understand how LLMs work aren’t necessarily of low intelligence.
Don’t get ignorance and intelligence mixed up. People of low intelligence do that
- Comment on How do you keep your homes clean? 11 months ago:
Not true, it takes me a moment to put away my things into drawers and tidy up after myself.
- Comment on Form over function, eh? 11 months ago:
Yup you’re right I didn’t notice it’s a GIF
- Comment on Form over function, eh? 11 months ago:
Although it’s dumb, it doesn’t rule out the theory. But yes America is… Something
- Comment on Form over function, eh? 11 months ago:
How do we know this isn’t just someone on the brake where one bulb has blown?
- Comment on Nepal tells Everest tourists to take their shit with them 11 months ago:
Good thought, I’m sure they could fund it very quickly with the amount of revenue going through that damn mountain
- Comment on Nepal tells Everest tourists to take their shit with them 11 months ago:
In fairness it’s $35k to climb it, a third of that goes straight to Nepal and they have thousands climb every year. Surely that’s enough to get some robotics garbage & poop system?.
I get people should bring their own garbage down but if they’re that rich my point is that they can pay someone else to do it
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Sorry for being born as the two most privileged groups
- Comment on It just... works 11 months ago:
Just like with 90% of the people online who say they’ll sue someone for xy or z.
Court is a bitch
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
I almost killed myself because I felt responsible for Hitler’s actions when I learned about them at school.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
As a white man, I don’t give a fuck about group identity
- Comment on Why do people hate TV shows like The Biggest Loser and My 600-lb Life? 11 months ago:
“Hate”? No.
I just don’t care about the shows at all
- Comment on Roads at 'breaking point' as pothole repairs hit eight-year high, report claims 1 year ago:
For me it’s the increase in vehicles which is the obvious issue.
I remember driving in the early 2000s, there is significantly more traffic these days, access to cheap cars and population growth are probably the cause but the effect is equally as clear.
- Comment on octopus stinkhorn 1 year ago:
Oh shit that was your vid? You are famous in Europe my strong cocked lordship
- Comment on octopus stinkhorn 1 year ago:
There’s a Banana called that too
- Comment on 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G mobile data made some sens as it represents generational leaps in the technology itself but then Xfinity wants to advertise "10g" internet... 1 year ago:
1440 was a thing when 2160 released. 4k is a shit name because it infers you know what generation it’s 4 times the size of
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
Is it considered a bad thing? I haven’t seen memes or any modern shows joke about it
- Comment on DEATH STRANDING 2: ON THE BEACH – State of Play Announce Trailer 1 year ago:
There were two comments above yours, both the comments above you were saying how great the game was.
Therefore I’m calling out your objectively false statement that “this entire thread is just people shitting on the first game”
- Comment on Why has the world gone to shit? 1 year ago:
Of Jeff bezoz offered you just position in Amazon along with his entire net worth, do you think you (or 19/20 people) would disband that privileged position down to a point where no one would think you’re ultra rich poison?
No, most would give away some but continue to live a overly luxurious lifestyle. My point is proven because it’s the same reason why people enter the lottery, for extreme wealth
- Comment on Why has the world gone to shit? 1 year ago:
I hard disagree, we live in the era of wanting more. The overwhelming majority of people would do the same
- Comment on Why has the world gone to shit? 1 year ago:
Thing is most people on earth would do the same if given the opportunity to become ultra wealthy.
The issue is the system allows people to become ultra wealthy
- Comment on People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. 1 year ago:
Oh shit yeah I was misunderstanding which ramp, I see it now. Yeah that’s not cool
- Comment on People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. 1 year ago:
That car can’t use the ramp and there’s plenty of space to get a wheelchair between the vehicles, I’m failing to see what the issue is here
- Comment on People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. 1 year ago:
Devils advocate, how do you know they’re not disabled?
I seldom take my grandmother to the shops because she’s adamant we go in person and I don’t have a disabled sticker on my car.
I will park in the disabled spot anyway because she needs a fucking wheelchair.
Be careful whos cars you vandalise kids, you better me absolutely fucking sure
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Different toilets too, I’m from the UK and the water inside the toilet is a good 12 inches from seat.
Inb4 comment, ha ha your dick isn’t 12 inches?
- Comment on The fall of Firefox: Mozilla's once-popular web browser slides into irrelevance 1 year ago:
Agreed, unfortunately you’re right
- Comment on The more you know 1 year ago:
woaaah you’ve just changed my life. does the same go for small > medium? I wonder if two smalls are also bigger than two larges
- Comment on The fall of Firefox: Mozilla's once-popular web browser slides into irrelevance 1 year ago:
I would say a good half of posts on Lemmy are too click-baity for me to actually look at. Every title clearly has picked a side and it’s rare to see something even attempt to be impartial
- Comment on The more you know 1 year ago:
Did you know two mediums cost more than a single large?