- Comment on Why are arcade cabinets so expensive? 7 months ago:
I own a couple actual vintage arcade machines and paid less for them than this. If you shop around you can find deals.
I also have one of these 1up cabs and it is definitely not like vintage. Software may be the same but it is using a modern monitor not a CRT. I think I paid around 300 for it several years ago. Not full size.
- Comment on Best Buy Membership "discount" 7 months ago:
They're actually earning the nickname Worst Buy.
- Comment on [US] I'm hesitating launching my own business because I'd lose health insurance for my family. What are my options? 7 months ago:
I'm not exactly an expert so please research all of this further, but my understanding is that you have a few options. In no particular order:
- COBRA. I know it's expensive ($800 / mo or more) but you're still getting the "group" discount your employer gets. Cheaper than buying insurance on the "open market" without getting your employer's group discount.
- Major medical. This is health insurance but only covers major incidents. No preventative care. Shitty but better than worst case medical problems bankrupting you.
- Open market insurance. Just buying straight from a health insurance company. Very expensive. Try Obamacare first.
- Obamacare. This has different names in different states. Tiered costs based on income. You'll want to research how it looks at income because this might inform the timing of leaving your job/current health insurance.
- No insurance. Terrible option, but you can go to the emergency room and they have to treat you.
- Other insurance. I believe some places like Costco (Sam's club?) offer health insurance for businesses.
The whole thing is a confusing mess and no options are perfect.
Have you talked with other small business owners? Do you have connections to the business community that could explain what they do? If you don't have anyone to network with about this, FIND some people. Even just by walking into their business and telling your story. Many communities have business incubators or other networking for startups. At least one mentor could make a HUGE difference for you.
Is starting the business and ramping it up for some time THEN quitting possible? This could make sense for a lot of reasons, not just health insurance.
If nothing else, you could work long enough to save up 6 months or a year of COBRA and then quit to do your business full time.
Best wishes!
- Comment on Google Search’s “udm=14” trick lets you kill AI search for good 7 months ago:
Degoogle instead.
- Comment on a 320 year old elf marries an 80 year old human: Is the elf robbing the cradle, or the grave? 8 months ago:
- Comment on What should I know about buying / replacing a garage door opener? 8 months ago:
It might not be the door opener. The door/springs/track may just need adjustment.
I would call your local hardware store and ask for a recommendation for a "garage door guy". Then follow his advice.
Be VERY careful with garage door springs! They can kill you. Torsion springs especially.
- Comment on For a game that turns 40 years old next month, it's unreal what we are learning about Tetris 8 months ago:
I've always been pretty bad at Tetris. This video was very engaging and entertaining. It tells a great story.
- Comment on As someone who is aging. Late thirties. How can I keep my finger on the pulse of current trends, particularly in music? 8 months ago:
I would start reading Rolling Stone and similar stuff. The radio should also help.
Or are you looking specifically for only hip-hop?
- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 8 months ago:
- Comment on [IJustWatched] Blade Runner 2049. What do you think about it? 8 months ago:
I also saw it in the theater. So tragic that it did so poorly in theatres.
Visually stunning. There are some amazing looking scenes, standout being the huge holographic woman.
Tragic storytelling. These poor goddamn replicants who are so close to human.
Fascinating characters both real and virtual.
Instant classic. Different from the original and both better and worse.
I own this on blue ray. Thanks for the reminder, I need to rewatch both of these awesome films.
- Comment on How do people actually dumpster dive to get free food? Are there any other cheap/free ways like this to get food? 8 months ago:
Here is a free book about it:
Many excellent tips and tricks.
- Comment on Is it greener to just burn plastic? 8 months ago:
There is a lot of interesting info here:
Also, I highly recommend reading the Wikipedia article on microplastics.
- Comment on Brackeys is back, and will now make tutorials on Godot 8 months ago:
Just curious: How do these 2 stack up? In what ways are they better or worse than each other?
- Comment on I shaved for the first time in a while so I could update a profile picture and my chin looks like this. 8 months ago:
Whatever, bearded lady.
Circus in town?
- Comment on I shaved for the first time in a while so I could update a profile picture and my chin looks like this. 8 months ago:
Wow. You are one ugly lady.
- Comment on Somebody do something. Somebody? 8 months ago:
I am betting on the 4 day workweek. If Teamsters can get it them I might too.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
- Comment on Is the combined knowledge of humanity safer than it has ever been? 9 months ago:
- Comment on How Much Would You Pay to Make Sure You Never Sawed Off a Finger? 9 months ago:
I suspect none of you own a table saw. As someone who does, some cuts require you to remove guards and safety parts. Even pushing the wood through the blade too quickly can cause kickback and injury. It is very easy to injure yourself when operating a table saw.
I only got injured on a table saw once and it was kickback on a saw I don't own. Not certain, but I think I was not used to the high rotation speed of the blade. Minor injuries but I am very very careful when using my table the point that I will not use it at all if I think I am too tired.
- Comment on How Much Would You Pay to Make Sure You Never Sawed Off a Finger? 9 months ago:
From the article:
“All it takes” to slice a finger, he said, “is a sneeze or a knot in the wood.”
- Comment on I'm working on it, ok? 9 months ago:
I think there is a whole lot of variability in this equation. I do try to keep some "cushion" in the bank, but I can borrow if I have to. So if I have drained the savings I can still get by via borrowing for a while if necessary.
I'm fortunate that my employment is very steady. The chances of me losing my job are slim. If it were less steady I'd be better about keeping that cash stashed.
If the unlikely did happen and I lost my job I would pretty quickly have access to a large stash of cash. Which I'd rather save but would spend if it saves my ass from starving and foreclosure.
- Comment on I'm working on it, ok? 9 months ago:
You're right.
It WOULD make economic sense to sell those kids into slavery.
Why not profit from those rug rats?
- Comment on What produced the old dead channel tv static audiovisuals on tvs? 9 months ago:
There are many sources of electromagnetic noise which cause the characteristic display patterns of static. Atmospheric sources of noise are the most ubiquitous, and include electromagnetic signals prompted by cosmic microwave background radiation,[1] or more localized radio wave noise from nearby electronic devices.[2]
The display device itself is also a source of noise, due in part to thermal noise produced by the inner electronics. Most of this noise comes from the first transistor the antenna is attached to.[2]
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 9 months ago:
My newer oven has that. They suggest using a special pan of some kind for air frying. I think it also does convection baking.
Don't ask me what the difference is.
- Comment on Need android game recommendations 9 months ago:
I enjoy Vector Pinball quite a bit. Have also been playing Chip Defense, Gridle and Lexica.
- Comment on Is Chuck E Cheese a restaurant or entertainment center with a restaurant inside? 10 months ago:
If you call what they serve food, then I guess there's a restaurant with the video games and ticket machines.
- Comment on Sometimes when I say danke (thanks or thank you) some of my friends will say (and the spelling is wrong but it's as close as I can get) they will say danata or maybe it's dinata. 10 months ago:
It means "fuck you sideways" in ancient Sumerian.
- Comment on Plastic tea bags 10 months ago:
There are many designs:
- Comment on Plastic tea bags 10 months ago:
Isn't it cheaper to buy loose tea and use a tea ball? Does that avoid this entire problem?
- Comment on What would be a good glue to repair this spatula with that wont he toxic or come undone in a dishwasher? 10 months ago:
I strongly recommend NO glue and liberal use of your TRASH CAN. Then go get a cast iron frying pan and a METAL flip turner.
Do this so you do not die a horrible micro plastic PFOS death one day.