For some reason I think of it as an older concept. Now Starbucks and coffee chains are popular.
If you count k-cups ….
Or occasionally as an ingredient for baking
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
For some reason I think of it as an older concept. Now Starbucks and coffee chains are popular.
If you count k-cups ….
Or occasionally as an ingredient for baking
We discuss below that k cups have grinds and a filter. Instant coffee dissolves.
Yup, 99% of the time. And it’s decaf too.
I just go to coffee shops. I live in Seattle ffs (though I prefer the smaller and local shops, their food and coffee is more unique and tastes better, and they usually treat their employees way better than starbucks
I have a 10 year old emergency stash.
Umm, is it still good?
As good as the day they bought it, i.e. complete and utter shit
We keep a little on hand for coffeemergencies. Say the power’s out and we don’t have any ground, and we either don’t want to start the generator just for the coffee grinder or are out of fuel or something. Or we’re camping and didn’t grind enough before we left. All this assuming we’re out of The Good Tea because that’ll do in a pinch. I’ve used it twice.
Sometimes. I keep it on hand. I usually do a French press or pour over coffee maker. But sometimes, just some hot instant coffee in theocrowave is good because I’m too tired to wait for the water to boil
Life is sad, and there are fewer options, when you drink decaf. It’s all I can get at work, while the big, sophiscated coffee machine, with all it’s flashy buttons, is dedicated to grinding life giving caffeinated beans to the masses.
I do. I left my pour-over coffee maker at the office, so I make do with instant coffee. It’s… ok, if I drown it in almond milk.
I do when I’m in a hurry. It’s not as good as the real one but gets the job done when I really need it.
I do it when I’m too lazy to make espresso at home. I have some freeze dried quality coffee that mixed with oat milk or vanilla ice cream tastes really good but I also do 3in1 which is delish.
Instant coffee is becoming quite popular again thanks to tiktok. People are sharing many recipes and its big because it’s very accessible and can taste good. Also people finally figuring out that there is some special prep involved like not burning the coffee etc.
I don’t really get beverages elitism tbh it’s all some weird nonsense we put into our water to entertain ourselves.
My flavored water is better than your flavored water.
My family does. Good old Bland Blend 43 Gold
I do when I can't be arsed otherwise.
On a good day, I slowly simmer oat milk and water in two pans and Aeropress fresh-ground coffee to make something akin to a flat white.
Can't be arsed? Oat milk in a mug in the microwave for 1-2 min and a tablespoon of Medaglia De Oro instant espresso powder.
I do occasionally. I'm mindful of my caffeine intake, so if I really want a hot beverage and herbal tea doesn't cut it I can make up a light cup of coffee, or a mix of coffee and cocoa. I usually do this after I've had my coffee for the day or when I'm planning on having my regular coffee later than normal.
I don’t drink instant as my daily coffee, but I do use it for baking and cocktails. When you want coffee flavor in something without the grainy texture of coffee grinds, instant coffee is the best solution because it dissolves entirely. It’s great for ice cream, frosting, coffee cake, coffee syrup, or anything else of the sort. I’ve also found that the quality of instant coffee has improved significantly over the years, so it does actually make a pretty decent cup of coffee in a pinch.
For ice cream you can also seep with whole beans and then strain. Uses a lot more beans, of course.
Can you add it to...
You can add the instant coffee to coffee and some powdered milk to some milk for it and then you'll have more coffee per coffee and milk per milk than anyone else
Ah yes, I love my coffee flavor coffee with a shot of espresso.
I do from time to time 1 year ago
I don’t normally drink coffee at all, but my parents still have a coffee maker, so they at least do.